Sluggo! (2013 Mix) spoiler review
(too old to reply)
2013-11-08 02:15:47 UTC
You know how sometimes you buy the remastered/remixed versions of an old musical friend, and you wonder why you dropped the extra coin for something that sounds indistinguishable from the original?

This is NOT one of those times.

Sluggo! is a desert island album for me. I've listened to it dozens of times, if not hundreds. I love, love, love this album. The only issue I've ever had with it has been the mix; some parts that really feel like they want to be front-and-center instead come from far away (the Frozen Beef guitar solo in particular). On the other hand, the guitar solo in TRANQUILLADO is right there, so I've always wondered if the overall mix was by design.

The answer, after first listen, appears to be "No! Here, try this instead!" Potato and Why Am I Your Guy almost sound like different songs; the clarity and separation of parts is a bit startling, after hearing these songs another way for so long. Sections that were lost in the depths of the mix are now popping out.
The Frozen Beef solo is now right where it should be, tumescent and boisterous. And it turns out Beller's bass work on the song is equally boisterous; who knew?
Whoa, where did that harmony part come from in Chatfield Manor? There's that lovely fade out, no more tweaking the volume to hear it! Ahhhh, this is great.

And it just keeps coming. Listen to that guitar texture on Voyage to Manhood underneath the vocals. Are you sure these aren't new parts? Is that an organ doubling the guitar line? Listen to Beller on Egg Zooming...so much stuff going on in this track that came across before as an indiscriminate wash of sound, and now you can pick all of it out, and hear some parts that you might swear are new.

Interestingly, some of the Leslie in Own has been traded off for crisp punch, and the vocals are more forward. Again, clarity and separation in spades. And here comes the solo, oh my, so crisp. To my ears, the new mixes are an improvement over the old ones almost across the board; the only exception might be What Am I Your Guy. I'm so used to that song being a wash of loud guitar that the new mix really does sound very different to me, and I'm not sure that I didn't like the old wash-of-sound better for that track. But we'll see if the new mix grows on me.

I'm Afraid: listen to how clear the intro is. I had to stop and start the track again. And that touch harmonic after "galaxy far far away" is killing me. I know MK talked about growth in his vocal delivery circa Dancing, but I'm not sure it hadn't already begun during this album, based on how this track now sounds. And the same now applies to Cardboard Dog. Three and a half minutes in, the song used to kind of just go sit down in the corner for a couple of minutes. It doesn't do that anymore. And there, at 4:50...and 6:45...

I thought Wing Beat Fantastic and You Must Be This Tall were new milestones for MK as far as mix quality and clarity, but the new mix of Sluggo might just surpass them. Clearly a huge amount of work into this remix, and it shows. Rediscovering an old friend in this very new light is a special treat.

OK, I have to go listen to that again now. Whee!
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2013-11-08 05:41:36 UTC
Post by Jeff
You know how sometimes you buy the remastered/remixed versions of an
old musical friend, and you wonder why you dropped the extra coin for
something that sounds indistinguishable from the original?
This is NOT one of those times.
Sluggo! is a desert island album for me. I've listened to it dozens
of times, if not hundreds. I love, love, love this album. The only
issue I've ever had with it has been the mix; some parts that really
feel like they want to be front-and-center instead come from far away
(the Frozen Beef guitar solo in particular). On the other hand, the
guitar solo in TRANQUILLADO is right there, so I've always wondered if
the overall mix was by design.
The answer, after first listen, appears to be "No! Here, try this
instead!" Potato and Why Am I Your Guy almost sound like different
songs; the clarity and separation of parts is a bit startling, after
hearing these songs another way for so long. Sections that were lost
in the depths of the mix are now popping out. The Frozen Beef solo is
now right where it should be, tumescent and boisterous. And it turns
out Beller's bass work on the song is equally boisterous; who knew?
Whoa, where did that harmony part come from in Chatfield Manor?
There's that lovely fade out, no more tweaking the volume to hear it!
Ahhhh, this is great.
And it just keeps coming. Listen to that guitar texture on Voyage to
Manhood underneath the vocals. Are you sure these aren't new parts?
Is that an organ doubling the guitar line? Listen to Beller on Egg
Zooming...so much stuff going on in this track that came across before
as an indiscriminate wash of sound, and now you can pick all of it
out, and hear some parts that you might swear are new.
Interestingly, some of the Leslie in Own has been traded off for crisp
punch, and the vocals are more forward. Again, clarity and separation
in spades. And here comes the solo, oh my, so crisp. To my ears, the
new mixes are an improvement over the old ones almost across the
board; the only exception might be What Am I Your Guy. I'm so used to
that song being a wash of loud guitar that the new mix really does
sound very different to me, and I'm not sure that I didn't like the
old wash-of-sound better for that track. But we'll see if the new mix
grows on me.
I'm Afraid: listen to how clear the intro is. I had to stop and start
the track again. And that touch harmonic after "galaxy far far away"
is killing me. I know MK talked about growth in his vocal delivery
circa Dancing, but I'm not sure it hadn't already begun during this
album, based on how this track now sounds. And the same now applies
to Cardboard Dog. Three and a half minutes in, the song used to kind
of just go sit down in the corner for a couple of minutes. It doesn't
do that anymore. And there, at 4:50...and 6:45...
I thought Wing Beat Fantastic and You Must Be This Tall were new
milestones for MK as far as mix quality and clarity, but the new mix
of Sluggo might just surpass them. Clearly a huge amount of work into
this remix, and it shows. Rediscovering an old friend in this very
new light is a special treat.
OK, I have to go listen to that again now. Whee!
Dammit, you just sold me. Now I really can't wait for a reissue of Half
Alive in Hollywood.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in dfw.*,
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych. Supreme Holy
Overlord of alt.fucknozzles. Winner of the 8/2000, 2/2003 & 4/2007 HL&S
award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.
"Bring it on spinics! Pray to whatever God you believe in that you
DON'T meet me in person for a debate -- I debate better than Kerry!"
- Edmo discusses a future lunch at PF Changs he'll never attend.
2013-11-09 03:40:35 UTC
Santa assures me I'm getting the full package version for the Yule festival.

