Playing catch-up
(too old to reply)
Ron Moses
2013-10-02 01:13:26 UTC
I had two absolutely fantastic MK listening experiences today. Where better to share, right?

Prior to their arrival in the mail yesterday, I did not own a copy of either "bakin' @ the potato!" or "Evidence of Humanity." ***@tp came out at a time when I was still burnt out on live MK music, following over a decade of constant show-collecting, and culminating in a tragic initial listening to Guitar Therapy Live because fucking QUIMBY AGAIN! GAAAHHH!!!

EoH came out while I was still coming to terms with my lingering non-love for Scambot. To have a new MK release fall so incompatibly on my ears was disheartening (I've warmed to it considerably since). I knew nothing of Marco Minnemann's work, and the description of the project didn't stir me from my funk, so lacking the proper motivation I skipped it.

Errors corrected, effective today.

***@tp is just the breath of fresh air I needed to get me back into the live groove. I was a few minutes late for work this morning because I needed to sit in the parking garage until Life's Too Small was over. Fucking awesome. And if Mike wants to open his set with the best set-closer in his repertoire... hey, who am I to complain? It works for me. I feel re-inflated, and eager for a show.

I went home early, not feeling so well. Kicking back in my recliner, I took the opportunity to put on EoH for the first time. To be honest, my expectations were still... let's say measured. At about the ten-minute mark, I hit the "repeat all" button. I hadn't heard this album at all before today; now I've heard it four times, and I don't feel like I've absorbed a fraction of it. Every moment of it stuns me, and I find myself lacking words to explain where this album is taking me. I'm very much looking forward to growing more familiar with it, but I'm going to resist the temptation to overload on it. Plus, it will cut into my You Must Be This Tall time, and we can't have that.

(A typo just now convinced me that if I ever meet Antal, I will greet him with, "So... you must be this Tal." And typing that sentence has convinced me I will not do that.)

So now the only thing to do is figure out why I can't seem to enthuse much about Wing Beat Fantastic. (No, nothing to do with You Kill Me, that's actually my favorite track.) I think I foolishly built up a very specific expectation, and I haven't yet come around to the album it is. It will happen. Some day one of us will look at the other, lower his guard at last, and say with misty eyes and open arms, "Aww, come 'ere guy." Hugs will follow. I'm thinking it will probably have to be me who does all that, but we'll see.

I was supposed to hit Send twenty minutes ago but I accidentally got sucked into Wine and Pickles. Sorry. Sending now.

2013-10-02 18:39:18 UTC
: ) : ) : )
Post by Ron Moses
I had two absolutely fantastic MK listening experiences today. Where better to share, right?
EoH came out while I was still coming to terms with my lingering non-love for Scambot. To have a new MK release fall so incompatibly on my ears was disheartening (I've warmed to it considerably since). I knew nothing of Marco Minnemann's work, and the description of the project didn't stir me from my funk, so lacking the proper motivation I skipped it.
Errors corrected, effective today.
I went home early, not feeling so well. Kicking back in my recliner, I took the opportunity to put on EoH for the first time. To be honest, my expectations were still... let's say measured. At about the ten-minute mark, I hit the "repeat all" button. I hadn't heard this album at all before today; now I've heard it four times, and I don't feel like I've absorbed a fraction of it. Every moment of it stuns me, and I find myself lacking words to explain where this album is taking me. I'm very much looking forward to growing more familiar with it, but I'm going to resist the temptation to overload on it. Plus, it will cut into my You Must Be This Tall time, and we can't have that.
(A typo just now convinced me that if I ever meet Antal, I will greet him with, "So... you must be this Tal." And typing that sentence has convinced me I will not do that.)
So now the only thing to do is figure out why I can't seem to enthuse much about Wing Beat Fantastic. (No, nothing to do with You Kill Me, that's actually my favorite track.) I think I foolishly built up a very specific expectation, and I haven't yet come around to the album it is. It will happen. Some day one of us will look at the other, lower his guard at last, and say with misty eyes and open arms, "Aww, come 'ere guy." Hugs will follow. I'm thinking it will probably have to be me who does all that, but we'll see.
I was supposed to hit Send twenty minutes ago but I accidentally got sucked into Wine and Pickles. Sorry. Sending now.
Mike Pierry
2013-10-07 23:21:16 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
I had two absolutely fantastic MK listening experiences today. Where better to share, right?
EoH came out while I was still coming to terms with my lingering non-love for Scambot. To have a new MK release fall so incompatibly on my ears was disheartening (I've warmed to it considerably since). I knew nothing of Marco Minnemann's work, and the description of the project didn't stir me from my funk, so lacking the proper motivation I skipped it.
Errors corrected, effective today.
I went home early, not feeling so well. Kicking back in my recliner, I took the opportunity to put on EoH for the first time. To be honest, my expectations were still... let's say measured. At about the ten-minute mark, I hit the "repeat all" button. I hadn't heard this album at all before today; now I've heard it four times, and I don't feel like I've absorbed a fraction of it. Every moment of it stuns me, and I find myself lacking words to explain where this album is taking me. I'm very much looking forward to growing more familiar with it, but I'm going to resist the temptation to overload on it. Plus, it will cut into my You Must Be This Tall time, and we can't have that.
(A typo just now convinced me that if I ever meet Antal, I will greet him with, "So... you must be this Tal." And typing that sentence has convinced me I will not do that.)
So now the only thing to do is figure out why I can't seem to enthuse much about Wing Beat Fantastic. (No, nothing to do with You Kill Me, that's actually my favorite track.) I think I foolishly built up a very specific expectation, and I haven't yet come around to the album it is. It will happen. Some day one of us will look at the other, lower his guard at last, and say with misty eyes and open arms, "Aww, come 'ere guy." Hugs will follow. I'm thinking it will probably have to be me who does all that, but we'll see.
I was supposed to hit Send twenty minutes ago but I accidentally got sucked into Wine and Pickles. Sorry. Sending now.
Ron Moses
2013-10-08 14:52:12 UTC
'cause of breakfast, if you'll pardon the expression.
I most certainly will not.

