(too old to reply)
2014-05-17 14:36:12 UTC

Who will be pleased to type to us their excellent MK experiences happening nightly now?

2014-05-21 15:44:41 UTC
I went to the Reggie's show in Chicago. I got my head ripped off! Anybody have the setlist?
Post by tombone98
Who will be pleased to type to us their excellent MK experiences happening nightly now?
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2014-05-22 01:29:07 UTC
Post by ***@email.com
I went to the Reggie's show in Chicago. I got my head ripped off!
Anybody have the setlist?
01 Skies Of Los Angeles
02 Pledge Of Allegiance
03 Archaic Peace Strategies
04 Backwards Deb
05 Hamsterdam (Doug Lunn song)
06 Blameless (The Floating Face)
07 Haugseth
08 I'm Raining Here, Inside
09 Current (Gregg Bendian song)
10 Pride Is A Sin
11 Your House
12 Dyslexia Mango Nixon (Doug Lunn song)
13 That's Why I Have No Name
14 Hysteresis (Gregg Bendian song)
15 We're Rockin' All Night With The Tangy Flavor Of Cheddar
16 Out On The Tiles (Led Zeppellin song)
17 Cheddar (cont.)
18 Ugly Town
19 The Jazz Discharge Party Hats (Frank Zappa song)
20 Scotch
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award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.
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up a bunch of newsgroups with harassment and off topic spin doctoring
that this has some affect on me as a chewtoy." - Ed the chewtoy.
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Chris Ingalls
2014-05-22 14:53:53 UTC
I keep hearing references to Mike/Craig/Doug doing an Elvis Costello cover. Anyone know what song(s) they're doing?

Drooling at the prospect of Mike covering Elvis,
Chris Ingalls
2014-05-22 14:54:57 UTC
I keep reading references to Mike/Gregg/Doug doing an Elvis Costello cover. Anyone know what song?

Drooling at the prospect of Mike covering Elvis,
Mike Keneally
2014-05-23 06:27:07 UTC
Ah sorry Chris. We did Moods For Moderns a couple of times at the Southern California gigs but it didn't really take. So we don't have an Elvis tune in the repertoire right now. Sorry!
2014-05-23 15:20:31 UTC
Post by Mike Keneally
Ah sorry Chris. We did Moods For Moderns a couple of times at the Southern California gigs but it didn't really take. So we don't have an Elvis tune in the repertoire right now. Sorry!
Ooops. I originally sent this to just Mike by accident:

Chris Ingalls
2014-05-24 05:20:12 UTC
Oh, man. Nice deep album cut. Would've loved to hear that! No problem...it'll still be a killer show!

2014-05-24 00:28:34 UTC
On Sat, 17 May 2014 07:36:12 -0700 (PDT), tombone98
Post by tombone98
Who will be pleased to type to us their excellent MK experiences happening nightly now?
The show at Orion Studios last night was great. The band had to
compete with another band playing in a nearby room (Orion rents out
rehersal spaces), but it wasn't too distracting and led to some funny
comments from Mike.

Here's the set list, to the best of my ability to figure it out:

Pride is a Sin
Archaic Peace Strategies
Backwards Deb
Blameless (the Floating Face)
I'm Raining Here, Inside
Li'l -> That's Why I Have Name -> Li'l
Your House
Dislexia Mango Nixon
We're Rockin' All Night with the Flavor of Cheddar ->
Out on the Tiles -> Cheddar

encore: Uglytown

The band played for a little under two hours - the show ended around
11pm. Orion's a bit of a drive for me, so I ended up not getting
home until close to 1am, but it was worth it.

I'm guessing the two songs that I don't have titles for were Pledge of
Allegience and Skies of LA, based set lists from other shows (I've
never heard either of those songs before).

If anyone's interested, I put my low-budget audience recording of
the show up on Dime.

