Dougie ....
(too old to reply)
2009-12-14 16:42:27 UTC
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(

I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
Olezewsky, Doug Boucher's ex-wife:

"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"

Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of

He'll be missed..

2009-12-14 17:22:13 UTC
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
I just heard this too.

Doug has been one of my best friends the past few years. I don't know
what the fuck happened. I'll post more here as I learn it.

2009-12-14 17:37:25 UTC
D9 - I was trying to locate your email earlier so I could give you a
bit more heads up... I'm sorry I didn't catch you before the news
story hit the waves.

Katie is doing well. We both stayed home today to give us some time
to process what happened.

In a somewhat prophetic gesture, Doug told me last night that he was
deeply sorry for all that had happened between us, large and small.
He told Katie he loved her and would see us soon.

From the time stamps, it looks like he went right home and posted on
his blogspot. He seemed ok when he left - a bit excited, in fact,
that things were going to change for the better. Something must have
shifted in the 3 intervening hours.

Hug your loved ones often.
Brian Bernardini
2009-12-14 23:04:00 UTC
In article
Post by Don'tCallMeShirley
D9 - I was trying to locate your email earlier so I could give you a
bit more heads up... I'm sorry I didn't catch you before the news
story hit the waves.
Katie is doing well. We both stayed home today to give us some time
to process what happened.
In a somewhat prophetic gesture, Doug told me last night that he was
deeply sorry for all that had happened between us, large and small.
He told Katie he loved her and would see us soon.
From the time stamps, it looks like he went right home and posted on
his blogspot. He seemed ok when he left - a bit excited, in fact,
that things were going to change for the better. Something must have
shifted in the 3 intervening hours.
Hug your loved ones often.
Wow. I don't even know what to say. My prayers go out to you and Katie.
John Willcoxon
2009-12-16 18:44:28 UTC
I'm crushed to hear/read about this. My most heartfelt condolences go out to
his family & friends. All of us, too...
RIP Dougie! : (

Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
I just heard this too.

Doug has been one of my best friends the past few years. I don't know
what the fuck happened. I'll post more here as I learn it.

2009-12-14 17:22:35 UTC
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
I've dropped a line to Sheryl whose first thought is naturally Katie.
I'm shocked and really sad to read this:

2009-12-15 15:32:48 UTC
Post by RA
I've dropped a line to Sheryl whose first thought is naturally Katie.
http://www.pulsejournal.com/news/crime/man-dies-after-stunned-with-ta...- Hide quoted text -
Jesus Christ, how come I missed this? This is absolutely horrible. He
was from Ohio, right? What the hell, are the USA becoming more and
more like Canada? Only in Canada stupid white Canadian police officers
are allowed to taser to death Polish immigrants on Vancouver airports
and get away with it. What was this again? Police revenge for the
Seattle incident? This is absolutely horrible.
2009-12-20 03:18:53 UTC
Post by RA
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
I've dropped a line to Sheryl whose first thought is naturally Katie.
I read of Dougie's passing in the latest Keneallist.

I remember his as a crazy motherfucker who was dedicated to his
daughter and to music. I recall reading that, after his divorce, he
undertook a pilgrimage to California to meet MK. What he took from
that meeting gave him the strength to continue in music.

My heart goes out to Sheryl and Katie. I never had much interaction
with Doug but I feel his loss as though it's the loss of a family

Love to all.
2009-12-14 17:57:04 UTC
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
Oh, wow. This is incredibly sad news. I know I don't post here too
much, but as a lurker this hits hard because I felt that I knew Doug
from reading all of his awesome posts. Damn, it feels like I lost a
member of my family.

Sheryl, you and Katie are definitely in my prayers. No daughter
should have to lose her father this early in life.

Todd Brooks
2009-12-17 01:25:26 UTC
I'm stunned. I'm mostly a lurker as well but I've been here for a while and
to me Dougie *was* ammk. I can't count the number of times I've been
gasping for breath between fits of laughter reading his words. Sheryl, my
thoughts and prayers are with you and Katie.
2009-12-19 22:17:30 UTC
Post by Todd Brooks
I'm stunned. I'm mostly a lurker as well but I've been here for a while and
to me Dougie *was* ammk. I can't count the number of times I've been
gasping for breath between fits of laughter reading his words.
This is true for me too.
Post by Todd Brooks
Sheryl, my
thoughts and prayers are with you and Katie.
My condolences to Sheryl, Katie, the rest of his family and his friends.
2009-12-14 18:14:36 UTC
Oh, that's just horrible news. Condolences to all who knew him.

