2015-06-19 02:23:26 UTC
Sábado, 13 de Junio, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father said to Moses: I have heard the cry, and how Abraham's children have suffered over the years because of the harshness from the Egyptians and the slave drivers' tortures, by forcing them to do hard work, and so, I am here over Jerusalem's holy hill to take them into a new land, flowing with milk and honey, forever. This was our heavenly Father with His Son the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit with legions and legions of holy angels ready to battle with Satan and his wicked forces that had enslaved the Hebrew for more than four hundred years, provided that, our heavenly Father had a much better life to give them to enjoy, everlastingly.
Surely, there was Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit because the atoning-blood making contact with His holy tears, causing the Holy Spirit to burn powerfully thus to destroy every darkness that it may be in the way, and so, not only Moses could see the fire burning but also every one around everywhere. Faithfully, our heavenly Father had descended to meet Moses in person, because he was born and blessed by Him from his mother's womb to do His will that no one else could do it, by the power of the Holy Spirit, as he would stand before his Son Jesus Christ at the cross, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit.
For the reason that, as Moses ascended Mount Sinai then he found himself standing in holy ground that he did not know at all, but the voice that came from the middle cross, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit said: Moses, remove your sandals, because where you are standing is holy ground--and Moses obeyed, by removing his sandals immediately. Then, as Moses had removed his sandals by the command of the voice coming from the middle of the burning bush, the tree crosses that Jacob saw in his dream over Jerusalem's holy hill, then contact was made with our heavenly Father's holy tears and His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground thus causing the ground to burn passionately for Israel.
For it is our heavenly Father's holy tears and His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground, as His personal high priest of Righteousness and the Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, that fuels the Holy Spirit's fire to burn wildly without damaging its surroundings at all--for this is where we all are reborn into heaven's glory. Moreover, this is the fire from the Holy Spirit rising from the ground as our heavenly Father's tears and His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground causes the fire to continue to burn incessantly in heaven's glory and now over Mount Sinai, because Jerusalem's holy hill is resting over it, ready for Moses to hear God's holy name first.
Our heavenly Father needed to manifest Himself from His cross as the God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ from his cross in the middle as the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit from his cross as the God of Jacob, because Moses was not only going to receive it within his heart first then also every one within Israel, forever. For this is our heavenly Father's holy name that He had never manifested to anyone in the midst of the nations of the entire world, since Creation, however, now He is giving it to Moses, so everyone within Israel may start to invoke it, because it is filled with power and authority to destroy every darkness holding them in captivity, perpetually.
For this name was very important for Israel to know, that is, if everyone within Egypt's captivity really wanted to escape from the chains-and-shackles that had deprived them to enjoy life abundantly just as our heavenly Father called Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to enjoy life in His holy presence as they may begin to serve Him over Jerusalem's holy ground, into eternity. Granted that, the life that our heavenly Father had established with Abraham initially, then with Isaac over Mount Moriah in the holy presence of Jerusalem's holy ground with the three crosses from heaven above, and our Lord Jesus Christ always speaking to every one, as angels and men, and finally He sealed it with Jacob as a "life of daily blessing."
For this life, that our heavenly Father had lawfully established with Abraham and his children, is a blessing, because it is bound always to love, serve, and exalt His holy name from over Jerusalem's holy hill, for His name was destined to be nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son's atoning-blood thus to be invoked by anyone for lasting salvation. For this is the reason that, our heavenly Father had come to Israel while they were crying and suffering terribly under the dominion of the Egyptian army, because this is not the life that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the children, but the life that He had promised was a bountiful life that flows with milk and honey.
For this is a pristine life that they will only begin to enjoy every day of their entire lives on earth and from heaven above as well, as within The New celestial Jerusalem, where Jerusalem's holy hill is the center of love, service and glorification to His holy name, the Ten Commandments and the tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place. It is here where our heavenly Father needs to continue to bless not only the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and millions more through time but also every one else from Israel and the families of the nations, because the glory of His holy name needs to be manifested all over the earth, for darkness to be destroyed at last.
Now, our heavenly Father had come to Israel, not only to liberate them from bondage, because they were living a terrible life without Jerusalem's holy hill as the center of love, service and worship to His holy name, existing always in perfect holiness within His Son, in the middle of the three crosses, but also, to manifest Himself to the world. For our heavenly Father needs the children of Abraham to learn to know Him over Jerusalem's holy hill, because not only this is home-sweet-home but also it is the place of perfect worship to His holy name, so He may receive all the glory and honor that you must grant unto Him, by invoking His holy name over His holy mountaintop.
For this is the only place that our heavenly Father manifested to Moses, not only to begin to know His holy name, but also it is the place where Moses began to learn to experience the wonderful love that emanates from our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so he may become reborn in the Holy Spirit's power. This is the place where Lucifer and his fallen angels began to rebel against Him and His holy name, because they refused to love and honor His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ, as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, from heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind.
For Lucifer knew along with his fallen angels that he had to love, serve and worship God over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is where His holy name has always existed in perfect holiness within the sacred body of His Chosen Lamb, with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and this is His Son Jesus Christ as the gate to heaven's glory. Moreover, through time our heavenly Father had always longed to have His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve trees crossed to each other, as the famous cross from heaven above over Jerusalem's holy hill, because His first-children were lost without ever been able to invoke His holy name for salvation, and so, His Son had to saved them with nails.
The nails to nail his sacred body to Adam and Eve crossed trees to each other, forming the cross that Jacob saw over Jerusalem's holy hill, to receive him and our heavenly Father's holy name forever, sealed with his atoning-blood, so they may invoke His holy name at last for eternal salvation thus to ascend Jacob's ladder back into paradise. Otherwise, Adam and Eve could have never been able to invoke His holy name much less become saved to return to paradise to the life that they had always known with the angelic host, filled with our heavenly Father's love and of His Son Jesus Christ, so they may love, serve and worship His holy name in the Holy Spirit's fire.
