Nonkerstock Pictures ?
(too old to reply)
2014-07-25 01:51:21 UTC
I've been perusing the group for Nonker pics, but most of the links I've found no longer work.

Does anyone still have digital pictures? Is there a collection somewhere to contribute to?
Ron Moses
2014-07-25 19:23:50 UTC
Post by Sheryl
I've been perusing the group for Nonker pics, but most of the links I've found no longer work.
Does anyone still have digital pictures? Is there a collection somewhere to contribute to?
This may be the only currently active archive:


Wade Buehler
2014-07-25 22:45:52 UTC
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Does this link work:



2014-07-28 15:03:35 UTC
Post by Wade Buehler
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Totally awesome pics...I had hair then.

And there's Thax! I remember him talking about some obscure band: "They're like a poor man's Cradle Of Filth." I'll remember that line forever.

I know I still have the video floating around somewhere in my house. I dumped some of it to hard drive when Dougie passed but never really got around to doing anything meaningful with it. One of these days...

I met so many cool people that weekend. AMMK has led me to meet some really, really great humans (and some decent dolphins, too).

2015-01-04 03:08:50 UTC
Post by .ben.
Post by Wade Buehler
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Totally awesome pics...I had hair then.
And there's Thax! I remember him talking about some obscure band: "They're like a poor man's Cradle Of Filth." I'll remember that line forever.
I know I still have the video floating around somewhere in my house. I dumped some of it to hard drive when Dougie passed but never really got around to doing anything meaningful with it. One of these days...
I met so many cool people that weekend. AMMK has led me to meet some really, really great humans (and some decent dolphins, too).
Speaking of video floating....didn't you shoot some footage of the dolphin release from the backdoor into the wild blue with some Nonker propaganda attached?
2015-02-01 17:38:53 UTC
Post by frozenbeef
Post by .ben.
Post by Wade Buehler
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Totally awesome pics...I had hair then.
And there's Thax! I remember him talking about some obscure band: "They're like a poor man's Cradle Of Filth." I'll remember that line forever.
I know I still have the video floating around somewhere in my house. I dumped some of it to hard drive when Dougie passed but never really got around to doing anything meaningful with it. One of these days...
I met so many cool people that weekend. AMMK has led me to meet some really, really great humans (and some decent dolphins, too).
Speaking of video floating....didn't you shoot some footage of the dolphin release from the backdoor into the wild blue with some Nonker propaganda attached?
Yes, absolutely. I have video evidence that we released inflatable dolphins into the wild.

Now I really have to dig all that stuff out. It's such a hassle nowadays, with old cameras and outdated drivers. Ugh...I've got a headache just thinking about it.

Ron Moses
2015-02-02 13:52:10 UTC
I pray never to see video of myself on that stage. If only a little angel had come and told me, "Hey, you know that performance you're really excited about, the first live appearance of Disguising Godiva, and all your Internet friends from around the world will be there? Yeah, well your drummer is actually lying to you about his intention to attend the event. You'll learn about that a few hours before the show, but you'll figure you can adapt and play as a duo. Then the bridge on Steve's guitar will be dislodged, due to the fact that he didn't know you have to loosen your strings when you get on an airplane. That fact will go unnoticed until about fifteen seconds into your set. The whole thing will generally be a disaster; and just to add insult to injury, photographic evidence will show you have the whitest legs on the West Coast. Have fun!"

The only thing that makes the memory tolerable is that Mike had to leave to get his daughter and missed the whole thing. But I do remember Bryan saying he was eager to hear "Dumb" (which was incredibly flattering), and then leaving the room with a pained expression as we started playing it (which was incredibly depressing).

But hey, everything else was awesome. Yay, selective memory!!! Actually, I seem to remember "Basketball Retiree" and "My Dear Heather" coming out reasonably well, so I can't say it was a total wash.

2015-02-02 16:30:08 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
I pray never to see video of myself on that stage. If only a little angel had come and told me, "Hey, you know that performance you're really excited about, the first live appearance of Disguising Godiva, and all your Internet friends from around the world will be there? Yeah, well your drummer is actually lying to you about his intention to attend the event. You'll learn about that a few hours before the show, but you'll figure you can adapt and play as a duo. Then the bridge on Steve's guitar will be dislodged, due to the fact that he didn't know you have to loosen your strings when you get on an airplane. That fact will go unnoticed until about fifteen seconds into your set. The whole thing will generally be a disaster; and just to add insult to injury, photographic evidence will show you have the whitest legs on the West Coast. Have fun!"
The only thing that makes the memory tolerable is that Mike had to leave to get his daughter and missed the whole thing. But I do remember Bryan saying he was eager to hear "Dumb" (which was incredibly flattering), and then leaving the room with a pained expression as we started playing it (which was incredibly depressing).
But hey, everything else was awesome. Yay, selective memory!!! Actually, I seem to remember "Basketball Retiree" and "My Dear Heather" coming out reasonably well, so I can't say it was a total wash.
I am not sure I got any of the Disguising Godiva stuff on tape; I was really trying to be conservative with the tape (and yet I *still* had to scrounge one from a fellow Digital8 taper there). I believe I started taping about 15 seconds into Gary's set, but who knows...it's friggin' 16 years ago.

All I know is that it was a tremendous amount of fun. I like to think that the gathering was pretty well replicated at the Nonkertompf weekend in Groeningen (albeit a bit fancier, what with it being a proper venue & all that).

Foreheads are a pretty cool group of weirdos.

