Post by Hagrinas MivaliPost by m***@oripessach.comSomebody tell me something I don't know. It shouldn't be *that* hard. With all the new shit in the news like higgs bosun& developing lithium ion batteries that will contain three times the energy that they do now (which means we'll be seeing electric cars that can go 300 miles on a charge) surely SOMEBODY can enlighten me about *something*...
I don't know whether you know this or not, but this has been on my mind lately (since I just spent three weeks over there, and got into at least one weird situation) and if you don't know it, I think you should: Do you know about the Israeli Palestinian conflict? Do you know which side is right? Neither side. They're all nuts. I believe I can justify that position, and that this is the ONLY reasonable position anyone should take on the issue. If you think otherwise, I will laugh at you and call you rude names.
What's a Palestinian?
Oh, that's easy enough to answer: Anyone who was born in Palestine prior to 1948. For example, my grandmother.
If you include people who are descended from people who were born in Palestine under the British mandate as Palestinian (and a lot of people do) then I'm Palestinian. I'm also the son of a Jewish refugee from Europe, and, I guess, Spanish.
Oh, but what about people who immigrated to Palestine prior to 1948? Why, they can't possibly be Palestinian. Except that a lot of Syrian and Iraqi immigrants who were displaced in 1948 are considered Palestinian. But they weren't considered Palestinian in 1948. In fact, I don't think anyone called himself that in 1948. But who cares about the past? It's the present we should care about, and maybe the future, a little bit.
If this doesn't seem simple, well, that was my point. It's a mess.
Great question! I love simple questions with complicated answers. They're the best way to muddy up a discussion.