That is why, that Abraham needed to ascend Mount Moriah with his long waited son Isaac, born by the power of the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarah's barren-womb, so he may become the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood of the King Messiah to be offered timely as his burn sacrifice to atone for his sins, for lasting salvation. Meaning that, our heavenly Father needed to meet Abraham with his sacrifice offering at the gate to heaven's glory, and this is where Adam and Eve were also waiting for His Son to be nailed to them with the holy name, so they may finally invoke it thus to become Holy Spirit born to ascend Jacob's ladder back into paradise, forever restored.
For this is where our heavenly Father had summoned Abraham to be at the gate ready to ascend Jacob's ladder, but, first he had to present his son Isaac as the burn offering over His altar, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill, so He may accept it thus to confirm his faith as the salvation justice to become His child, perpetually. Then, as Abraham was ready to kill his only son Isaac as the burn offering sacrifice of the day, immediately our heavenly Father began to bless his faith, but also to pray over Isaac with divine passion, since he was bearing the seed that will give birth to every man, woman and child for Israel to become a nation on earth.
Furthermore, as our heavenly Father prayed over Isaac then He shed holy tears over every one that will be born from him within Israel lineage to become His dream nation that will learn to invoke His holy name, obey His holy commandments, and conduct rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness not only for themselves but also for the angels from heaven above. Thus, our heavenly Father's prayer was a powerful one over every one of Abraham's children that were to be born into the world from his much loved son Isaac, as he lay ready to be killed by him over our heavenly Father's altar that really is the only gate that opens for Jacob's ladder, ascending into heaven's glory into eternal life.
For this is the place where His holy name always is, that has for eternity existed in perfect holiness within the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, and so, He needed to pray over the children at where His holy name abides in eternal righteousness. That is why, that as our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai, then He did it over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is His altar of the nonstop sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross of Adam and Eve, where Israel needed it to nail His holy name to save at last humankind from eternal perdition.
For this is the only place in the entire kingdom of heaven's glory with the angelic hosts and on earth with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, that He has personally promised to meet everyone, so He may descend from His Great White Throne to bless them powerfully with His love and lasting-happiness. Moreover, our heavenly Father will stop doing whatever He may be in heaven's glory to descend immediately over Jerusalem's holy hill to meet you in person at the gate, and this is where His holy name lives in perfect holiness, nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve as heaven's door, so He may bless you with especial powers, for eternity.
Certainly that, our heavenly Father will meet you at heaven's gate, and this is His Son with His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve, because this is where He has promised not only to meet you but also that He will bless you with His unfailing love that you will begin to experience blessing upon blessing, as never before. Moreover, our heavenly Father has to bless you only at the gate of heaven's glory, because it is here from where you will become born again in the Holy Spirit's power that not only gave birth to Isaac from his mother Sarah's barren-womb but also to His Son from David's virgin daughter, so you may become His child as well, forever.
Surely, this is what our heavenly Father is longing to see in each one from Israel and the families of the nations, that you may be born from the Holy Spirit's powers at the gate from heaven above over Jerusalem's holy hill--His Eternal Holy Altar--, so He may finally enjoy His dream to see you glorify His holy name everlastingly. Certainly, this is something that our heavenly Father longs very much in His holy heart just as He longed for His holy name to be nailed to Adam and Eve's trees crossed to each other over Jerusalem's holy hill, as His Son Jesus Christ with His holy name was finally nailed to them forever by the lasting power of the atoning-blood.
Today, our heavenly Father wants to see you over Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking and worshipping His holy name at the gate of heaven's glory, because it is here from where He will receive the glory and honor that your heart has for Him and His holy name, so finally Satan with his fallen angels may be defeated throughout the earth, forever. Definitely, these are glories and honors emerging from your heart unto Him and His holy name that He needs to receive from you every day on earth and in heaven's glory forever into eternity, because these are the glories and honors that rightfully belong to Him, and Satan has tried to steal them from you, so you may never honor Him.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has always sent His prophets, teachers and preachers to caution Israel that they must invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may grant onto Him the glory and honor that rightfully He deserves, so He may bless them for doing that which is honorable in His presence on earth and in heaven. These days, if you live without invoking His holy name from Jerusalem's holy hill and at the gate to heaven that is His Son Jesus Christ with his atoning-blood shed to the ground, so you may step into perfect holiness thus for you to become Holy Spirit born, then you will miss all your wonderful blessings that He has granted you already.
Absolutely, these are blessings of great honor and richness that He has granted you over Jerusalem's holy hill, as Abraham began to offer his only son Isaac over Mount Moriah's altar, because Abraham had to make his offering of blood sacrifice at the gate to heaven, and this is His Son Jesus Christ, for his faith to be counted as lasting Righteousness. That is why, that it is written that whoever may invoke the Lord's holy name in the last days then that one will be saved, because anyone invoking our Lord Jesus Christ, for example, then that one is invoking our heavenly Father's holy name that is already nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill for salvation.
In other words, as you may invoke Jesus Christ as your personal savior, then you are standing in holy ground instantly, and this is the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above, and the middle cross is Adam and Eve with our heavenly Father's all-powerful name nailed to them, is your only heaven's gate known to enter. You may also say that His Son Jesus Christ is Jerusalem's holy hill, because he not only bears our heavenly Father's holy name in perfect holiness through eternity, but also he has the atoning-blood that maintains it in perfect Righteousness constantly, regardless of who may come near to it at the gate to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory forever justified.
Moreover, Jerusalem's holy hill has every drop of the atoning-blood shed to the ground that His Son Jesus Christ was born with by the Holy Spirit's power from David's virgin daughter, so he may not only bring unto us eternal life but also the sacred-flesh, and the atoning-blood to become the ultimate sacrifice over Jerusalem's holy hill to end sin at last. Then, as our Lord Jesus Christ lived in Israel, he immediately went to the doctors of the Law, because he needed to inform them that he not only had brought into the world eternal life, but also our heavenly Father's holy name for Israel finally to invoke-and-honor it over Jerusalem's holy hill, so the land may flow with milk and honey, forever.