Chris Ingalls
2015-02-04 16:53:50 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
I pray never to see video of myself on that stage. If only a little angel had come and told me, "Hey, you know that performance you're really excited about, the first live appearance of Disguising Godiva, and all your Internet friends from around the world will be there? Yeah, well your drummer is actually lying to you about his intention to attend the event. You'll learn about that a few hours before the show, but you'll figure you can adapt and play as a duo. Then the bridge on Steve's guitar will be dislodged, due to the fact that he didn't know you have to loosen your strings when you get on an airplane. That fact will go unnoticed until about fifteen seconds into your set. The whole thing will generally be a disaster; and just to add insult to injury, photographic evidence will show you have the whitest legs on the West Coast. Have fun!"
The only thing that makes the memory tolerable is that Mike had to leave to get his daughter and missed the whole thing. But I do remember Bryan saying he was eager to hear "Dumb" (which was incredibly flattering), and then leaving the room with a pained expression as we started playing it (which was incredibly depressing).
But hey, everything else was awesome. Yay, selective memory!!! Actually, I seem to remember "Basketball Retiree" and "My Dear Heather" coming out reasonably well, so I can't say it was a total wash.
Oh, Nonkerstock. How I wished I could have been there. I was a newly-minted Keneally fan (having purchased "Sluggo!" only a few months prior) and I was just getting to know everyone, in the online sense. I desperately wanted to attend, but I was flat broke and about to start a new job (a job I finally quit just three months ago - YAY!). Over the years, I've enjoyed perusing the various Nonkerstock photo collections (Ron's white legs and all) and I still wish I could have made it there. Only five more years before we can do a 20th anniversary version...

Cujo DeSockpuppet
2015-02-09 03:20:35 UTC
Post by .ben.
Post by frozenbeef
Post by .ben.
Post by Wade Buehler
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Totally awesome pics...I had hair then.
"They're like a poor man's Cradle Of Filth." I'll remember that
line forever.
I know I still have the video floating around somewhere in my
house. I dumped some of it to hard drive when Dougie passed but
never really got around to doing anything meaningful with it. One
of these days...
I met so many cool people that weekend. AMMK has led me to meet
some really, really great humans (and some decent dolphins, too).
Speaking of video floating....didn't you shoot some footage of the
dolphin release from the backdoor into the wild blue with some Nonker
propaganda attached?
Yes, absolutely. I have video evidence that we released inflatable dolphins into the wild.
I still have one of the dolphins and it's migrated across the country. I
suppose I should bring it along the next time I see Mike.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in dfw.*,
alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych. Supreme Holy
Overlord of alt.fucknozzles. Winner of the 8/2000, 2/2003 & 4/2007 HL&S
award. July 2005 Hammer of Thor. Winning Trainer - Barbara Woodhouse
Memorial Dog Whistle - 12/2005 & 4/2008. COOSN-266-06-01895.
"Nope, all my prophecy belongs to the logical analysis of astrological
and psychological data." - Edmo dreams of becoming a cautionary tale.
Hagrinas Mivali
2015-02-10 18:12:49 UTC
Post by .ben.
Post by frozenbeef
Post by .ben.
Post by Wade Buehler
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Totally awesome pics...I had hair then.
And there's Thax! I remember him talking about some obscure band: "They're like a poor man's Cradle Of Filth." I'll remember that line forever.
I know I still have the video floating around somewhere in my house. I dumped some of it to hard drive when Dougie passed but never really got around to doing anything meaningful with it. One of these days...
I met so many cool people that weekend. AMMK has led me to meet some really, really great humans (and some decent dolphins, too).
Speaking of video floating....didn't you shoot some footage of the dolphin release from the backdoor into the wild blue with some Nonker propaganda attached?
Yes, absolutely. I have video evidence that we released inflatable dolphins into the wild.
Now I really have to dig all that stuff out. It's such a hassle nowadays, with old cameras and outdated drivers. Ugh...I've got a headache just thinking about it.
If you need somebody to go from Digital8 to the modern format of your
choice, I have all the equipment. Let me know and I'll do it for the
special low price of absolutely free.
2015-02-10 19:29:47 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by .ben.
Post by frozenbeef
Post by .ben.
Post by Wade Buehler
Post by Sheryl
Does anyone still have digital pictures?
Totally awesome pics...I had hair then.
And there's Thax! I remember him talking about some obscure band: "They're like a poor man's Cradle Of Filth." I'll remember that line forever.
I know I still have the video floating around somewhere in my house. I dumped some of it to hard drive when Dougie passed but never really got around to doing anything meaningful with it. One of these days...
I met so many cool people that weekend. AMMK has led me to meet some really, really great humans (and some decent dolphins, too).
Speaking of video floating....didn't you shoot some footage of the dolphin release from the backdoor into the wild blue with some Nonker propaganda attached?
Yes, absolutely. I have video evidence that we released inflatable dolphins into the wild.
Now I really have to dig all that stuff out. It's such a hassle nowadays, with old cameras and outdated drivers. Ugh...I've got a headache just thinking about it.
If you need somebody to go from Digital8 to the modern format of your
choice, I have all the equipment. Let me know and I'll do it for the
special low price of absolutely free.
I thought you had borrowed the tapes shortly after the Nonkerstock event for that very reason...was I hallucinating that? It's possible. A bearded acquaintance borrowing videotapes is pretty much in my hallucinatory wheelhouse. That and Mayan heads. LOTS of those.

Anyway, I can totally do the conversion. It's just a matter of me actually DOING it, which I'm afraid nobody can help with.

