Holy freakin' crap
(too old to reply)
Doug Boucher
2005-03-09 04:32:36 UTC
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul (Not
Constantinople) at that.

Of course, then they played Heaven Is A Place On Earth, to which I
improvised an extraordinarily gay little dance that I believe has a couple
of my coworkers fearing for their safety. But hey, I heard TMBG in a fuckin'
grocery store! Cool!

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
2005-03-09 18:31:57 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul (Not
Constantinople) at that.
Well, I heard Renaldo & The Loaf on a Metro bus yesterday! Sure, I was
wearing headphones & playing my IPod, but still...

Actually, I would've started a new thread with nearly the same subject
header had not Dougie beat me to it (*fucker*...), so here goes...



I'm gonna C&P from an e-mail I just received from "United Musicians:

Aimee Mann Newsletter

Aimee Mann songs have a literary quality to them--sharp, short stories set
to music--so it was probably inevitable that she would one day make a
concept album, the musical equivalent of a novella. The Forgotten Arm, her
fifth solo release, is exactly that: a dozen songs that tell, rather
loosely, the story of John and Caroline as they meet, fall in love and road
trip across America.

The Forgotten Arm is in stores May 3rd but if you pre-order at
aimeemann.com you will have the option to receive a limited edition large
format oversize 32 page lyric book with all the illustrations and photos
from the album

Listen to the The Forgotten Arm now at www.aimeemann.com

Three new songs posted every Tuesday


Whee? You'd better believe it, Boo-Boo...

Doug Boucher
2005-03-10 05:12:42 UTC
Post by smeenus
Well, I heard Renaldo & The Loaf on a Metro bus yesterday! Sure, I was
wearing headphones & playing my IPod, but still...
Somebody at the store bought a bottle of Rinaldo wine tonight. Does that
count? Also, a couple weeks ago, a guy was buying about six gallons of booze
and fuck knows how much evil party food. I asked if I could go back to his
house. He said "Sure, it would be great to have you, Meat Loaf!"

I really need to drop a few pounds. Two outta three ain't bad my ASS.
Post by smeenus
Actually, I would've started a new thread with nearly the same subject
header had not Dougie beat me to it (*fucker*...), so here goes...
No, fuck HIM. Or whoever. I'm not sure anymore. Just call me Mr. Loaf.
Post by smeenus
Aimee Mann songs have a literary quality to them--sharp, short stories set
to music--so it was probably inevitable that she would one day make a
concept album, the musical equivalent of a novella.
Well, fuck my ass and call me a rancid old whorebag, I think I need to hear

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
2005-03-10 06:40:40 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by smeenus
Well, I heard Renaldo & The Loaf on a Metro bus yesterday! Sure, I was
wearing headphones & playing my IPod, but still...
Somebody at the store bought a bottle of Rinaldo wine tonight. Does that
Only to ten, Mudhead (J.D. and Wilcher will get that).

I also feel a need to point out (although I know I have before) That "Songs
for Swinging Larvae" (by R&tL) is maybe the most aggressively *stupid* album
ever made, so much so that it's actually fuckin' *beautiful*...
Post by Doug Boucher
Also, a couple weeks ago, a guy was buying about six gallons of booze
and fuck knows how much evil party food. I asked if I could go back to his
house. He said "Sure, it would be great to have you, Meat Loaf!"
What a fuckin' asshole. I mean, if ya know somebody, it's one thing, but
that is a very thoughtless, mean thing for that guy to say. Fuck him in the
asspipe, says I...
Post by Doug Boucher
I really need to drop a few pounds. Two outta three ain't bad my ASS.
Actually it's about right, two in your ass, one in your mouth, and 1 in each
fist. Just like last summer.
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by smeenus
Actually, I would've started a new thread with nearly the same subject
header had not Dougie beat me to it (*fucker*...), so here goes...
No, fuck HIM.
I just said that, *jeez*...<rolls eyes>
Post by Doug Boucher
Well, fuck my ass and call me a rancid old whorebag,
Once again, I'd rather do something *new*
Post by Doug Boucher
I think I need to hear this.
I've already ordered it, and I'm getting the big lyric/photo book thingie
for free (although it does add a couple of bucks to the shipping).
Doug Boucher
2005-03-10 13:03:11 UTC
Post by smeenus
I also feel a need to point out (although I know I have before) That "Songs
for Swinging Larvae" (by R&tL) is maybe the most aggressively *stupid* album
ever made, so much so that it's actually fuckin' *beautiful*...
I haven't listened to it since you sent me a transfer. I just pulled it out
for later reference. It IS fucking insane, I do remember that.
Post by smeenus
Post by Doug Boucher
Also, a couple weeks ago, a guy was buying about six gallons of booze
and fuck knows how much evil party food. I asked if I could go back to his
house. He said "Sure, it would be great to have you, Meat Loaf!"
What a fuckin' asshole. I mean, if ya know somebody, it's one thing, but
that is a very thoughtless, mean thing for that guy to say. Fuck him in the
asspipe, says I...
Nah, he wans't my type. Besides, I about shit myself laughing. Especially
since no one else around got it. Ever have to explain who Meat Loaf is to a
clueless 22-year old and a 50-year old Jesus freak?
Post by smeenus
Post by Doug Boucher
I really need to drop a few pounds. Two outta three ain't bad my ASS.
Actually it's about right, two in your ass, one in your mouth, and 1 in each
fist. Just like last summer.
Ahh, the good old days.
Post by smeenus
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by smeenus
Actually, I would've started a new thread with nearly the same subject
header had not Dougie beat me to it (*fucker*...), so here goes...
No, fuck HIM.
I just said that, *jeez*...<rolls eyes>
Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to go first. Got grease?
Post by smeenus
Post by Doug Boucher
Well, fuck my ass and call me a rancid old whorebag,
Once again, I'd rather do something *new*
Last time you called me a rotten cunt. At least get yer insults straight,