This was the only way that the Promised Land granted to Abraham and the children may begin to flow with milk and honey everywhere around the land, because our heavenly Father not only needed to feed the Israelis but also the families of the nations the bread and water that he gave them to eat through the Sinai's wilderness to conquer Canaan. For our heavenly Father still needs to cause Jerusalem's holy hill, as the rock that He personally showed to Moses to speak to it, for it to bust with living-water that it was really His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses from heaven above, so the Israelis may quench their thirst that was killing them.
Well, our heavenly Father needs to do the same for the nations, because these days, as in the past, the people are hungry and thirst from the food and drink that Jerusalem's holy hill emanates daily to those that have invoked our heavenly Father's holy name, nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve as the only gate to heaven's glory. Then, it is right here where not only Abraham along with Isaac his only beloved son that he had to ascend Mount Moriah to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, so his faith may be counted as justice, but also Jacob in his dream he had to meet our Lord Jesus Christ to invoke the holy name for salvation.
Later, Moses had to ascend Mount Sinai, guided by the Holy Spirit's fire that was visible for miles around the world, so darkness may be put down, and Moses opened his eyes to see Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above, engulfed in the fire that was burning but never consuming its surroundings, so Israel may escape bondage finally. Moreover, our heavenly Father had to take Israel from Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads hidden in the SHEKINAH, (God's presence), so it may be light and warms during the desert's nights and a permanent shadow filled with coolness during the hot desert's days, so they may walk for three days to conquer the Promised Land at last.
For the reason that, our heavenly Father had to attack the Promised Land with the armies of the Israelis following always the way, truth and life of Jerusalem's holy hill with our heavenly Father's holy name living in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ, so Satan may be defeated by His holy name's powers. However, since Israel decided to fashion a golden calf with the jewelry received from the Egyptians as they abandoned slavery forever, never to return to it again, and they fashioned it blindly, because they failed to see Moses descending from Jerusalem's holy hill, so Israel sinned against our heavenly Father's holy name to the point that He wanted to kill them.
Meaning that, as Israel fashioned the golden calf to call it the gods that had liberated them from slavery, then they were not sinning against Moses or anyone else in particular, but they were sinning against Jerusalem's holy hill covenant powers, and whoever sins against it, then they are sinning against His holy name--and that is why, God rejected Israel. On this day, as Israel fashioned the golden calf to exalt it as the liberating gods then they sinned against Jerusalem's holy hill to the point of terrible humiliation, before the angels in heaven and the nations watching day in and day out the events that were unfolding, as Israel began to taste freedom for the first time since its foundation day.
Surely, this was only a three day walk from Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads, because our heavenly Father had granted Moses to invoke His holy name over His holy mountain and within Israel, so they may escape darkness with great powers into the desert, for they needed to receive physical Jerusalem's holy hill to take it into Canaan. For this was something that our heavenly Father wanted to do with the Israelis in three days only, because He had planned how to wipe out the powerful armies that Satan had placed through the desert into the Promised Land, and within it, too, so Israel may never enter into Canaan to place Jerusalem's holy hill where it belonged for the nations.
For the reason that, our heavenly Father wanted finally to fulfill the will of His holy heart to establish His holy name over Jerusalem forever, nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son Jesus Christ, as His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin as from eating the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Indeed, with His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill as the gate to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory forever justified by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground, then Satan and his entire kingdom of darkness will no longer exist on earth or anywhere else, because he is eternally defeated.
Meaning that, also Satan has been defeated by our heavenly Father's holy name, as it was finally nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so the children from all the families of the nations may return to the place in heaven's glory where they were kicked out by Satan's lies that Eve believed first to cause Adam to sin. That is why, that whenever that you may invoke our heavenly Father's holy name at the place that He has called you to meet Him and His holy name thus to bless you, and this is the middle of the crosses, where His Son Jesus Christ is always found, then, as you invoke it, miraculously you are defeating Satan, forever.
For it is only this powerful invocation of His holy name at the cross of Adam and Eve that first defeated Satan as His children original creation of His hands, because Adam and Eve are His creation, and later as He wrote the tablets of the commandments with His finger, too, then you will defeat Satan eternally where He has called you. Today, you must come to this holy place over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the only place of perfect holiness for His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve, and there is no other like it anywhere else in Creation, so you may finally defeat Satan where He calls you always thus to defeat every wicked work fashioned against you.
Now, as you may fail to rise to Jerusalem's holy hill to stand at the place where He will remind you as He who is for you, as the Great I Am, where His holy name will always be found nailed to Adam and Eve (His hands first great work in heaven's glory), then He will come and bless you there. Furthermore, our heavenly Father will come to bless you where He has caused His holy name to be there, nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground from the first drop to the last one, so you may be washed from sin thus to become Holy Spirit born in His presence to ascend into heaven forever vindicated.
Then, after every one of you has done this for our heavenly Father, and this is to answer His call to ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke His holy name, nailed to Adam and Eve with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground in perfect holiness, then He will begin to bless the land with milk and honey. This is the food to eat that our heavenly Father promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the children to enjoy every day not only for Israel but also for the families of the nations, because they all need to be fed by Him and His holy name, so they may become His children born from the Holy Spirit, into eternity.
Besides, our heavenly Father wants to feed Israel and the families of the nations with the same food that He fed to them in the desert as He caused the rock to flow with rivers of living-water and the daily manna, so they may nourish their newly glorified bodies, formed by His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood for heaven's eternal life. For this is the only sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that our heavenly Father will not only allow into Canaan to be conquered by the Israelis, as they walked into it, with the tabernacle of reunion over their shoulders and Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads, defeating Satan's armies everywhere, but also into heaven's glory, ascending only through Jacob's ladder into eternal life.
Certainly, once our heavenly Father's holy name was established over Jerusalem's holy hill, by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross of Adam and Eve, then, as Israel begins to invoke it thus to defeat Satan in their lives, at once the land of Canaan will start to flow with milk and honey. Absolutely, people from all the nations will come to Jerusalem's holy hill within Israel to eat and drink from the Lord's Table, served as always by His Son as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and so, as they may eat from the milk and honey then they will receive-and-nourish the glorified-body to live forever.
