Payday is tomorrow, and I will have it. Yes, I know it's only $ soon as that number on the bank website turns black again, that puppy is mine!
I can't wait to listen to it once, make a bunch of snap decisions about it, write about them at length, taking the overall awesomeness mostly as read while opining endlessly about a three-second passage that irked me slightly, decide I should give it a few more spins before I run my mouth because that's a lesson I've learned on this group only oh maybe every fucking album, delete everything I wrote, write a whole bunch of other half-baked bullshit, proofread it thirty-four times over the course of three days, realize nobody really gives a rat's ass what I have to say about anything, post it anyway, and then read it back the next day while smothering my regret in a full bag of cheddar cheese Quaker Popped Rice Snacks, which are fucking ama-a-a-a-zing.
So yeah, something to look forward to.