-- Bob
2014-05-24 13:39:34 UTC
On Sat, 24 May 2014 00:28:34 GMT,
In the comments section on Dime someone filled in the two missing
song titles, so the full Orion Studios set list was this:

Pride is a Sin
Skies of Los Angeles/Pledge of Allegiance
Archaic Peace Strategies
Backwards Deb
Blameless (the Floating Face)
I'm Raining Here, Inside
Li'l -> That's Why I Have No Name -> Li'l
Your House
Dislexia Mango Nixon
We're Rockin' All Night with the Flavor of Cheddar ->
Out on the Tiles -> Cheddar
Surf's Up
encore: Uglytown

Have Skies of Los Angeles, Pledge of Allegiance and/or Surf's Up
appeared on any albums yet, or do people just know the names from
previous live performances?

-- Bob
Mike Pierry
2014-05-26 15:50:03 UTC
Post by Bice
On Sat, 24 May 2014 00:28:34 GMT,
In the comments section on Dime someone filled in the two missing
Pride is a Sin
Skies of Los Angeles/Pledge of Allegiance
Archaic Peace Strategies
Backwards Deb
Blameless (the Floating Face)
I'm Raining Here, Inside
Li'l -> That's Why I Have No Name -> Li'l
Your House
Dislexia Mango Nixon
We're Rockin' All Night with the Flavor of Cheddar ->
Out on the Tiles -> Cheddar
Surf's Up
I went to the NYC show at The Cutting Room. Setlist was very similar to the above, with a couple of interesting substitutions. The encore was Scotch. They did a different song in the middle of Cheddar, I think. I'm pretty sure it was not Led Zeppelin. I'm blanking on what it was, but I vaguely remember being amused by it.

Surf's Up was so great. It took me a minute to figure out what it was - I was like, "This sounds really familiar. Oh wait, this is the Beach Boys. Oh, I think this is from Smile. Yes!"

Really dug Archaic Peace Strategies. Not something that would've occurred to me as a live trio choice, but it worked remarkably well.

Thought it was interesting that Mike sung Backwards Deb in the 3rd person a la Wine and Pickles and then switched at the end to 1st person.

The song choices are really great on this tour. At this point, Mike's catalog is vast and he can really put together a setlist that incorporates a lot of different types of things. I brought an old friend to this show who mainly listens to pop music, but she's pretty open-minded, and she was really impressed.

I really enjoyed the subtly different vibe that Doug and Gregg bring to the proceedings. They're both enormously supportive players and you could tell Mike was enjoying the energy they were bringing. You can also tell Gregg is also a bandleader by his easy way with stage banter.

All in all, another great and joyous performance by my favorite musical performer.
Ron Moses
2014-05-27 13:29:56 UTC
Thought it was interesting that Mike sung Backwards Deb in the 3rd person a la Wine and Pickles [...]
Isn't it 2nd person in that version? I haven't listened in a while, I'm going by pre-Dancing tour memories.

Mike Pierry
2014-05-27 17:44:33 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
Thought it was interesting that Mike sung Backwards Deb in the 3rd person a la Wine and Pickles [...]
Isn't it 2nd person in that version? I haven't listened in a while, I'm going by pre-Dancing tour memories.
I meant 2nd person, sorry. 3rd person might be interesting though.
Ron Moses
2014-05-28 14:29:59 UTC
Last night's show in Cambridge was a wonderful time. I don't have a setlist because I've done my time, dammit, and now I just wanna listen!!! Is that so much to ask?!?! (ahem, sorry)

But of course the big question is, what person was Backwards Deb sung in? About 30% 2nd person, 70% 1st, randomly mixed together. Casual indifference, or a conscious effort to throw off the grammar detectives in the audience? Scientists will debate this question never. But feel free.

I was surprised not to hear Uglytown but I was okay with that as I've heard it a bazillion times. Li'l more than made up for it. They beat that thing with great viciousness, and my head was literally spinning by the end. (I'm too old to head-bang, apparently.) That's the one tune I would have requested, given the chance. That is, with one possible exception...

My wife said to me after the show that she saw "Pride" written at the top of the setlist, which is her favorite Keneally song, but Mike must have opted for Deb instead. Next time I'll know to plant the request in advance. :) She was marginally bummed not to hear that, but she really enjoyed the show, even if she didn't quite understand what was going on a lot of the time. Just getting to see Mike play is a treat, setlist be damned. I didn't always know what the hell was going on either, but sometimes you just gotta let it wash over you and try not to think about it too much.

