Heavy news vis a vis the Smeenman
(too old to reply)
2014-07-20 19:20:01 UTC
My Sister-In-Law (my brother's wife) made arrangements for me to get a free eye exam. My concern was the possibility of early stage glaucoma, seeing as it's relatively common for diabetics, and I definitely had been noticing pretty pronounced peripheral vision loss, particularly to my far right. I see the world almost as if looking through a football helmet.

So I go through a series of tests, the first thing she says is that I definitely need glasses (in fact she told me that until I get glasses I'm not technically legal to drive) but my direct vision can be corrected to 20/20. I find some level of comfort in that, but I also repeat my concern about my peripheral vision.

So, "ok, we're gonna do one more test here....Actually we need to do one more.....ok this one is the last one I swear"...

So they have me wait in the little room for a while, then the eye doctor comes back with some printouts and a sort of grave look on her face.

The first ones are some pictures of my optical nerves in each eye, they're both healthy.

The second was a chart printout from the last test I took (I focus on an orange light and click a button every time I see a white flash), they literally look exactly like two half moons, with the left side perfectly dark and the right side totally white. This result is saying I'm near totally blind in exactly the right half of my vision field in both eyes.

I am already shocked, after all I can see straight ahead and to my left, I just don't see peripherally to my right. The explanation is that I see with the left half of my right eye, and that field of vision blends in with the left half of my left eye, resulting in a more-or-less normal direct field of vision.

She then explains that this type of result is not consistent with any eye defect. It is however consistent with a brain defect (I really noticed my vision loss last year but it's entirely possible that I just didn't notice it before that). According to her, these results indicate I must've had some kind of a stroke. The damage is almost certainly permanent, barring a miracle.

So the doctor lady will be working with my sister-in-law to get me on state-sponsored insurance, I need to see a neurologist and if there was a stroke I'm guessing a cardiovascular specialist as well. When I know more I well keep you posted. Needless to say I'm shocked.
Antal Adriaanse
2014-07-20 21:45:52 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Needless to say I'm shocked.
And so are we. And hoping for the best.

2014-07-21 01:39:55 UTC
Post by Smeenus
My Sister-In-Law (my brother's wife) made arrangements for me to get a free eye exam. My concern was the possibility of early stage glaucoma, seeing as it's relatively common for diabetics, and I definitely had been noticing pretty pronounced peripheral vision loss, particularly to my far right. I see the world almost as if looking through a football helmet.
So I go through a series of tests, the first thing she says is that I definitely need glasses (in fact she told me that until I get glasses I'm not technically legal to drive) but my direct vision can be corrected to 20/20. I find some level of comfort in that, but I also repeat my concern about my peripheral vision.
So, "ok, we're gonna do one more test here....Actually we need to do one more.....ok this one is the last one I swear"...
So they have me wait in the little room for a while, then the eye doctor comes back with some printouts and a sort of grave look on her face.
The first ones are some pictures of my optical nerves in each eye, they're both healthy.
The second was a chart printout from the last test I took (I focus on an orange light and click a button every time I see a white flash), they literally look exactly like two half moons, with the left side perfectly dark and the right side totally white. This result is saying I'm near totally blind in exactly the right half of my vision field in both eyes.
I am already shocked, after all I can see straight ahead and to my left, I just don't see peripherally to my right. The explanation is that I see with the left half of my right eye, and that field of vision blends in with the left half of my left eye, resulting in a more-or-less normal direct field of vision.
She then explains that this type of result is not consistent with any eye defect. It is however consistent with a brain defect (I really noticed my vision loss last year but it's entirely possible that I just didn't notice it before that). According to her, these results indicate I must've had some kind of a stroke. The damage is almost certainly permanent, barring a miracle.
So the doctor lady will be working with my sister-in-law to get me on state-sponsored insurance, I need to see a neurologist and if there was a stroke I'm guessing a cardiovascular specialist as well. When I know more I well keep you posted. Needless to say I'm shocked.
Oh, Smeenus... dude, I don't know what to say. I'm with Antal--hoping for the best.