For the reason that, this milk and honey emanating from Jerusalem's holy hill is the food that nourishes not only the holy angels in heaven's glory, by satisfying their hunger and thirst, so they may live in perfect Righteousness before our heavenly Father, but also keep their entire celestial-beings perfect and holy to worship His holy name into eternity. This is what our heavenly Father needed to do with the Israelis, as they stood at the foot of Mount Sinai to drink living-water bursting from Jerusalem's holy hill, the injured-rock, so the Israelis may not only quench the desert's thirst but also keep the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood received from the King Messiah through Isaac well nourished to enter Canaan sinless.
Here is why that our heavenly Father needs not only His holy name established over Jerusalem's holy hill forever, but also to have the injured-rock bursting with milk and honey for the Israelis and the families of the nations, because, if they have invoked His name, then now they have to receive instantly the sacred-body to live forever blessed in heavens' glory. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ will serve the milk and honey bursting from the injured-rock to the nations coming from around the world, and he will serve them just as he personally served the bread and wine to Abraham and his 318 disciples to eat with our heavenly Father the sacred-flesh, and the atoning-blood for God's Lamb to be miraculously born.
Definitely, this will be something that our heavenly Father will do with His Son Jesus Christ within Israel with His holy name being invoked by everyone in Israel and the families of the nations to eat and drink milk and honey from the bursting injured-rock, because this is exactly what Joseph did in Egypt to feed the nations, and fed them abundantly. For Joseph was second in command within Egypt, no one was above him except the Pharaoh, and so, because he interpreted Pharaoh's dream then he was named to become the administrator of Egypt's wealth, for the seven years of abundance were coming, and after that, the seven years of famine throughout the land, so the nations may come to buy food.
Divinely, this was a dream that our heavenly Father had given to Pharaoh of the seven fatten cows and the seven ugly looking cows ready to eat the fatten ones, because this prophecy was not only for Egypt to become rich but also for Israel to burst into all the families flowing with milk and honey for the nations to eat abundantly, forever. Well, with Joseph as second in command after Pharaoh, then he accumulated all the wealth that the seven years of the fat cows produced that were not enough warehouses to in store the riches accumulated that the Egyptian failed to keep counting that suddenly the seven years of the ugly looking cows came around that famine could be seen everywhere universally.
And so, the nations, including Canaan, came to Joseph to buy from him food that they need it to live, because if they failed to eat then certain death was to take place within their land, that is why, that they bought with money, then with slaves, then with their animals and finally with their property until they became slaves for Egypt. However, with our Lord Jesus Christ as second in command before our heavenly Father within the Promised Land, because he said to the Israelis my Father is your Father, my God is your God, then if Israel begins to invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and at the place where He has promised to be there, immediately miracles will happen.
Meaning that, Jerusalem's holy hill will burst with living-water for the nations to drink from the river of life, furthermore the milk and honey will flow abundantly for Israel and for the families of the nations, because they will no longer bear Adam's contaminated rebellious-body, but now they will be dressing our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body to enter heaven's glory everlastingly Righteous. Therefore, what Joseph did as in second in command before the Pharaoh to feed the nations with crops store up in the warehouses of Egypt so to feed the nations during famine time, then His Son will do as second in command before our Father in Canaan to cause Jerusalem's holy hill to flow with milk and honey, feeding the nations everlastingly.
For the families of the nations will come to Jerusalem's holy hill without money to eat and drink for free from Jerusalem's holy hill bursting abundantly with the milk and honey that nourishes forever the sacred-body and the atoning-blood that we have received from our Lord Jesus Christ thus to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence in perfect Righteousness, forever justified. And from that point on, our heavenly Father will continue to eat with Israel and the families of the nations the bread and wine served daily over the Lord's Table by His Son Jesus Christ, so we may also continue to drink from the bursting injured-rock the living-water of life that blesses our entire glorified-being, so may never hunger and thirst again.
Certainly, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to do after meeting with the Israelis at Mount Sinai and after they had drink out from the injure-rock the living-water that it is His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of eternal holiness, so they may enter into Canaan with Jerusalem's holy hill to eat and drink from the milk and honey. Besides, our heavenly Father is doing this with His Son as second in command not only in heaven's glory before the angelic host but also within Israel and the families of the nations, because Jerusalem's holy hill must be established on earth as the center of love, service and worship unto His holy name, for milk and honey to flow abundantly, forever.
For the reason that, this is the way it is in heaven with the angels always loving, serving and exalting our heavenly Father's holy name nailed to the cross, so not only living water may flow constantly for the angels but also the milk and honey that they need to eat from our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Well, this is what our heavenly Father needed to do, as He released Israel from Egypt by the powers of His holy name living in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ at Adam and Eve's cross, but He was not able to execute His will timely, due to Israel fashioning the golden calf, and so, He had to postpone it momentarily.
Meaning that, our heavenly Father that once Israel invokes His holy name where He has promised that He will come to meet them there in person, so He may bless them as they have never known blessing before since they were born on earth, then Jerusalem's holy hill will flow with milk and honey as it does in heaven for the angels. For our heavenly Father's will, it is to create a new earth with spacious skies, filled with the glory and honor of His holy name emanating from the heart not only from every man, woman and child from Israel but also from the nations, so Jerusalem's holy hill may flow abundantly with milk and honey as it does in heaven until now.
For the reason that, Jerusalem's holy hill being not only the center of love, worship and service for every holy angel unto our heavenly Father's holy name, but also it is from where the rivers of living-water flow through the entire angelic kingdom nourishing also abundantly with milk and honey, so perfect holiness may flow within everyone's heart, angels and humankind alike. These days, this is where you need to be--His Altar--because there is no other place like in heaven much less throughout Creation, beginning with earth, because our Father is keeping His promise thus far to meet you there in person, where His holy name is nailed to Adam and Eve, so you may invoke Him to enter heaven's lasting happiness.