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
Doug Boucher
2005-03-10 23:44:13 UTC
Post by smeenus
Post by smeenus
I also feel a need to point out (although I know I have before) That
Post by smeenus
for Swinging Larvae" (by R&tL) is maybe the most aggressively *stupid*
Post by smeenus
ever made, so much so that it's actually fuckin' *beautiful*...
I haven't listened to it since you sent me a transfer. I just pulled it out
for later reference. It IS fucking insane, I do remember that.
I listened to it again today, and...uh..."fucking insane" is an attribute
more applicable to the Weather Channel in comparison to this bizarre load of
psychotic skullfuckery. I must have been zoned out in some kind of bad
bourbon haze when I listened to this album before, because it should have
made a MUCH stronger first impression.

If The Residents suddenly decided that their entire back catalog had been a
weak experiment in cloning 1910 Fruitgum Company outtakes and it was time to
record something REALLY weird, then got hired by David Lynch to provide the
score to a sequel to Eraserhead filmed from inside Raoul Duke's kit bag, it
would STILL sound like Jewel on Prozac next to Renaldo & The Loaf. Come to
think of it, this shit sounds like the stuff I used to do on my four-track
ten years ago. I'd forgotten just how beautifully annoying a ring modulator
could be. Boom boom crash crash, motherfucker. Metal Machine Music? Shit,
that's goddamn folk music, you puss.

In other words, buy one now.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
Hagrinas Mivali
2005-03-11 06:25:23 UTC
I'd forgotten just how beautifully annoying a ring modulator could
be. Boom boom crash crash, motherfucker. Metal Machine Music? Shit,
that's goddamn folk music, you puss.
In other words, buy one now.
Can you upload it to Ori's server for me?
Scott Ventura
2005-03-14 22:39:26 UTC
Come to think of it, this shit sounds like the stuff I used to do on my
ten years ago. I'd forgotten just how beautifully annoying a ring modulator
could be. Boom boom crash crash, motherfucker. Metal Machine Music? Shit,
that's goddamn folk music, you puss.
In other words, buy one now.
There's gotta be a job for you somewhere writing ad copy.
Doug Boucher
2005-03-15 04:23:41 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Come to think of it, this shit sounds like the stuff I used to do on my
ten years ago. I'd forgotten just how beautifully annoying a ring modulator
could be. Boom boom crash crash, motherfucker. Metal Machine Music? Shit,
that's goddamn folk music, you puss.
In other words, buy one now.
There's gotta be a job for you somewhere writing ad copy.
You know where? Serious. I can't find shit in writing opportunities.
Something that actually pays would be nice.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
Scott Ventura
2005-03-15 14:18:57 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Scott Ventura
There's gotta be a job for you somewhere writing ad copy.
You know where? Serious. I can't find shit in writing opportunities.
Something that actually pays would be nice.
If I knew that, I wouldn't be working at a supermarket anymore either.
Doug Boucher
2005-03-15 22:15:51 UTC
Post by Scott Ventura
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Scott Ventura
There's gotta be a job for you somewhere writing ad copy.
You know where? Serious. I can't find shit in writing opportunities.
Something that actually pays would be nice.
If I knew that, I wouldn't be working at a supermarket anymore either.
You too, eh? I have to admit that as far as shit jobs go, this one is pretty
reasonable - most the people I work with are cool and the management have
been good to me - but it's still goddamn demoralizing. The only difference
between me and the 16-year old kid that started last night is that I've got
five months seniority on him and I don't mind collecting trash every night.
"Ugh, that's gross." Yeah, that's why they make SINKS, motherfucker. You're
a goddamn bagger in a grocery store, don't pretend you're too good to do
trash, because it's obvious to everyone who can read a name tag that we are
NOT.Now stop putting cans in with the bread and help me bag these 786 jars
of baby food. What kid eats all this shit at once?