I'd never seen either Bendian nor Lunn play before, and they were both great. I've only ever seen Mike play with Bryan, and the difference was astonishing. Lunn's "Dyslexia Mango Nixon" was delightful. Bendian's pieces were a bit too much for me to wrap my ears around, in that "They could be completely fucking this up and I would never know" kind of way. But I appreciated their complexity and overall spirit.

I think I finally had my real introduction to "I'm Raining Here, Inside." I've never especially cared for the song, truth be told. But something happened to it last night that opened my ears to it. I hadn't expected that, but it was quite welcome.

Favorite personal moment of the night: Immediately after the chorus of "Your House" my wife said to me with a quizzical look, "That reminds me of a song, I think?" I thought for a second and replied, "Bennie and the Jets?" "YES!!!!" It never even occurred to me before she said that. Fun!

And then there was the intensely drunk guy in the front row who I hesitate to speak too badly of, as I suspect he may have been somewhat mentally challenged as well. Either that or he was just spectacularly fucked up, but it did seem like something else was going on there. He insisted on repeatedly trying to start conversations with Mike in mid-song, begging Mike to let him play the drums, shouting "Freak me out, Mike!" about twenty times or so, and coming nerve-wrackingly close to fucking up the ending of "Surf's Up." He was recording video sporadically, and at one point he keeled over, straight down to the floor. Rather than brush himself off and rejoin the festivities, he refused any offer of assistance and continued to shoot video from where he lay, as if that had been the plan all along. He was even less amusing that I'm making him sound, and seeing him interact with Mike after the show I was afraid the guy was going to attempt to climb him. Douche chills abound.

But that aside, it was an excellent night. I've never latched on to Satriani, but I may need to check them out when they come this way just for the hell of it. I realized last night that I don't get my Keneally fix nearly often enough these days.

Chris Ingalls
2014-05-28 14:41:06 UTC
Excellent report, Ron. I'll write in more detail later today when I have time, but for now, I'll just say: one million thumbs up. Great to talk to you after the show!

I'm so tired,
Chris Ingalls
2014-05-28 16:07:26 UTC
As guest host, I was basically at the venue (or thereabouts) from about 5:30 to 12:45-ish, so it was a loooooong night and I'm exhausted, but man, what a show.

Load-in was a lot of fun, followed by dinner at the venue. I try to give the band some space at these events, but I have to admit it was super-cool to be crammed into a booth with Mike, my friend Dave (my "plus one") and Donato (assistant guest host). We consumed yummy salads (how rock and roll!) and talked about a bunch of stuff, mostly music, of course. Mike and I also gushed about our daughters - mine just graduated from Emerson, his just finished her sophomore year. I realize none of this is related to the actual "show," but indulge me here. This was a really nice part of the night.

I realize that not everyone loved the opening acts, but I thought they were both great. I'm biased - I've seen Bent Knee before, and I've become friends with Ben, their guitarist (a seriously terrific guy and complete Zappa/Keneally/Vai freak). They were supremely tight with an interesting dynamic (guitar/bass/drums/electric violin/female vocalist who also played keyboards). Prog-rock Bjork? That's one way of describing them, but I'm sure there's a better way. School for Robots were a loose, fun, guitar-heavy three-piece band. Kinda Replacements-ish, maybe? Anyway...I loved them.

I introduced Mike and the band, but don't ask me about that because it's basically a blur because I was kind of terrified/starstruck. They dove into "Backwards Deb" and we were off.

This is the first time I've seen a three-piece Keneally show, and the stripped-down dynamic really works well. Gregg's glockenspiel was deftly employed. Mike, Gregg and Doug are a terrific musical weapon. Mike is very much into the simultaneous guitar/keyboard thing this time around.

Nice to see the SG get a lot of playing time.

