On Sat, 24 Dec 2011 22:23:54 -0800 (PST), Smeenus
Post by SmeenusOn a related note....Good News! If you're stopped by police here in
Seattle, you have an 80% chance of not getting your ass kicked for no
good reason! <_<
Post by SmeenusBut nothing like that could happen in Mason, OH, Oh noooooo....
(Not trying to reopen wounds, and forgive me if it does, but every
time I see another news story of the DOJ findings that the SPD used
excessive force in 20% of their cases, I think of Dougie.
Post by SmeenusAlso, another thing that I've learned since then. Never EVER talk
to police. NEVER waive your 5th amendment or Miranda rights, ever. No
matter whatsoever if you're innocent. There are exactly 3 things to
Post by Smeenus1. "Am I being charged?" If yes, go to 3, if no, go to 2
2. "Am I free to go?" If yes, fucking LEAVE, if no, go to 3
3. "I want a lawyer."
Good advice. Obviously, most cops are following the rules, but the
institution has become corrupt. You are guilty in any confrontation
with police. Even if you call them to your home to report a crime
commited against you. After experiencing that, I can't think of many
reasons why I would ever call them again.