Another taser-related death. Shitfucky, as I read here many times.
kErrY kOMpOsT
2009-12-14 20:22:56 UTC
Oh no. I can't believe it. Fucking holy NO! Doug was one of the
smartest, smart-assed, most incredibly gifted minds I've ever had the
pleasure of "knowing" (only knew him online but, man, that was almost
enough LOL).

My heart goes out to Sheryl and Katie -- I feel like I know you
because of Doug's writings -- please be strong.

I'm in tears, I simply can't process this...the linked article sounds
kind of humorous -- Doug propositioning a store clerk, LOL, kinda
sounds like him, he'd have probably LIKED the article, the twisted
fuck -- I just hope there's a massive wrongful death lawsuit against
those cops for the benefit of Katie and Sheryl.

What little holiday spirit I had this season has been washed, like
blood, down the shower drain.

Stunned into silence.

Doug -- dude, you will never, ever be forgotten. For every smile you
brought to my jaded face, for every "oh, god" groan you elicited, for
every mouthful of coffee you made me spit, and for every little
heartbreak you made me feel, for you, your family, your struggle with
your medical conditions and just goddamned life, itself -- you will be
forever missed, brother. I mean FOREVER.

Listen: Doug was just a regular guy like the rest of us, but,
seriously, the world has lost someone truly special. Read some of his
stuff and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. We lost one of
"us"...and there ain't that many to begin with.

Totally heartbroken and crestfallen...

2009-12-14 21:03:08 UTC
Thanks guys. I don't know what to say. Seems like just a couple of
months ago I was chatting to him about looping projects, David Torn
& the future. One email from him talked of ideas which,
"make me want to create awful parent-threatening noises. :)"

Cheers, Doug.

2009-12-14 22:49:28 UTC
Awful, awful news.

One love to Sheryl, Katie and the Boucher family.

Alan Tignanelli
2009-12-14 23:18:02 UTC
Kevin summed it up best.


Man, this sucks - what a miserable capper to an already lousy year where death is concerned. Too
many too close to home this year - friends, relatives, friends of relatives. And now Dougie.

When I saw Jon's post and the seven or eight replies underneath, I just had a bad feeling right off
the bat. I mean, I hoped it would be some new goofy project that Dougie thought up, but somehow, I
knew it wasn't.

I never actually met Doug in person or even talked to him on the phone, but I still considered him
one of my best Keneally friends. Oddly enough, I was thinking last week that maybe it was time to
call out some of the voices from the past who've become too sparse in these parts lately, but it
seems we've missed the window.

I'll always regret that I never found the time to make it to Cinci for a Stanhope show w/Doug. Or
found the right combination of stuff to send him to play bass on. Or even just got together for a
beer or three and just have a laugh at the screwed-up world around us. Those of you who've been on
the receiving end of some of my ramblings know that I can blather on a long time (I think I've
burned out two of Laura's monitors!), but Doug could take you on an elongated rollercoaster ride
when inspiration struck. And God help me, I couldn't help but egg him on sometimes...I wish I could
consistently write with the passion he did.

It seems odd to say this at a time like this, but what a lucky little girl Katie is - to have
someone who loved her so passionately and unabashedly can be nothing but a wonderful thing. And if
she ever wonders how her daddy felt about her, there are reams of evidence floating around the
interwebs. Although, deep down, I really would have liked to read the stuff he would have written
when she started dating...

Here's to Doug. I'm gonna miss him.


Michael Puterbaugh
2009-12-15 01:20:52 UTC
What's that thing that's the opposite of "WHEEEEE"?
Post by Alan Tignanelli
Yeah, that's the one.

Anybody have a copy of "Requiem For A Head Laying In A Field In Butler"
that they could post somewhere? I'm afraid I somehow lost my copy in
the ten years it's been since "Thankyouverymuchgoodnight".