Nice to hear a lot of Wing Beat Fantastic songs. "Your House" sounded particularly gorgeous. After that song, my friend Dave told me that he thought Mike sounded a lot like Joe Jackson. I agreed with him (I like to describe "TRANQUILLADO" as "Joe Jackson on an LSD trip"), but I read somewhere that Mike doesn't see the comparison. Odd.

I really liked Gregg's songs, especially "Hysteresis." For that song, Mike employed a particularly chunky, distorted electric piano patch that reminded me of fusion-era Miles. Fun!

"Blameless" segueing into "Haugseth" was genius.

I loved "Surf's Up," and so did my friend Dave, who's a major Beach Boys nut.

Let's talk about Spectacularly Drunk Guy (SDG) for a minute. Ron mentioned him. After the show, I was talking to Bent Knee drummer Gavin (another very cool individual). Apparently, SDG is a drummer and major prog rock geek (and not mentally challenged, as Ron suggested - just drunk). He used to work with Gavin at Guitar Center before he left (or was fired?) after a couple of weeks for being drunk at work or something like that. Shocker. Anyway, I told Gavin, jokingly, "So it's your fault he's here!" to which Gavin replied, "He didn't even know my band was playing tonight! He came here to see Mike!" But yeah, he was really the one and only annoying factor about the whole night. I felt really bad for Mike, who handled it like a pro.

The Middle East Upstairs gives new meaning to the term "dive." But it worked well for this show. Mike told me after the show that he really liked the vibe.

Load-out was a lot of fun. We had a lot of laughs packing up the van, saying our goodbyes, taking pictures (including a few pictures taken with Mike's doppleganger - long story). It was a beautiful night. Lots of great music. Mike doesn't make it out to our coast very often, but whenever he does, you can bet I'll be there.

Ron Moses
2014-05-28 18:15:21 UTC
Post by Chris Ingalls
I realize that not everyone loved the opening acts, but I thought they were both great.
I'm not a fan of the concept of opening acts in general, especially when there are two of them, but I thought both bands were quite good.
Post by Chris Ingalls
I'm biased - I've seen Bent Knee before, and I've become friends with Ben, their guitarist (a seriously terrific guy and complete Zappa/Keneally/Vai freak). They were supremely tight with an interesting dynamic (guitar/bass/drums/electric violin/female vocalist who also played keyboards). Prog-rock Bjork? That's one way of describing them, but I'm sure there's a better way.
I might have heard tones of Henry Cow in there, but I'm not sure that works either. They were certainly challenging, and that's primarily a good thing. Very Berklee. The parts of their set I liked, I liked a lot. They did try my patience once or twice, but you can't please everyone.
Post by Chris Ingalls
School for Robots were a loose, fun, guitar-heavy three-piece band. Kinda Replacements-ish, maybe? Anyway...I loved them.
Oh, you mean Sex Fist? Yeah, they were good! I couldn't always tell their songs apart, but at least they were having fun.
Post by Chris Ingalls
I really liked Gregg's songs, especially "Hysteresis."
I meant to mention this one. I was picking up an "ELP on crystal meth" vibe on that one. And I mean that in the most complimentary way. The keyboards especially invoked Keith Emerson if he couldn't tell where any of the keys were. Again, complimentary. I didn't need to understand it to enjoy it.
Post by Chris Ingalls
"Blameless" segueing into "Haugseth" was genius.
Agreed. It took me a moment to even realize they were into a new tune. Very nice.
Post by Chris Ingalls
Apparently, SDG is a drummer and major prog rock geek (and not mentally challenged, as Ron suggested - just drunk).
Well, I'm glad for that, both for my conscience and for him in general, though getting to a point where a casual observer has to wonder is not a good thing. It wasn't a pleasant sight, nor a welcome addition to the overall experience.
Post by Chris Ingalls
The Middle East Upstairs gives new meaning to the term "dive." But it worked well for this show. Mike told me after the show that he really liked the vibe.
It has a very funky basement feel. I was slightly taken aback at first, but it really grew on me. I've certainly seen Mike in worse venues (e.g. The Elvis Room, home of the annoying Lilithpalooza chick who chased Mike out of the street during his guitar solo!). I'd see a show there again.


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