2014-07-21 03:59:41 UTC
So, per doctors orders, I walked about 20 blocks to the emergency room to get an MRI. I'm expecting to be there about an hour then walk back home & make myself dinner.

Instead, the neurologist there informs me that I have an immense aneurism in my brain. I am sent via ambulance downtown were I am now, I go into surgery in the morning
2014-07-21 05:39:38 UTC
Loading Image...
2014-07-21 05:55:18 UTC
Post by Smeenus
So, per doctors orders, I walked about 20 blocks to the emergency room to get an MRI. I'm expecting to be there about an hour then walk back home & make myself dinner.
Instead, the neurologist there informs me that I have an immense aneurism in my brain. I am sent via ambulance downtown were I am now, I go into surgery in the morning
HOLY TOLEDO DUDE I am not a religious person at all but I'm praying to every god I don't believe in for you tonight. Wow. Thinking good thoughts and sending healing vibes your way.
2014-07-21 12:30:22 UTC
Well it's shortly after 5am and I was just visited by a doctor who told me that they're gonna do some kind of angiogram, but instead of my heart it's going up to my head so they can perform more detailed (but hella more invasive) imaging of my aneurism. This isn't the surgery itself, mind you. They're gonna cut into my leg and run some kind of contraption all the way up to my neck. She told me that it's routine for them. Not too terribly routine for me. Fecking scared...
2014-07-21 13:12:01 UTC
Hang in there Smeen, you can do it! Love you!
2014-07-21 13:23:01 UTC
I'm not on FB or Twitter, I know this group is infrequently visited by most, if someone could put the word out I'd be highly comforted by hearing from everybody here
Antal Adriaanse
2014-07-21 15:28:23 UTC
Spreading the word right now.

2014-07-21 16:58:41 UTC
Post by Smeenus
I'm not on FB or Twitter, I know this group is infrequently visited by
most, if someone could put the word out I'd be highly comforted by
hearing from everybody here
I'm putting the word out now brother. Love you.
2014-07-21 18:10:21 UTC
I just got out of the angiogram and it turned out okay
Antal Adriaanse
2014-07-21 18:59:13 UTC
That's good.

When will you hear more?

2014-07-21 19:17:59 UTC
They're going to decide what to do next (the doctors I mean), should hear more later today
2014-07-21 22:41:37 UTC
Post by Smeenus
They're going to decide what to do next (the doctors I mean), should hear more later today
Glad the angiogram went well. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Hang in there, my friend.
2014-07-21 23:57:37 UTC
2014-07-22 02:11:52 UTC
Post by Smeenus
They're going to decide what to do next (the doctors I mean), should hear more later today
Damn, man - just found out today when Laura sent me an e-mail. That
picture - I'm pulling for you, dude. Sending as much mojo your way as I

Hang tough, brother!

2014-07-22 02:18:10 UTC
Post by Smeenus
I just got out of the angiogram and it turned out okay
That's good news!
2014-07-22 06:30:47 UTC
Post by Smeenus
I'm not on FB or Twitter, I know this group is infrequently visited by most, if someone could put the word out I'd be highly comforted by hearing from everybody here
Good thoughts coming your way from up north in BC.
Antal Adriaanse
2014-07-21 15:27:53 UTC
I am sure you are in good hands. Trust the doctors, they know what they are doing.

2014-07-22 14:35:00 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Well it's shortly after 5am and I was just visited by a doctor who told me that they're gonna do some kind of angiogram, but instead of my heart it's going up to my head so they can perform more detailed (but hella more invasive) imaging of my aneurism. This isn't the surgery itself, mind you. They're gonna cut into my leg and run some kind of contraption all the way up to my neck. She told me that it's routine for them. Not too terribly routine for me. Fecking scared...
I love when they say "routine" ... it isn't as calming as I think they think it is! Keeping you in my prayers. Your forhead pals love ya!
Ron Moses
2014-07-21 15:42:55 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Instead, the neurologist there informs me that I have an immense aneurism in my brain. I am sent via ambulance downtown were I am now, I go into surgery in the morning
Holy shitsnacks. Dude, keep us posted. I have no prayers to offer but my thoughts and cosmic energy and whatever else are with you.