Certainly, this is where our heavenly Father has allowed His Son Jesus Christ to shed his atoning-blood drop-by-drop for His holy name to remain surrounded and protected as always with the perfect holiness that has blessed it since the old days of eternity, so you do not need to bring a lamb, His Son is your Lamb and priest, for all blessings. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father said to Moses: I have heard the cry, and how Abraham's children have suffered over the years because of the harshness from the Egyptians and the slave drivers' tortures, by forcing them to do hard work, and so, I am here over Jerusalem's holy hill to take them into a new land, flowing with milk and honey, forever. This was our heavenly Father with His Son the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit with legions and legions of holy angels ready to battle with Satan and his wicked forces that had enslaved the Hebrew for more than four hundred years, provided that, our heavenly Father had a much better life to give them to enjoy, everlastingly.
Surely, there was Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit because the atoning-blood making contact with His holy tears, causing the Holy Spirit to burn powerfully thus to destroy every darkness that it may be in the way, and so, not only Moses could see the fire burning but also every one around everywhere. Faithfully, our heavenly Father had descended to meet Moses in person, because he was born and blessed by Him from his mother's womb to do His will that no one else could do it, by the power of the Holy Spirit, as he would stand before his Son Jesus Christ at the cross, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit.
For the reason that, as Moses ascended Mount Sinai then he found himself standing in holy ground that he did not know at all, but the voice that came from the middle cross, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit said: Moses, remove your sandals, because where you are standing is holy ground--and Moses obeyed, by removing his sandals immediately. Then, as Moses had removed his sandals by the command of the voice coming from the middle of the burning bush, the tree crosses that Jacob saw in his dream over Jerusalem's holy hill, then contact was made with our heavenly Father's holy tears and His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground thus causing the ground to burn passionately for Israel.
For it is our heavenly Father's holy tears and His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground, as His personal high priest of Righteousness and the Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, that fuels the Holy Spirit's fire to burn wildly without damaging its surroundings at all--for this is where we all are reborn into heaven's glory. Moreover, this is the fire from the Holy Spirit rising from the ground as our heavenly Father's tears and His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground causes the fire to continue to burn incessantly in heaven's glory and now over Mount Sinai, because Jerusalem's holy hill is resting over it, ready for Moses to hear God's holy name first.
Our heavenly Father needed to manifest Himself from His cross as the God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ from his cross in the middle as the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit from his cross as the God of Jacob, because Moses was not only going to receive it within his heart first then also every one within Israel, forever. For this is our heavenly Father's holy name that He had never manifested to anyone in the midst of the nations of the entire world, since Creation, however, now He is giving it to Moses, so everyone within Israel may start to invoke it, because it is filled with power and authority to destroy every darkness holding them in captivity, perpetually.
For this name was very important for Israel to know, that is, if everyone within Egypt's captivity really wanted to escape from the chains-and-shackles that had deprived them to enjoy life abundantly just as our heavenly Father called Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to enjoy life in His holy presence as they may begin to serve Him over Jerusalem's holy ground, into eternity. Granted that, the life that our heavenly Father had established with Abraham initially, then with Isaac over Mount Moriah in the holy presence of Jerusalem's holy ground with the three crosses from heaven above, and our Lord Jesus Christ always speaking to every one, as angels and men, and finally He sealed it with Jacob as a "life of daily blessing."
For this life, that our heavenly Father had lawfully established with Abraham and his children, is a blessing, because it is bound always to love, serve, and exalt His holy name from over Jerusalem's holy hill, for His name was destined to be nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son's atoning-blood thus to be invoked by anyone for lasting salvation. For this is the reason that, our heavenly Father had come to Israel while they were crying and suffering terribly under the dominion of the Egyptian army, because this is not the life that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the children, but the life that He had promised was a bountiful life that flows with milk and honey.
For this is a pristine life that they will only begin to enjoy every day of their entire lives on earth and from heaven above as well, as within The New celestial Jerusalem, where Jerusalem's holy hill is the center of love, service and glorification to His holy name, the Ten Commandments and the tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place. It is here where our heavenly Father needs to continue to bless not only the life of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and millions more through time but also every one else from Israel and the families of the nations, because the glory of His holy name needs to be manifested all over the earth, for darkness to be destroyed at last.
Now, our heavenly Father had come to Israel, not only to liberate them from bondage, because they were living a terrible life without Jerusalem's holy hill as the center of love, service and worship to His holy name, existing always in perfect holiness within His Son, in the middle of the three crosses, but also, to manifest Himself to the world. For our heavenly Father needs the children of Abraham to learn to know Him over Jerusalem's holy hill, because not only this is home-sweet-home but also it is the place of perfect worship to His holy name, so He may receive all the glory and honor that you must grant unto Him, by invoking His holy name over His holy mountaintop.
For this is the only place that our heavenly Father manifested to Moses, not only to begin to know His holy name, but also it is the place where Moses began to learn to experience the wonderful love that emanates from our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so he may become reborn in the Holy Spirit's power. This is the place where Lucifer and his fallen angels began to rebel against Him and His holy name, because they refused to love and honor His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ, as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, from heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind.
For Lucifer knew along with his fallen angels that he had to love, serve and worship God over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is where His holy name has always existed in perfect holiness within the sacred body of His Chosen Lamb, with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and this is His Son Jesus Christ as the gate to heaven's glory. Moreover, through time our heavenly Father had always longed to have His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve trees crossed to each other, as the famous cross from heaven above over Jerusalem's holy hill, because His first-children were lost without ever been able to invoke His holy name for salvation, and so, His Son had to saved them with nails.
The nails to nail his sacred body to Adam and Eve crossed trees to each other, forming the cross that Jacob saw over Jerusalem's holy hill, to receive him and our heavenly Father's holy name forever, sealed with his atoning-blood, so they may invoke His holy name at last for eternal salvation thus to ascend Jacob's ladder back into paradise. Otherwise, Adam and Eve could have never been able to invoke His holy name much less become saved to return to paradise to the life that they had always known with the angelic host, filled with our heavenly Father's love and of His Son Jesus Christ, so they may love, serve and worship His holy name in the Holy Spirit's fire.
That is why, that Abraham needed to ascend Mount Moriah with his long waited son Isaac, born by the power of the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarah's barren-womb, so he may become the sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood of the King Messiah to be offered timely as his burn sacrifice to atone for his sins, for lasting salvation. Meaning that, our heavenly Father needed to meet Abraham with his sacrifice offering at the gate to heaven's glory, and this is where Adam and Eve were also waiting for His Son to be nailed to them with the holy name, so they may finally invoke it thus to become Holy Spirit born to ascend Jacob's ladder back into paradise, forever restored.