Antal Adriaanse
2009-12-15 23:19:57 UTC
"Michael Puterbaugh" schreef ...
Post by Michael Puterbaugh
Anybody have a copy of "Requiem For A Head Laying In A Field In Butler"
that they could post somewhere? I'm afraid I somehow lost my copy in
the ten years it's been since "Thankyouverymuchgoodnight".
the mike keneally band tour chronology
e: chronology(at)keneally.com
i: http://www.keneally.com/chronology
Alan Tignanelli
2009-12-15 23:45:34 UTC
Post by Antal Adriaanse
"Michael Puterbaugh" schreef ...
Post by Michael Puterbaugh
Anybody have a copy of "Requiem For A Head Laying In A Field In Butler"
that they could post somewhere? I'm afraid I somehow lost my copy in
the ten years it's been since "Thankyouverymuchgoodnight".
Mucho thanks, Tal.

2009-12-16 16:39:11 UTC
On Dec 15, 6:19 pm, "Antal Adriaanse"
Post by Antal Adriaanse
"Michael Puterbaugh" schreef ...
Anybody have a copy of "RequiemFor A Head Laying In A Field InButler"
that they could post somewhere?  I'm afraid I somehow lost my copy in
the ten years it's been since "Thankyouverymuchgoodnight".
Thank you Antal, I was going to do the same. I hope everyone will
give this a listen.

2009-12-16 17:36:16 UTC
On Dec 15, 11:19 pm, "Antal Adriaanse"
Post by Antal Adriaanse
"Michael Puterbaugh" schreef ...
Post by Michael Puterbaugh
Anybody have a copy of "Requiem For A Head Laying In A Field In Butler"
that they could post somewhere?  I'm afraid I somehow lost my copy in
the ten years it's been since "Thankyouverymuchgoodnight".
the mike keneally band tour chronology
e: chronology(at)keneally.com
What's the story with this piece of music please? I've not heard it
2009-12-16 17:39:35 UTC
Sorry Tal - just found your link which explains Doug's contribution to
the 1999 Thankyouverymuchgoodnight ammk project.

2009-12-16 18:45:20 UTC
Post by Antal Adriaanse
the mike keneally band tour chronology
e: chronology(at)keneally.com
Thank you Dear Tal :)
I love that piece.
2009-12-15 01:27:06 UTC
I don't really have much more to add now - only that none of this
makes any damn sense. The only violent thing Dougie Boucher could do
is have a violent coughing fit.

I last talked to him briefly Saturday evening - he called me on the
way to a gig. He wasn't feeling very well - a cold that had him
coughing deeply, the usual bad back and a hurt leg that would have him
play the gig sitting down, mostly. But we'd talked at much greater
length Friday night/Saturday morning. And even for that few hours of
conversation, I still can't think of anything else to add here.

I may talk to Sheryl later, and I'm certainly going to be thinking
about her and Katie. Doug was a hell of a dad, and a continual
inspiration on that count.

Dave Wilcher
2009-12-15 06:20:35 UTC
Post by da9ve
I don't really have much more to add now - only that none of this
makes any damn sense. The only violent thing Dougie Boucher could do
is have a violent coughing fit.
I last talked to him briefly Saturday evening - he called me on the
way to a gig. He wasn't feeling very well - a cold that had him
coughing deeply, the usual bad back and a hurt leg that would have him
play the gig sitting down, mostly. But we'd talked at much greater
length Friday night/Saturday morning. And even for that few hours of
conversation, I still can't think of anything else to add here.
I may talk to Sheryl later, and I'm certainly going to be thinking
about her and Katie. Doug was a hell of a dad, and a continual
inspiration on that count.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this - nothing about this makes
to me. Doug was one of my favorite people - goddamn, I'm going to miss him.

The only weapons of mass destruction the Bush administration ever found
were my bongs. - Tommy Chong
2009-12-15 01:53:45 UTC
Post by Jon
Post by Jon
Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
I don't know what to feel right now. Sad. Angry. What? Shitfucky.
Fuckity. Fuck.

I will remember many laughs.

I will remember a twisted good time at Nonkerstock.

I will remember Dougie. And know that his essence has now gone back
into the universe. A smelly essence, sure, but that'll just make it
easier to identify. :)

I hope he's whooping it up with the good Dr. right now.


OK - enough with this maudlin shit... I'm drinking a toast to my
friend, and celebrating his memory.

And love to Katie, most of all.