2014-07-22 15:56:19 UTC
Hey, man - hang in there. We're thinking of you.
2014-07-23 04:33:54 UTC
I'm extremely grateful for all the kind responses. Thank you all.
2014-07-23 19:42:50 UTC
Post by Smeenus
I'm extremely grateful for all the kind responses. Thank you all.
Yeah, but how are you?
2014-07-24 00:06:31 UTC
So here's my schedule. Tomorrow, Friday and Monday I have Embolization procedures. I've been trying to post a Wikipedia link to what an Embolization is but my STUPID iPhone won't paste it, it's a procedure done via the angiography method that blocks blood flow to the AVM. Then on Thursday I have the actual surgery. After that, well I have no idea what my life is going to be like, but I'm taking the view that any day above the ground is a good day.
2014-07-24 05:12:18 UTC
Post by Smeenus
So here's my schedule. Tomorrow, Friday and Monday I have Embolization procedures. I've been trying to post a Wikipedia link to what an Embolization is but my STUPID iPhone won't paste it, it's a procedure done via the angiography method that blocks blood flow to the AVM. Then on Thursday I have the actual surgery. After that, well I have no idea what my life is going to be like, but I'm taking the view that any day above the ground is a good day.
Amen to that. May the doctors' hands be steady, swift and sure.

Now, let's see if I can post that link for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embolization
2014-07-24 12:24:49 UTC
Crikey! Good that they found it when they did. Hope that the procedures go smoothly and get you back on your feet. Best of luck.
2014-07-24 14:54:24 UTC
Well, I just found out that while every procedure leading up to the surgery is minimally invasive, I am going to have to have my head cut open for the actual surgery. :(

Going in for the first Embolization in about 4 hours
2014-07-24 17:22:11 UTC
I'll be in ICU for the next week
Ron Moses
2014-07-24 18:48:43 UTC
Post by Smeenus
I'll be in ICU for the next week
Just think, when all this is done, they give you all the ice cream you want! I mean, that's this, right? So look forward to that, and absorb all this worldwide karma being vibrated your way. Don't worry, we'll hold down the fort.

2014-07-25 17:54:49 UTC
Post by Smeenus
I'll be in ICU for the next week
I've been out of the AMMK loop for a while and I come back to this! Damn!

Be safe, be well, and I am sending my positive vibes your way in hopes for a speedy recovery!

Hagrinas Mivali
2014-07-25 18:11:54 UTC
Post by .ben.
Post by Smeenus
I'll be in ICU for the next week
I've been out of the AMMK loop for a while and I come back to this! Damn!
Be safe, be well, and I am sending my positive vibes your way in hopes for a speedy recovery!
I was also a bit out of the loop and was actually a bit relieved to come
back and find that the the thread was started by him instead of by
somebody else telling about his condition.
2014-07-25 20:16:51 UTC
Still eagerly awaiting news of how he's doing - first embolism procedure was yesterday and another today. Another Monday and then surgery next Thursday, if I understood his post correctly.

Keeping those prayers and positive vibes flowing toward the Great American Northwest (not counting Alaska because... reasons).
2014-07-26 01:34:41 UTC
Yeah the first embolization was really hard the second was still pretty tough but I feel better than I did yesterday although that's not saying a hell of a lot
2014-07-26 05:58:06 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Yeah the first embolization was really hard the second was still pretty tough but I feel better than I did yesterday although that's not saying a hell of a lot
Just two more to go? Hope they'll go better!
Wade Buehler
2014-07-26 11:07:25 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Yeah the first embolization was really hard the second was still pretty tough
When I was in college, my intramural softball team was called "EMBO".