Don't get me started,
(A little tip for y'all that I stole from George Carlin - next time a bagger
asks you "Paper or plastic?" reply, "Rolled steel, please."
A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
2013-02-07 00:31:29 UTC
I totally thought of this thread just now. I went to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries just now and placed a take-out order, and got to hear "And You & I" in it's entirety.
Hagrinas Mivali
2005-03-10 06:50:33 UTC
Post by smeenus
Post by Doug Boucher
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul
(Not Constantinople) at that.
Well, I heard Renaldo & The Loaf on a Metro bus yesterday! Sure, I was
wearing headphones & playing my IPod, but still...
You think that's something?
Brian Bernardini
2005-03-10 01:08:25 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul (Not
Constantinople) at that.
Of course, then they played Heaven Is A Place On Earth, to which I
improvised an extraordinarily gay little dance that I believe has a couple
of my coworkers fearing for their safety. But hey, I heard TMBG in a fuckin'
grocery store! Cool!
That's nothing! I've heard The Grateful Dead's "Estimated Prophet" and
XTC's "King For A Day" in Denny's!


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Doug Boucher
2005-03-10 04:25:11 UTC
Post by Brian Bernardini
Post by Doug Boucher
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul (Not
Constantinople) at that.
Of course, then they played Heaven Is A Place On Earth, to which I
improvised an extraordinarily gay little dance that I believe has a couple
of my coworkers fearing for their safety. But hey, I heard TMBG in a fuckin'
grocery store! Cool!
That's nothing! I've heard The Grateful Dead's "Estimated Prophet" and
XTC's "King For A Day" in Denny's!
Oh yeah? Well, I heard all of Metal Machine Music at the Great Steak &
Potato Company!

Well, not really...
A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
Hagrinas Mivali
2005-03-10 06:51:18 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Brian Bernardini
Post by Doug Boucher
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul
(Not Constantinople) at that.
Of course, then they played Heaven Is A Place On Earth, to which I
improvised an extraordinarily gay little dance that I believe has a
couple of my coworkers fearing for their safety. But hey, I heard
TMBG in a fuckin' grocery store! Cool!
That's nothing! I've heard The Grateful Dead's "Estimated Prophet"
and XTC's "King For A Day" in Denny's!
Oh yeah? Well, I heard all of Metal Machine Music at the Great Steak &
Potato Company!
Well, not really...
I don't think anybody's heard all of Metal Machine Music.
Doug Boucher
2005-03-10 12:26:23 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
I don't think anybody's heard all of Metal Machine Music.
Bullshit. It's in my head right now. Been there for years. Why do you think
I killed those two...oh, nevermind...

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson
Hagrinas Mivali
2005-03-10 15:10:10 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
I don't think anybody's heard all of Metal Machine Music.
Bullshit. It's in my head right now. Been there for years. Why do you
think I killed those two...oh, nevermind...
Bruce Anderson
2005-03-10 03:57:23 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
I heard They Might Be Giants on the PA at a grocery store. Istanbul (Not
Constantinople) at that.
That's nothing. Not too long ago, I heard that song on my iPod! Beat
that, pink boy!

"I'm going to open my own burger place. Satan Burger. We'll have all our
employees in black robes, sacrificing cows behind the counter. Fuck ketchup,
we use the blood of virgins. All the platters cost $6.66. Ironically enough,
everything else is pretty much like McDonalds." - Dougie
Chris Ingalls
2005-03-10 13:47:37 UTC
I heard "Vanishing Girl" by the Dukes of Stratosphear in an Eddie Bauer
store last September.

Doug Boucher
2005-03-11 01:57:13 UTC
Post by Chris Ingalls
I heard "Vanishing Girl" by the Dukes of Stratosphear in an Eddie Bauer
store last September.
I half expect to hear something by them at the grocery store, since they
already play more '60s psych stuff than anyone in their right mind would
ever expect to hear in a place like that. It's really weird. I'll be shoving
a spoon up my ass while Wake Me Up Before You Go Go is on (because if I'm
going to hurt that much, I'm going to do it to myself) and next thing you
know, on comes Journey To The Center Of Your Mind or Blue Cheer doing
Summertime Blues. Time Has Come Today maybe. We've got this weird mix of
'80s shit (well, some shit and some decent stuff, which is more than I can
say when they were running nothing but '80s music and it all seemed to be
one big Rick Astley/Tiffany marathon) and '60s stuff. I was hearing the
Beach Boys every third song for a few nights straight, and I WON'T complain
about that. But to hear They Might Be Giants anywhere other than my own
house or between PBS Kids shows kinda freaks me out.

I once heard a rather safe, formulaic radio station play Neil Young's Crime
In The City, all eight minutes of it. I heard that the DJ nearly got fired
for that. :)

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
(Now being updated much more often, but probably still not every day.)
A Quote: "What a fantastic monument to the better instincts of the human
race this country might have been, if we could have kept it out of the hands
of greedy little hustlers like Richard Nixon." - Hunter S. Thompson