2009-12-15 02:00:00 UTC
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
Yesterday he posted a blog entry on his MySpace page http://blogs.myspace.com/dougboucher
. His latest Friend Status is of ten days ago and, sadly, is about
Eric Woolfson. The two of them can talk now. Lately, sometimes his
Friend Status-es were kind of depressed, or self-admittedly slightly
inebriated, or even angry. Not sure whether anyone can see this page
but on Nov 22nd he was mad at someone that beat his girlfriend, who,
in turn, is someone he cared about. I will leave it to the family and
his closed ones to interprete this. I'm sad to hear this. May Douglas
Boucher rest in peace.
2009-12-15 06:41:58 UTC
I am deeply saddened by this news. My prayers and best wishes go out
to Katie and Sheryl.

I remember the first time I met Dougie and Sheryl at Nonkerstock. What
a day that was :)

I remember back in 2005 when I decided to try and document a portion
of the Guitar Therapy tour.
I was setting up gear at The Mad Frog in Cincy. After setup, I heard
someone yelling my name.
Up comes Dougie and he gives me a big bearhug. I was stunned he
remembered me. We had an intense
talk over a few drinks, and he showed me a few pictures of his little
girl. He just beamed while talking about

The show itself was epic, and the crowd was absolutely into it. At the
end of the show, I see Dougie kneeling before the stage in tears and
in some
sort of solemn prayer. I go to see if he's okay, but someone (I forget
who) tells me to leave him be, and I do. I just watch him in wonder.
He finishes
his ritual, gets up and hugs me, and leaves.

Godspeed to you Dougie!!

David Foster
2009-12-15 14:01:11 UTC
Post by temeculan
I am deeply saddened by this news. My prayers and best wishes go out
to Katie and Sheryl.
I remember the first time I met Dougie and Sheryl at Nonkerstock. What
a day that was :)
I remember back in 2005 when I decided to try and document a portion
of the Guitar Therapy tour.
I was setting up gear at The Mad Frog in Cincy. After setup, I heard
someone yelling my name.
Up comes Dougie and he gives me a big bearhug. I was stunned he
remembered me. We had an intense
talk over a few drinks, and he showed me a few pictures of his little
girl. He just beamed while talking about
The show itself was epic, and the crowd was absolutely into it. At the
end of the show, I see Dougie kneeling before the stage in tears and
in some
sort of solemn prayer. I go to see if he's okay, but someone (I forget
who) tells me to leave him be, and I do. I just watch him in wonder.
He finishes
his ritual, gets up and hugs me, and leaves.
Godspeed to you Dougie!!
David Foster
That mighta been me, Dave - I was at that show, and got Dougie some
caffeine to help him get up off the floor.

It was another little microcosm of the first time I met him - which
was at one of the MK-BFD gigs in Muncie on that '98 tour, I think;
I'll look up the date, 'cos there's a recording, of course. All I
remember is this large Muppet-like guy having his own personal
religious experience with the music and, as those of us who get
similarly involved, sharing that feeling makes the whole experience
bigger and better. We talked only briefly after that show, and I
always had the feeling that I would come to know him better. Which
was true. It became a running thread through our friendship that we
kept figuring out we'd been at other, earlier gigs in the same
audience, before we actually met. Like John Cale at the Patio in Indy
in 1997, the Spinal Tap show at Deer Creek in '92, etc.

I'm gutted, and I'm going to stay that way for a while. Goddammit, I
miss him, and still not a shred of this makes any sense.

Hagrinas Mivali
2009-12-16 02:36:58 UTC
Post by temeculan
I remember the first time I met Dougie and Sheryl at Nonkerstock. What
a day that was :)
I remember that day too. It didn't feel as if I "met" him, because how can
you meet somebody you already knew so well? He was already a close friend. I
wonder if those inflatable dolphins landed yet.
2009-12-16 16:28:04 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by temeculan
I remember the first time I met Dougie and Sheryl at Nonkerstock. What
a day that was :)
I remember that day too. It didn't feel as if I "met" him, because how can
you meet somebody you already knew so well? He was already a close friend. I
wonder if those inflatable dolphins landed yet.
Thanks for mentioning that, Haggy- I've got a bunch of the "Dolphin
Launch" footage. I'm going to dig through my Nonkerstock videos and
see if I can scrounge up some shots of Doug. I'm almost positive I
have a clip of Doug going up to the stage after the gig and giving MK
a big bear hug, but maybe I was hallucinating (more than usual). I'll
check and see what I've got.