It stood for "Eat My Butt Out".

I hope this helps.

Be well!

2014-07-29 13:45:09 UTC
Post by Wade Buehler
When I was in college, my intramural softball team was called "EMBO".
It stood for "Eat My Butt Out".
I hope this helps.
How could it not?

Paul - sending you heaps of love and positivity today and all the rest of the week. HEAPS.
Antal Adriaanse
2014-07-24 18:12:16 UTC
Take care brother.

Will be thinking of you and sending happy thoughts to you from across the Atlantic.

2014-07-25 02:56:04 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Well, I just found out that while every procedure leading up to the surgery is minimally invasive, I am going to have to have my head cut open for the actual surgery. :(
Going in for the first Embolization in about 4 hours
Most definitely have you in my thoughts every day. Stay strong, brother!

2014-07-24 21:03:28 UTC
Hey buddy! Keeping you in my thoughts today. While you're in ICU, can we use your brother/sister-in-law to communicate with you? You can give them my email address and I'll post updates here, if you like.

Much love and happy thoughts!
2014-07-30 17:48:51 UTC
Hi. I'm Tim--Paul's brother. It seems Paul was pretty drained by the third embolization. I spoke to him briefly on the phone yesterday morning (the day after the treatment) and he was very uncomfortable (all over) and exhausted. I spoke to his nurse this morning. She said that he's been in pain, nauseous, and generally down in the dumps. I'm sure that explains why he hasn't check in here, because this group is sort of a security blanket for him (his words). My wife and I are going to visit him tonight, and I *think* my sister will be coming up from Portland tonight so that she can be around for his craniotomy, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

That's the gist of it. Thanks to all of you for your concern and well-wishes. I know he appreciates it.

2014-07-30 18:37:48 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Hi. I'm Tim--Paul's brother. It seems Paul was pretty drained by the
third embolization. I spoke to him briefly on the phone yesterday morning
(the day after the treatment) and he was very uncomfortable (all over)
and exhausted. I spoke to his nurse this morning. She said that he's been
in pain, nauseous, and generally down in the dumps. I'm sure that
explains why he hasn't check in here, because this group is sort of a
security blanket for him (his words). My wife and I are going to visit
him tonight, and I *think* my sister will be coming up from Portland
tonight so that she can be around for his craniotomy, which is scheduled for tomorrow.
That's the gist of it. Thanks to all of you for your concern and
well-wishes. I know he appreciates it.
Thanks so much Tim, I've been thinking about him this morning, and like
everyone, anxious for an update.
Give him our love!
Ron Moses
2014-07-30 19:57:27 UTC
Thank you for the update, Tim. Please tell Paul we're all thinking of him.

2014-07-31 14:59:04 UTC
Today is the bid day
2014-07-31 15:04:43 UTC
Today is the big day
Antal Adriaanse
2014-07-31 15:26:59 UTC
It is going to be okay, Paul.

Sending you much love and best wishes!

2014-07-31 16:04:28 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Today is the big day
Good luck! You're in my thoughts.

2014-07-31 16:29:45 UTC
My mother had a similar procedure done about 2 years ago to repair an aneurysm that started to leak. Luckily, a slow leak and not a rupture. Scary for her - and I'm sure you too.
Other than some serious swelling about the head and face she came through without a hitch. In fact she wanted to go home the day after surgery. Of course that didn't happen but then she's probably a lot tougher than I am. Hope that yours goes as well as hers.

Her only long term side effects were having to regrow hair from having her head shaved. Based on the link that you posted earlier in this thread that won't be a problem you have. :)
Best of luck to you Paul. Sending good thoughts, prayers, karma, etc.

