On Wed, 31 Oct 2012 16:07:23 -0700 (PDT), Smeenus
Post by SmeenusAll you east-coasters? JD? Pierry? Alan? Ron? Shay? Check in here everybody in the Sandy-affewcted
area & I can stop worrying about your fuckin' asses...
I probably shouldn't say this because I'm just asking to be smited
by the next big storm, but I'm kind of disappointed in Sandy. The
forecasts showed it coming directly at the area where I live (near
Hershey, PA) and predictions were that we were going to get at least
two days of torrential rains and sustained winds of 70 mph.
So I spent the entire weekend bolting down everything outdoors that
could possibly blow away and preparing the basement for major
And then we got a couple days of light drizzle and a few gusts of
wind that might have reached 30 mph. Pretty much nothing. The
power flickered a couple times but never went out, and there was
no flooding.
I know we got off light compared to a lot of folks, but I was
psyched up for a hurricane and maybe a few days off work, and
I bet my employers are even more annoyed - they let everyone go
home early on Monday and told everyone not to come in at all on
Tuesday, and the storm pretty much passed us by.
-- Bob "Lurker Bice" Eichler