2009-12-15 08:05:52 UTC
Alan - I'll just keep buying new monitors - you're a welcome friend.

Kerry K - love your words.

I just don’t know – do you think Doug sensed something was coming?
I’m finding it a strange experience – a kind man that I never met. On
the surface of things he was a tough cookie and, to be honest, I was a
bit wary when he started writing, but I only ever got very gentle
messages from him (laced with expletives of course) but mostly he
expressed the need to feel loved and was searching (and don't we all
know that so well)!

I know some of you are not on Facebook – but Doug was just dipping his
toes into a detox with lots of water, sushi and crab soups, as he’d
realised his health was more than poor and this healthier assault on
his body made him feel terrible. Someone quipped “don’t change Doug”
and his response was as follows:-

Quote Doug:
I'll just be the crazy fuck who eats less sausage and more green
stuff. :) Yeah, 40. That's a weird feeling. Especially given how
goddamn little I feel that I've accomplished. But I have STORIES, most
of which I'll never talk about on this forum, and if you die with good
stories....well, that's all I need. I ain't taking anything else with
me and I no longer have a god to take my stupid ass in afterwards. :)
End Quote Doug........
Biffy the Elephant Shrew
2009-12-15 23:29:40 UTC
I can't believe it. Not Doug. What horrible news.

Love to Sheryl and Katie.

Your pal,
Biffy the Elephant Shrew
Michael P. Dawson, too.
2009-12-16 08:53:22 UTC
I can't believe this news. I'm actually trembling.
I never met Doug, but we had some e-mail contact over the years and I
read his blog very regularly. Actually I just did and right afterwards
I find out that he's not with us anymore. I felt like I knew him a bit
and that's the reason I'm not totally surprised at the news. I don't
now what happened, don't even have to know, but his lifestyle and mood
changes were not healthy at all and I simply hoped that he somehow
would find some peace. I guess he did now, but it shouldn't be like

I feel a lot for Katie, I hope she'll understand some day and I know
her great mom will be of great support to her.

Ron Moses
2009-12-20 00:33:15 UTC
I don't know what to say. I loved Dougie, that beautiful freak
bastard. This is just... I'm at a loss. So sad.

David Hodson
2009-12-20 01:35:37 UTC
Haven't been here for a while, just read the news in the Keneallist. I'm
shocked, Doug was one of a kind and it was always a joy to read his
rants. He will be missed. So long, Dougie.

-- forgetful dave
2009-12-16 18:55:14 UTC
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
damn. sad news. I'm mostly a lurker here and have never met Dougie.
But like others I felt like I knew him from his writing. His posts and
his blog were always entertaining. He will be missed. My thoughts and
prayers go out to his friends and family.

Jan Tore Skråmestø
2009-12-16 19:25:55 UTC
I still can't believe that Doug is not here anymore. My thoughts to Katie
and rest of the family.

Jan Tore
2009-12-16 20:33:35 UTC
My heart also goes out to Sheryl and Katie.

Rock On Doug ! !

Steve Laub
2009-12-17 04:30:51 UTC
Post by Jon
Sad news in Keneally-land :-(
I just read the following post on Face book from Sheryl Warren
"Doug Boucher, father of my beautiful daughter, passed away Dec. 14,
2009. We divorced in 2005 and despite our differences, he loved our
daughter more than anything else. That is the man I wish her to
remember and I hope the press can help us honor that"
Not sure of the details, but I am at a loss for words. Doug was a HUGE
part of AMMK and a key member of the Keneally satellite of
He'll be missed..
I was too shocked and sad to say anything about this until now, and I
still am. I'll miss him.
Paul Smeenus
2009-12-17 16:34:50 UTC
I haven't had time to read everything, or even anything, Dave Wilcher
just emailed me, but I'm utterly shocked and blown away sad
2009-12-17 21:00:48 UTC
I am terribly saddened and really very angry about this. What the hell
_really_ happened? I personally do not believe the police's statements
about the events on that night as they vary on different news sites
and especially since the Mason police at first tried to sell a totally
different storyline to Doug's family. And most importantly, Doug would
not have behaved that way. I suspect it was just one more case of
rampant police brutality against innocent people. Some truly horrible
examples are mentioned here:

What's more disgusting is the ultra-conservative tone of some of the
articles and especially the comments from, i guess, local fucktards
from the region. Those very people that Doug so very much despised. In
the WLWT.com website, even all comments that were supportive of Doug
and/or his family have been removed by the "moderator" and only the
hatefull conservative filth has been left.