2014-07-31 16:56:55 UTC
Rootin for ya, Smeenarooni!!
2014-07-31 18:38:28 UTC
Surgery began at 11:00 AM PDT.
2014-07-31 20:46:41 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Surgery began at 11:00 AM PDT.
So that's been a few hours now. Any updates? I know this is a delicate, not-to-be-rushed procedure, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're still working.

Thanks for keeping us updated!

2014-07-31 21:39:30 UTC
Still no word, but we're still within the expected time frame. I expect they'll be done within the hour. Also, I don't know how quickly they'll let us know. Anyway, I'll post as soon as I know.

Side note: The waiting room here is just outside of a Starbucks. Maybe one day it will actually be *in* the Starbucks. Heck, I suppose they could also treat people in the Starbucks.

Another side note: last night while visiting Paul, he was a little groggy, so when my wife mentioned something about the nurses station, he thought she said "snark station." Good laugh there. We all agreed--every ICU should be equipped with a snark station.
2014-08-05 17:46:24 UTC
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by t***@gmail.com
Surgery began at 11:00 AM PDT.
So that's been a few hours now. Any updates? I know this is a delicate, not-to-be-rushed procedure, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're still working.
Thanks for keeping us updated!
Hi, Carla. Just sending this because I realized that I responded to the top of the thread rather than directly. This is day-5. Paul's progressing well. Now we get to prepare for discharge, which is causing some stress since I have no idea how we're going to pull off Paul's care during his rehabilitation. He can't stay by himself. I'm a bit freaked out, but we have a few more days to figure it out.
2014-08-05 19:00:29 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Hi, Carla. Just sending this because I realized that I responded to the top of the thread rather than directly. This is day-5. Paul's progressing well. Now we get to prepare for discharge, which is causing some stress since I have no idea how we're going to pull off Paul's care during his rehabilitation. He can't stay by himself. I'm a bit freaked out, but we have a few more days to figure it out.
I hope the hospital and/or doctor's office have some tips and resources for you about home-care. United Way, even?
2014-08-07 04:34:19 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Post by v***@gmail.com
Post by t***@gmail.com
Surgery began at 11:00 AM PDT.
So that's been a few hours now. Any updates? I know this is a delicate, not-to-be-rushed procedure, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're still working.
Thanks for keeping us updated!
Hi, Carla. Just sending this because I realized that I responded to the top of the thread rather than directly. This is day-5. Paul's progressing well. Now we get to prepare for discharge, which is causing some stress since I have no idea how we're going to pull off Paul's care during his rehabilitation. He can't stay by himself. I'm a bit freaked out, but we have a few more days to figure it out.
Hopefully he'll recover quickly and be able to manage things on his own again soon. :)
2014-08-15 20:25:35 UTC
Remember, all you need is hair. The rest is gravy.
Ron Moses
2014-08-16 20:09:50 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Remember, all you need is hair. The rest is gravy.
Based on the picture Paul posted earlier in this thread, I hope he likes gravy.

2014-08-17 05:26:54 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
Post by a***@gmail.com
Remember, all you need is hair. The rest is gravy.
Based on the picture Paul posted earlier in this thread, I hope he likes gravy.
Chunky gravy, not that evil smooth crap!

2014-07-31 22:19:17 UTC
I just found out he's in the post-anesthesia care unit, which means they didn't shuffle him off this mortal coil.
2014-08-01 00:30:15 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
I just found out he's in the post-anesthesia care unit, which means they
didn't shuffle him off this mortal coil.
Yay! Smeenus's Coil!
2014-08-01 04:08:20 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by t***@gmail.com
I just found out he's in the post-anesthesia care unit, which means they
didn't shuffle him off this mortal coil.
Yay! Smeenus's Coil!
Smeenus's Coil? Didn't they open for Ditty Bops last year?
2014-08-02 00:27:51 UTC
Post by Sheryl
Post by Dave
Post by t***@gmail.com
I just found out he's in the post-anesthesia care unit, which means they
didn't shuffle him off this mortal coil.
Yay! Smeenus's Coil!
Smeenus's Coil? Didn't they open for Ditty Bops last year?
No, I think they were on tour with Slayer.
2014-08-02 02:41:45 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by Sheryl
Post by Dave
Post by t***@gmail.com
I just found out he's in the post-anesthesia care unit, which means they
didn't shuffle him off this mortal coil.
Yay! Smeenus's Coil!
Smeenus's Coil? Didn't they open for Ditty Bops last year?
No, I think they were on tour with Slayer.
I thought Smeenus's Coil was what kept him from getting pregnant...