I wait impatiently!!!!!!
Hagrinas Mivali
2013-11-22 08:49:24 UTC
Post by Chris_J
Santa assures me I'm getting the full package version for the Yule festival.
I wait impatiently!!!!!!
I'm still waiting for the deluxe package with the LP. If the Aristocrats
can put out an LP, so can MK.
Ron Moses
2013-11-22 14:52:31 UTC
And I just noticed this:

18. Bob Dylan's Nose (studio version)

SPLOOSH! I've only been waiting for a recording of this since Soap Scum Remover, which is what, 39 years ago? My math might be off, but I'm a bit enthused so forgive me.

new pants now,
2013-11-22 16:49:30 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
I'm still waiting for the deluxe package with the LP. If the Aristocrats
can put out an LP, so can MK.
Little Prince?
Loss Prevention?
Luke Perry?
Llama Pen?
Long Pause?
Life's Pleasures?
Line Packer?
Loofa Podium?
Lemon Pie?
Lake Palmer?
Local Politician?
Laura Palmer?
Leg, Pulled?
Laughing Psychologist?

I'm confused.
2013-11-24 06:56:42 UTC
Post by Ori
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
I'm still waiting for the deluxe package with the LP. If the Aristocrats
can put out an LP, so can MK.
Little Prince?
Loss Prevention?
Luke Perry?
Llama Pen?
Long Pause?
Life's Pleasures?
Line Packer?
Loofa Podium?
Lemon Pie?
Lake Palmer?
Local Politician?
Laura Palmer?
Leg, Pulled?
Laughing Psychologist?
I'm confused.
Luc Probeatie? (You're welcome, Smeenus!)

Hagrinas Mivali
2013-12-01 01:03:15 UTC
Post by Ori
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
I'm still waiting for the deluxe package with the LP. If the Aristocrats
can put out an LP, so can MK.
Little Prince?
Loss Prevention?
Luke Perry?
Llama Pen?
Long Pause?
Life's Pleasures?
Line Packer?
Loofa Podium?
Lemon Pie?
Lake Palmer?
Local Politician?
Laura Palmer?
Leg, Pulled?
Laughing Psychologist?
I'm confused.
Actually it comes from the Latin phrase "Loquitor ad infinitum" which
refers to vinyl records. It literally means something about speaking
repeatedly since records can be played over and over again. But the
phrase is too long, so we abbreviate it "LP" for "Latin Phrase."
Ron Moses
2013-12-06 14:15:16 UTC
My SuperDeluxe edition has shipped. I have a massive boner right now. Yes, I said massive. I also said boner. Both are funny for different reasons.

Once I receive and peruse it, I will have a special little treat to offer the group. It'll be old hat (npi) to some of you ancient Forheads, but I believe the rest will find it delightful. Yes, it's SuperDeluxe-edition-related - sort of a bonus on top of the bonus. And it's full of antelope goodness.

Ron Moses
2013-12-07 03:01:14 UTC
After a single listen to the mp3s, in my car no less, I can firmly declare that this new mix is a cavalcade of holy fuck I never heard that before. Like, where did all this new stuff come from? I feel like if I go back and re-listen to the original mix (which I don't plan to do for a while) I'd realize all these extra sounds were there before, but I sure never noticed them.

I only wish I had a 5.1 setup. I think I'm really going to be missing out on that one. Some day.

2013-12-10 15:27:09 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
After a single listen to the mp3s, in my car no less, I can firmly declare that this new mix is a cavalcade of holy fuck I never heard that before. Like, where did all this new stuff come from? I feel like if I go back and re-listen to the original mix (which I don't plan to do for a while) I'd realize all these extra sounds were there before, but I sure never noticed them.
This is exactly how I feel. After listening to that recording hundreds of times over the years, listening to the 2013 mix I kept hearing new things. I swear there are eighteen extra keyboard parts in Potato alone. And the, for lack of a better term, presence of the guitar on Own really makes that song for me. It adds this whole restlessness layer to the performance that is perfect for the track.

Sluggo was one of the albums that changed the way I listened to music* and what I thought was possible. It is incredible to hear it in such glorious gloriousness.


*Before I used to look closely at the grooves in the LP and visualize how the needle would vibrate. CDs were much harder--I'm not that good at counting in 44.1K--and Sluggo brought me to use traditional audio equipment. I haven't looked back since. Mostly due to a neck problem but it happened about the same time so, what I'm saying, a lot changed around then.
Ron Moses
2013-12-11 13:03:50 UTC
Post by mrnewit
*Before I used to look closely at the grooves in the LP and visualize how the needle would vibrate. CDs were much harder--I'm not that good at counting in 44.1K--and Sluggo brought me to use traditional audio equipment. I haven't looked back since.
What a coincidence! Before Sluggo!, I used to rip all my CDs to 48kbps RealPlayer files, remove the right channel, and wire my PC up to an old car speaker with a ripped cone, which I would then duct tape directly to my skull. When Sluggo! came out, I figured I'd try it the old-fashioned way, and I'm so glad I did!

On a separate topic, my occasion-celebrating gift to the group is still coming. Just ironing out a few final details. :)

