King Crimson, cool albums, and YOU
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Mike Pierry
2013-09-29 14:27:40 UTC
So King Crimson has reformed with THREE drummers, and none of them is Marco Minnemann. And I say thank goodness, because that leaves Marco more time to play on rad albums like this one:


But wait, you say, Tony Levin IS going to be in the new Crimson. But you know who isn't? Trey Gunn, that Warr Guitar wearing son of a Gunn. And he plays on this magnificent beast of an album:


You know who else isn't in King Crimson and doesn't appear on any of the above? Of course I'm referring to Guthrie Govan. And I'm sure you all know already that Guthrie and Marco both play on this fucktastic insane asylum of a long-playing record:


[Warning: The video for the title track "The Raven That Refused To Sing" fucked me up. YMMV, but just be careful.]
Antal Adriaanse
2013-09-29 16:07:17 UTC
you know who else isn't? adrian belew. that incident a couple of years ago maybe?

this is what belew wrote on facebook:

questions and answers.

q: are you in the new King Crimson planned for next september 2014?
a: no. after 32 years I am no longer in King Crimson.

q: were you asked to be in the new King Crimson?
a: no, I was not. robert informed me in an email that he was starting a 7-piece version of the band. he said I would not be right for what the band is doing.

q: so, how do you feel?
a: "happy with what I have to be happy with". which is quite a lot.

I'm busy creating something I've wanted to create all my life, something which has never been done. FLUX: never the same twice. creatively I'm exploding with new ideas, songs, and music. in 60 days I'll be touring south america with my beloved Power Trio and next spring I'll be touring europe with Crimson Project, which is a celebration of the crimson music tony, pat, and I have help create. life is great.

q: what would you like to say to crimson fans about the new King Crimson?
a: my advice is to check it out and if you like it: support it.
and on that note: thanks to all of you for your continued support of my music.

the mike keneally band tour chronology
e: chronology(at)keneally.com
i: http://www.keneally.com/chronology
Ron Moses
2013-09-30 13:20:14 UTC
Post by Antal Adriaanse
you know who else isn't? adrian belew. that incident a couple
of years ago maybe?
Can't say I'm familiar with that incident.

I'm excited for new KC, although three drummers seems like too many drummers. At least one too many drummers, possibly two. But knowing Fripp, three is precisely the correct number of drummers.

Antal Adriaanse
2013-09-30 20:16:17 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
Can't say I'm familiar with that incident.
I had a feeling that things between RF and AB soured a bit after a planned 2009 40th anniversary Crimson tour couldn't go through because Belew had a solo tour in that period. A couple of days later it turned out Belew's tour wasn't going to happen, but by then RF had already returned to retired mode. Some time later RF wrote this: http://www.dgmlive.com/diaries.htm?entry=15905

(Actually, all not important. Always excited about new KC.)

the mike keneally band tour chronology
e: chronology(at)keneally.com
i: http://www.keneally.com/chronology