For this is where our heavenly Father had summoned Abraham to be at the gate ready to ascend Jacob's ladder, but, first he had to present his son Isaac as the burn offering over His altar, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill, so He may accept it thus to confirm his faith as the salvation justice to become His child, perpetually. Then, as Abraham was ready to kill his only son Isaac as the burn offering sacrifice of the day, immediately our heavenly Father began to bless his faith, but also to pray over Isaac with divine passion, since he was bearing the seed that will give birth to every man, woman and child for Israel to become a nation on earth.
Furthermore, as our heavenly Father prayed over Isaac then He shed holy tears over every one that will be born from him within Israel lineage to become His dream nation that will learn to invoke His holy name, obey His holy commandments, and conduct rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness not only for themselves but also for the angels from heaven above. Thus, our heavenly Father's prayer was a powerful one over every one of Abraham's children that were to be born into the world from his much loved son Isaac, as he lay ready to be killed by him over our heavenly Father's altar that really is the only gate that opens for Jacob's ladder, ascending into heaven's glory into eternal life.
For this is the place where His holy name always is, that has for eternity existed in perfect holiness within the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, and so, He needed to pray over the children at where His holy name abides in eternal righteousness. That is why, that as our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai, then He did it over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is His altar of the nonstop sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross of Adam and Eve, where Israel needed it to nail His holy name to save at last humankind from eternal perdition.
For this is the only place in the entire kingdom of heaven's glory with the angelic hosts and on earth with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, that He has personally promised to meet everyone, so He may descend from His Great White Throne to bless them powerfully with His love and lasting-happiness. Moreover, our heavenly Father will stop doing whatever He may be in heaven's glory to descend immediately over Jerusalem's holy hill to meet you in person at the gate, and this is where His holy name lives in perfect holiness, nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve as heaven's door, so He may bless you with especial powers, for eternity.
Certainly that, our heavenly Father will meet you at heaven's gate, and this is His Son with His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve, because this is where He has promised not only to meet you but also that He will bless you with His unfailing love that you will begin to experience blessing upon blessing, as never before. Moreover, our heavenly Father has to bless you only at the gate of heaven's glory, because it is here from where you will become born again in the Holy Spirit's power that not only gave birth to Isaac from his mother Sarah's barren-womb but also to His Son from David's virgin daughter, so you may become His child as well, forever.
Surely, this is what our heavenly Father is longing to see in each one from Israel and the families of the nations, that you may be born from the Holy Spirit's powers at the gate from heaven above over Jerusalem's holy hill--His Eternal Holy Altar--, so He may finally enjoy His dream to see you glorify His holy name everlastingly. Certainly, this is something that our heavenly Father longs very much in His holy heart just as He longed for His holy name to be nailed to Adam and Eve's trees crossed to each other over Jerusalem's holy hill, as His Son Jesus Christ with His holy name was finally nailed to them forever by the lasting power of the atoning-blood.
Today, our heavenly Father wants to see you over Jerusalem's holy hill, invoking and worshipping His holy name at the gate of heaven's glory, because it is here from where He will receive the glory and honor that your heart has for Him and His holy name, so finally Satan with his fallen angels may be defeated throughout the earth, forever. Definitely, these are glories and honors emerging from your heart unto Him and His holy name that He needs to receive from you every day on earth and in heaven's glory forever into eternity, because these are the glories and honors that rightfully belong to Him, and Satan has tried to steal them from you, so you may never honor Him.
That is why, that our heavenly Father has always sent His prophets, teachers and preachers to caution Israel that they must invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may grant onto Him the glory and honor that rightfully He deserves, so He may bless them for doing that which is honorable in His presence on earth and in heaven. These days, if you live without invoking His holy name from Jerusalem's holy hill and at the gate to heaven that is His Son Jesus Christ with his atoning-blood shed to the ground, so you may step into perfect holiness thus for you to become Holy Spirit born, then you will miss all your wonderful blessings that He has granted you already.
Absolutely, these are blessings of great honor and richness that He has granted you over Jerusalem's holy hill, as Abraham began to offer his only son Isaac over Mount Moriah's altar, because Abraham had to make his offering of blood sacrifice at the gate to heaven, and this is His Son Jesus Christ, for his faith to be counted as lasting Righteousness. That is why, that it is written that whoever may invoke the Lord's holy name in the last days then that one will be saved, because anyone invoking our Lord Jesus Christ, for example, then that one is invoking our heavenly Father's holy name that is already nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill for salvation.
In other words, as you may invoke Jesus Christ as your personal savior, then you are standing in holy ground instantly, and this is the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above, and the middle cross is Adam and Eve with our heavenly Father's all-powerful name nailed to them, is your only heaven's gate known to enter. You may also say that His Son Jesus Christ is Jerusalem's holy hill, because he not only bears our heavenly Father's holy name in perfect holiness through eternity, but also he has the atoning-blood that maintains it in perfect Righteousness constantly, regardless of who may come near to it at the gate to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory forever justified.
Moreover, Jerusalem's holy hill has every drop of the atoning-blood shed to the ground that His Son Jesus Christ was born with by the Holy Spirit's power from David's virgin daughter, so he may not only bring unto us eternal life but also the sacred-flesh, and the atoning-blood to become the ultimate sacrifice over Jerusalem's holy hill to end sin at last. Then, as our Lord Jesus Christ lived in Israel, he immediately went to the doctors of the Law, because he needed to inform them that he not only had brought into the world eternal life, but also our heavenly Father's holy name for Israel finally to invoke-and-honor it over Jerusalem's holy hill, so the land may flow with milk and honey, forever.