2014-08-01 14:21:18 UTC
2014-08-01 01:16:34 UTC
So Paul/Smeenus is back in his ICU room, sleeping. My sister and I briefly looked in on him, and the nurse got him to pop his eyes open long enough to register our presence and say "hi." We also spoke to the surgeon, who said the operation went very well. Paul will get a CT angiogram tomorrow to make sure they got the whole sinister mess. Assuming they did, it's on to the 3rd movement of this damnable play.

So this is Tim Robinson saying this is Tim Robinson saying goodbye (and don't forget to hang by your thumbs!)
2014-08-01 02:08:42 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
So Paul/Smeenus is back in his ICU room, sleeping. My sister and I briefly looked in on him, and the nurse got him to pop his eyes open long enough to register our presence and say "hi." We also spoke to the surgeon, who said the operation went very well. Paul will get a CT angiogram tomorrow to make sure they got the whole sinister mess. Assuming they did, it's on to the 3rd movement of this damnable play.
So this is Tim Robinson saying this is Tim Robinson saying goodbye (and don't forget to hang by your thumbs!)
Ah, excellent news! Thanks for keeping us updated, Tim!

Ron Moses
2014-08-01 13:05:28 UTC
Awesome! Yay Paul!!!

Antal Adriaanse
2014-08-01 06:53:15 UTC
That's great news Tim.

2014-08-01 15:56:46 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
So Paul/Smeenus is back in his ICU room, sleeping. My sister and I
briefly looked in on him, and the nurse got him to pop his eyes open long
enough to register our presence and say "hi." We also spoke to the
surgeon, who said the operation went very well. Paul will get a CT
angiogram tomorrow to make sure they got the whole sinister mess.
Assuming they did, it's on to the 3rd movement of this damnable play.
So this is Tim Robinson saying this is Tim Robinson saying goodbye (and
don't forget to hang by your thumbs!)
Thanks Tim, so glad it went well.
2014-08-01 16:25:33 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
So Paul/Smeenus is back in his ICU room, sleeping. My sister and I briefly looked in on him, and the nurse got him to pop his eyes open long enough to register our presence and say "hi." We also spoke to the surgeon, who said the operation went very well. Paul will get a CT angiogram tomorrow to make sure they got the whole sinister mess. Assuming they did, it's on to the 3rd movement of this damnable play.
So this is Tim Robinson saying this is Tim Robinson saying goodbye (and don't forget to hang by your thumbs!)
Thanks very much for the updates, Tim - my attempts to contact Paul
telepathically have failed miserably. So glad to hear he did well -
fingers crossed for the results of the CT scan.

When he's alert enough, you can tell him half a Primanti's sandwich was
consumed in his honor in the hopes that all would go well, and that the
other half will be a celebration!

