Ron Moses
2014-06-16 04:12:58 UTC
I don't know how many of you have heard of the band Self, but they're pretty fantastic. I'm tempted to describe them in "if blah-blah and blah-blah had a mutant love baby" terms, but I can't list enough people to really get the point across. I'll just say that they (he,'s sort of a band in name only from what I can tell) have an accessible yet out-there thing with touches of Steely Dan, Prince, Rundgren (at his most wasted), maybe a bit of Joe Jackson, I don't even know. See? List-of-people fail.
If you have the time, give my Spotify playlist a spin. I think you'll dig it...
Feel free to sample any of my other public playlists while you're there. And post yours if you have any!
If you have the time, give my Spotify playlist a spin. I think you'll dig it...
Feel free to sample any of my other public playlists while you're there. And post yours if you have any!