This was the only way that the Promised Land granted to Abraham and the children may begin to flow with milk and honey everywhere around the land, because our heavenly Father not only needed to feed the Israelis but also the families of the nations the bread and water that he gave them to eat through the Sinai's wilderness to conquer Canaan. For our heavenly Father still needs to cause Jerusalem's holy hill, as the rock that He personally showed to Moses to speak to it, for it to bust with living-water that it was really His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses from heaven above, so the Israelis may quench their thirst that was killing them.
Well, our heavenly Father needs to do the same for the nations, because these days, as in the past, the people are hungry and thirst from the food and drink that Jerusalem's holy hill emanates daily to those that have invoked our heavenly Father's holy name, nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve as the only gate to heaven's glory. Then, it is right here where not only Abraham along with Isaac his only beloved son that he had to ascend Mount Moriah to invoke our heavenly Father's holy name, so his faith may be counted as justice, but also Jacob in his dream he had to meet our Lord Jesus Christ to invoke the holy name for salvation.
Later, Moses had to ascend Mount Sinai, guided by the Holy Spirit's fire that was visible for miles around the world, so darkness may be put down, and Moses opened his eyes to see Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above, engulfed in the fire that was burning but never consuming its surroundings, so Israel may escape bondage finally. Moreover, our heavenly Father had to take Israel from Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads hidden in the SHEKINAH, (God's presence), so it may be light and warms during the desert's nights and a permanent shadow filled with coolness during the hot desert's days, so they may walk for three days to conquer the Promised Land at last.
For the reason that, our heavenly Father had to attack the Promised Land with the armies of the Israelis following always the way, truth and life of Jerusalem's holy hill with our heavenly Father's holy name living in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ, so Satan may be defeated by His holy name's powers. However, since Israel decided to fashion a golden calf with the jewelry received from the Egyptians as they abandoned slavery forever, never to return to it again, and they fashioned it blindly, because they failed to see Moses descending from Jerusalem's holy hill, so Israel sinned against our heavenly Father's holy name to the point that He wanted to kill them.
Meaning that, as Israel fashioned the golden calf to call it the gods that had liberated them from slavery, then they were not sinning against Moses or anyone else in particular, but they were sinning against Jerusalem's holy hill covenant powers, and whoever sins against it, then they are sinning against His holy name--and that is why, God rejected Israel. On this day, as Israel fashioned the golden calf to exalt it as the liberating gods then they sinned against Jerusalem's holy hill to the point of terrible humiliation, before the angels in heaven and the nations watching day in and day out the events that were unfolding, as Israel began to taste freedom for the first time since its foundation day.
Surely, this was only a three day walk from Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads, because our heavenly Father had granted Moses to invoke His holy name over His holy mountain and within Israel, so they may escape darkness with great powers into the desert, for they needed to receive physical Jerusalem's holy hill to take it into Canaan. For this was something that our heavenly Father wanted to do with the Israelis in three days only, because He had planned how to wipe out the powerful armies that Satan had placed through the desert into the Promised Land, and within it, too, so Israel may never enter into Canaan to place Jerusalem's holy hill where it belonged for the nations.
For the reason that, our heavenly Father wanted finally to fulfill the will of His holy heart to establish His holy name over Jerusalem forever, nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son Jesus Christ, as His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin as from eating the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Indeed, with His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill as the gate to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory forever justified by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground, then Satan and his entire kingdom of darkness will no longer exist on earth or anywhere else, because he is eternally defeated.
Meaning that, also Satan has been defeated by our heavenly Father's holy name, as it was finally nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so the children from all the families of the nations may return to the place in heaven's glory where they were kicked out by Satan's lies that Eve believed first to cause Adam to sin. That is why, that whenever that you may invoke our heavenly Father's holy name at the place that He has called you to meet Him and His holy name thus to bless you, and this is the middle of the crosses, where His Son Jesus Christ is always found, then, as you invoke it, miraculously you are defeating Satan, forever.
For it is only this powerful invocation of His holy name at the cross of Adam and Eve that first defeated Satan as His children original creation of His hands, because Adam and Eve are His creation, and later as He wrote the tablets of the commandments with His finger, too, then you will defeat Satan eternally where He has called you. Today, you must come to this holy place over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the only place of perfect holiness for His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve, and there is no other like it anywhere else in Creation, so you may finally defeat Satan where He calls you always thus to defeat every wicked work fashioned against you.
Now, as you may fail to rise to Jerusalem's holy hill to stand at the place where He will remind you as He who is for you, as the Great I Am, where His holy name will always be found nailed to Adam and Eve (His hands first great work in heaven's glory), then He will come and bless you there. Furthermore, our heavenly Father will come to bless you where He has caused His holy name to be there, nailed to Adam and Eve with His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground from the first drop to the last one, so you may be washed from sin thus to become Holy Spirit born in His presence to ascend into heaven forever vindicated.
Then, after every one of you has done this for our heavenly Father, and this is to answer His call to ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke His holy name, nailed to Adam and Eve with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground in perfect holiness, then He will begin to bless the land with milk and honey. This is the food to eat that our heavenly Father promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the children to enjoy every day not only for Israel but also for the families of the nations, because they all need to be fed by Him and His holy name, so they may become His children born from the Holy Spirit, into eternity.
Besides, our heavenly Father wants to feed Israel and the families of the nations with the same food that He fed to them in the desert as He caused the rock to flow with rivers of living-water and the daily manna, so they may nourish their newly glorified bodies, formed by His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood for heaven's eternal life. For this is the only sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that our heavenly Father will not only allow into Canaan to be conquered by the Israelis, as they walked into it, with the tabernacle of reunion over their shoulders and Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads, defeating Satan's armies everywhere, but also into heaven's glory, ascending only through Jacob's ladder into eternal life.
Certainly, once our heavenly Father's holy name was established over Jerusalem's holy hill, by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the cross of Adam and Eve, then, as Israel begins to invoke it thus to defeat Satan in their lives, at once the land of Canaan will start to flow with milk and honey. Absolutely, people from all the nations will come to Jerusalem's holy hill within Israel to eat and drink from the Lord's Table, served as always by His Son as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and so, as they may eat from the milk and honey then they will receive-and-nourish the glorified-body to live forever.