2014-08-01 16:24:41 UTC
Good news! Glad to hear it.
2014-08-02 00:05:42 UTC
Paul got a follow-up angiogram today and the doctors determined that they successfully removed the entire malformation. Paul's speech has been affected by the surgery. However, they seem to be pretty confident that it will return over time. He may require some rehab once he is discharged, but that is considered normal.
2014-08-02 19:40:08 UTC
Paul's condition has improved to the point that they're moving him back upstairs (503E, 206-320-2530). He's aware of where he is and why he's in the hospital, but he's not yet in a conversational state.
2014-08-03 02:59:11 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Paul's condition has improved to the point that they're moving him back
upstairs (503E, 206-320-2530). He's aware of where he is and why he's in
the hospital, but he's not yet in a conversational state.
Great news. One step at a time. Some short amount of time, and perhaps some
therapy, and you won't be able to shut him up.
2014-08-03 17:33:07 UTC
I'm going back to the hospital today to see Paul. He has been in no state to use his mobile phone, let alone post to the newsgroup. If you would like, post a comment to this thread and I will read them to him. I know he would like that.I'll also read to him all the previous posts that I know he has not read.
Hagrinas Mivali
2014-08-03 18:52:21 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
I'm going back to the hospital today to see Paul. He has been in no state to use his mobile phone, let alone post to the newsgroup. If you would like, post a comment to this thread and I will read them to him. I know he would like that.I'll also read to him all the previous posts that I know he has not read.
Tell him that Haggy tried to call a while ago, but there was no answer.
2014-08-03 23:10:44 UTC
I gave him all your messages.He definitely showed marks of improvement today. Still in a dazed/glazed state. A PT nurse had him walk a lap around the hall with a walker. He looked cautious but stable.
2014-08-04 01:52:31 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
I gave him all your messages.He definitely showed marks of improvement today. Still in a dazed/glazed state. A PT nurse had him walk a lap around the hall with a walker. He looked cautious but stable.
Thanks for the updates, Tim - and the good news. Sorry I didn't catch
your offer to read the messages to Paul, so I'll have to wait until next
time. Just remind him it's only two months until hockey season, and the
newsgroup needs our annual six messages.

2014-08-04 02:21:31 UTC
Alan, Paul's most awesome friend Becky brought Paul a letter of Appreciation direct from Everette Silvertips Management signed by the whole team. Pretty cool friend is this so-called Becky!
2014-08-04 03:11:02 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Alan, Paul's most awesome friend Becky brought Paul a letter of Appreciation direct from Everette Silvertips Management signed by the whole team. Pretty cool friend is this so-called Becky!
I live in Kelowna Rockets territory. Please tell Paul I wish him the best and would love to catch a game with him when he's able.
2014-08-04 16:28:02 UTC
Post by KevinDouglasPhD
Post by t***@gmail.com
Alan, Paul's most awesome friend Becky brought Paul a letter of Appreciation direct from Everette Silvertips Management signed by the whole team. Pretty cool friend is this so-called Becky!
I live in Kelowna Rockets territory. Please tell Paul I wish him the best and would love to catch a game with him when he's able.
I'll let him know, Kevin. I'm sure he'd like that. Thanks
2014-08-07 03:58:24 UTC
Post by t***@gmail.com
Alan, Paul's most awesome friend Becky brought Paul a letter of Appreciation direct from Everette Silvertips Management signed by the whole team. Pretty cool friend is this so-called Becky!
Sure sounds like it - that's an awesome thing to do!

2014-08-05 00:42:01 UTC
Did Paul's surgery involve getting a halo?
Please give him a hug from Shey and Katie in Ohio!
2014-09-05 05:12:51 UTC
Has anyone heard from Tim or Paul in the past couple of weeks?
2014-09-05 23:57:02 UTC
Post by Sheryl
Has anyone heard from Tim or Paul in the past couple of weeks?
I emailed Smeen on Wed to see how he's doing, haven't heard back yet.
2014-09-06 04:19:49 UTC
Post by Sheryl
Has anyone heard from Tim or Paul in the past couple of weeks?
No. I emailed Paul about visiting him in a few months, but he hasn't
I'm anxious for some news.
2014-09-11 22:57:35 UTC
Nobody has Smeenus' phone number?
2014-09-12 14:13:28 UTC
Post by tombone98
Nobody has Smeenus' phone number?
From Tim:

Sorry for not keeping up with the happenings. Here's the synopsis. As I
think everybody following this already knows, he had the surgery and it was
a success--the AVM was successfully removed on July 31st, with apparently
minimal impact to other CNS systems. However, his language center was
affected such that he has a very difficult time reading and he sometimes
struggles to find words when talking. His right-side blindness (bilateral
right complete hemianopsia without macular sparing) remains, which was

He was in the hospital for a total of about four weeks. We then had to move
him to the Aldercrest Health & Rehabilitation skilled nursing facility
where he could recover and get the needed therapy. He was there for roughly
two weeks when he suffered a small ischemic stroke, which caused some
numbness in his extremities on the right side. At that point they sent him
back to the hospital, where he stayed for several days. He returned to the
nursing facility a couple of days ago.