For the reason that, this milk and honey emanating from Jerusalem's holy hill is the food that nourishes not only the holy angels in heaven's glory, by satisfying their hunger and thirst, so they may live in perfect Righteousness before our heavenly Father, but also keep their entire celestial-beings perfect and holy to worship His holy name into eternity. This is what our heavenly Father needed to do with the Israelis, as they stood at the foot of Mount Sinai to drink living-water bursting from Jerusalem's holy hill, the injured-rock, so the Israelis may not only quench the desert's thirst but also keep the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood received from the King Messiah through Isaac well nourished to enter Canaan sinless.
Here is why that our heavenly Father needs not only His holy name established over Jerusalem's holy hill forever, but also to have the injured-rock bursting with milk and honey for the Israelis and the families of the nations, because, if they have invoked His name, then now they have to receive instantly the sacred-body to live forever blessed in heavens' glory. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ will serve the milk and honey bursting from the injured-rock to the nations coming from around the world, and he will serve them just as he personally served the bread and wine to Abraham and his 318 disciples to eat with our heavenly Father the sacred-flesh, and the atoning-blood for God's Lamb to be miraculously born.
Definitely, this will be something that our heavenly Father will do with His Son Jesus Christ within Israel with His holy name being invoked by everyone in Israel and the families of the nations to eat and drink milk and honey from the bursting injured-rock, because this is exactly what Joseph did in Egypt to feed the nations, and fed them abundantly. For Joseph was second in command within Egypt, no one was above him except the Pharaoh, and so, because he interpreted Pharaoh's dream then he was named to become the administrator of Egypt's wealth, for the seven years of abundance were coming, and after that, the seven years of famine throughout the land, so the nations may come to buy food.
Divinely, this was a dream that our heavenly Father had given to Pharaoh of the seven fatten cows and the seven ugly looking cows ready to eat the fatten ones, because this prophecy was not only for Egypt to become rich but also for Israel to burst into all the families flowing with milk and honey for the nations to eat abundantly, forever. Well, with Joseph as second in command after Pharaoh, then he accumulated all the wealth that the seven years of the fat cows produced that were not enough warehouses to in store the riches accumulated that the Egyptian failed to keep counting that suddenly the seven years of the ugly looking cows came around that famine could be seen everywhere universally.
And so, the nations, including Canaan, came to Joseph to buy from him food that they need it to live, because if they failed to eat then certain death was to take place within their land, that is why, that they bought with money, then with slaves, then with their animals and finally with their property until they became slaves for Egypt. However, with our Lord Jesus Christ as second in command before our heavenly Father within the Promised Land, because he said to the Israelis my Father is your Father, my God is your God, then if Israel begins to invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and at the place where He has promised to be there, immediately miracles will happen.
Meaning that, Jerusalem's holy hill will burst with living-water for the nations to drink from the river of life, furthermore the milk and honey will flow abundantly for Israel and for the families of the nations, because they will no longer bear Adam's contaminated rebellious-body, but now they will be dressing our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body to enter heaven's glory everlastingly Righteous. Therefore, what Joseph did as in second in command before the Pharaoh to feed the nations with crops store up in the warehouses of Egypt so to feed the nations during famine time, then His Son will do as second in command before our Father in Canaan to cause Jerusalem's holy hill to flow with milk and honey, feeding the nations everlastingly.
For the families of the nations will come to Jerusalem's holy hill without money to eat and drink for free from Jerusalem's holy hill bursting abundantly with the milk and honey that nourishes forever the sacred-body and the atoning-blood that we have received from our Lord Jesus Christ thus to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence in perfect Righteousness, forever justified. And from that point on, our heavenly Father will continue to eat with Israel and the families of the nations the bread and wine served daily over the Lord's Table by His Son Jesus Christ, so we may also continue to drink from the bursting injured-rock the living-water of life that blesses our entire glorified-being, so may never hunger and thirst again.
Certainly, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to do after meeting with the Israelis at Mount Sinai and after they had drink out from the injure-rock the living-water that it is His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground of eternal holiness, so they may enter into Canaan with Jerusalem's holy hill to eat and drink from the milk and honey. Besides, our heavenly Father is doing this with His Son as second in command not only in heaven's glory before the angelic host but also within Israel and the families of the nations, because Jerusalem's holy hill must be established on earth as the center of love, service and worship unto His holy name, for milk and honey to flow abundantly, forever.
For the reason that, this is the way it is in heaven with the angels always loving, serving and exalting our heavenly Father's holy name nailed to the cross, so not only living water may flow constantly for the angels but also the milk and honey that they need to eat from our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Well, this is what our heavenly Father needed to do, as He released Israel from Egypt by the powers of His holy name living in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ at Adam and Eve's cross, but He was not able to execute His will timely, due to Israel fashioning the golden calf, and so, He had to postpone it momentarily.
Meaning that, our heavenly Father that once Israel invokes His holy name where He has promised that He will come to meet them there in person, so He may bless them as they have never known blessing before since they were born on earth, then Jerusalem's holy hill will flow with milk and honey as it does in heaven for the angels. For our heavenly Father's will, it is to create a new earth with spacious skies, filled with the glory and honor of His holy name emanating from the heart not only from every man, woman and child from Israel but also from the nations, so Jerusalem's holy hill may flow abundantly with milk and honey as it does in heaven until now.
For the reason that, Jerusalem's holy hill being not only the center of love, worship and service for every holy angel unto our heavenly Father's holy name, but also it is from where the rivers of living-water flow through the entire angelic kingdom nourishing also abundantly with milk and honey, so perfect holiness may flow within everyone's heart, angels and humankind alike. These days, this is where you need to be--His Altar--because there is no other place like in heaven much less throughout Creation, beginning with earth, because our Father is keeping His promise thus far to meet you there in person, where His holy name is nailed to Adam and Eve, so you may invoke Him to enter heaven's lasting happiness.
Certainly, this is where our heavenly Father has allowed His Son Jesus Christ to shed his atoning-blood drop-by-drop for His holy name to remain surrounded and protected as always with the perfect holiness that has blessed it since the old days of eternity, so you do not need to bring a lamb, His Son is your Lamb and priest, for all blessings. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.