As far as his current state, he seems pretty much Paul, but he just moves
slower and gets tired pretty easily (partly because he doesn't seem to be
sleeping very well. He reading ability has improved at all, as far as I can
tell, and I don't think his typing skills may not be much better. This is
probably why he hasn't provided the newsgroup with news about his

Paul's phone number continues to be 206-280-eighty six ninety two.
2014-09-17 00:15:04 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by tombone98
Nobody has Smeenus' phone number?
Sorry for not keeping up with the happenings. Here's the synopsis. As I
think everybody following this already knows, he had the surgery and it was
a success--the AVM was successfully removed on July 31st, with apparently
minimal impact to other CNS systems. However, his language center was
affected such that he has a very difficult time reading and he sometimes
struggles to find words when talking. His right-side blindness (bilateral
right complete hemianopsia without macular sparing) remains, which was
He was in the hospital for a total of about four weeks. We then had to move
him to the Aldercrest Health& Rehabilitation skilled nursing facility
where he could recover and get the needed therapy. He was there for roughly
two weeks when he suffered a small ischemic stroke, which caused some
numbness in his extremities on the right side. At that point they sent him
back to the hospital, where he stayed for several days. He returned to the
nursing facility a couple of days ago.
As far as his current state, he seems pretty much Paul, but he just moves
slower and gets tired pretty easily (partly because he doesn't seem to be
sleeping very well. He reading ability has improved at all, as far as I can
tell, and I don't think his typing skills may not be much better. This is
probably why he hasn't provided the newsgroup with news about his
Paul's phone number continues to be 206-280-eighty six ninety two.
Thanks for the update, Dave.

2014-09-19 01:24:04 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Dave
Post by tombone98
Nobody has Smeenus' phone number?
Sorry for not keeping up with the happenings. Here's the synopsis. As I
think everybody following this already knows, he had the surgery and it was
a success--the AVM was successfully removed on July 31st, with apparently
minimal impact to other CNS systems. However, his language center was
affected such that he has a very difficult time reading and he sometimes
struggles to find words when talking. His right-side blindness (bilateral
right complete hemianopsia without macular sparing) remains, which was
He was in the hospital for a total of about four weeks. We then had to move
him to the Aldercrest Health& Rehabilitation skilled nursing facility
where he could recover and get the needed therapy. He was there for roughly
two weeks when he suffered a small ischemic stroke, which caused some
numbness in his extremities on the right side. At that point they sent him
back to the hospital, where he stayed for several days. He returned to the
nursing facility a couple of days ago.
As far as his current state, he seems pretty much Paul, but he just moves
slower and gets tired pretty easily (partly because he doesn't seem to be
sleeping very well. He reading ability has improved at all, as far as I can
tell, and I don't think his typing skills may not be much better. This is
probably why he hasn't provided the newsgroup with news about his
Paul's phone number continues to be 206-280-eighty six ninety two.
Thanks for the update, Dave.
No problem Alan. I'm going to Seattle sometime in the next 5 or 6 months to
visit my daughter; I hope I can get to visit Paul while we're there.


2014-09-11 23:00:05 UTC
Post by Dave
Post by Sheryl
Has anyone heard from Tim or Paul in the past couple of weeks?
No. I emailed Paul about visiting him in a few months, but he hasn't
I'm anxious for some news.
Nobody has his phone number?