The police have not released the security camera video (Suprise!).
Obviously they keep covering up the cowardly actions of those officers
as long as possible.
The truth will come out eventually.
2009-12-17 21:36:18 UTC
From my discussions with the detectives, and first-hand experience of
what Doug really WAS capable of in the heat of the moment, I think it
is best - particularly for Katie's future - if the full details are
never disclosed.
2009-12-21 17:11:44 UTC
Post by Don'tCallMeShirley
From my discussions with the detectives, and first-hand experience of
what Doug really WAS capable of in the heat of the moment, I think it
is best - particularly for Katie's future - if the full details are
never disclosed.
Ok, let me rephrase my point here, and let me quote the aforementioned

"Police officers, who put their lives on the line every day protecting
and serving communities around the country, are now dealing with a
host of (thugs) bad apples in their midst who seemingly have: 1) lost
the capacity to communicate effectively with agitated unarmed people
to defuse tense situations; 2) fail to understand the concept of the
Taser as the last resort before using a gun; 3) an inability to judge
a life-threatening situation from an annoying one; and 4) so few
interpersonal skills and patience that they see the Taser as a weapon
to make a person submit to their will or instantly comply as a time-
saving measure."

Most likely, the police officers did NOT use the Taser as the last
resort before actually using a gun. And did they Tase only once for
the minimum time of 5 seconds, or repeatedly, again and again, just
for the heck of it? And when they realized that in their stupidity
they had gone too far and actually _killed_ a person, they most likely
started fabricating all sorts of stories about Doug's behaviour to
make their own actions seem more acceptable. Of course they did,
that's the human behavior.

The fact remains, they unnecessarily killed a person, so the burden of
proof remains on their shoulders. They have to prove that their
actions were justified. Perhaps the security video or a neutral
witness could tell what really happened. But the officers should
definitely not be let off the hook just based on their own story. And
not a single speck of blame should be put on Dougie unless there's
some actual evidence first.
Hagrinas Mivali
2009-12-22 02:24:11 UTC
Post by someguy
Post by Don'tCallMeShirley
From my discussions with the detectives, and first-hand experience of
what Doug really WAS capable of in the heat of the moment, I think it
is best - particularly for Katie's future - if the full details are
never disclosed.
Ok, let me rephrase my point here, and let me quote the aforementioned
Post by someguy
not a single speck of blame should be put on Dougie unless there's
some actual evidence first.
Agreed, but off topic. This is supposed to be a forum about Mike Keneally
and his music. Doug fits in because of his long term relationship with this
group and somebody Mike knew personally. We obviously feel very strongly
about Doug.

Many of us have strong opinions on contentious political and social issues
including law enforcement that we may wish to discuss elsewhere. I
appreciate your sentiment and know that your post is meant truly out of love
for Doug and all he contributed to the world. But the anger and distain in
other areas might be better addressed in other forums. And out of respect
for Doug, we would prefer that you deal with the general issue and leave
Doug's name out of it.


If you are reading this ten or twenty years from now, please know that I am
not trying to hide anything. There are 39 years of your dad's life that were
full of things worth knowing about, and a few seconds that only he knew the
whole truth about. So accept that some things can never be found and go by
what's in your heart instead. Your father was the man you loved. Explore his
life. That's what's important.
2009-12-22 12:08:29 UTC
Post by WBuehler
If you are reading this ten or twenty years from now, please know that I am
not trying to hide anything. There are 39 years of your dad's life that were
full of things worth knowing about, and a few seconds that only he knew the
whole truth about. So accept that some things can never be found and go by
what's in your heart instead. Your father was the man you loved. Explore his
life. That's what's important.
Bless you, Haggy *hug*
Hagrinas Mivali
2009-12-22 02:24:11 UTC
Post by someguy
Post by Don'tCallMeShirley
From my discussions with the detectives, and first-hand experience of
what Doug really WAS capable of in the heat of the moment, I think it
is best - particularly for Katie's future - if the full details are
never disclosed.
Ok, let me rephrase my point here, and let me quote the aforementioned
Post by someguy
not a single speck of blame should be put on Dougie unless there's
some actual evidence first.
Agreed, but off topic. This is supposed to be a forum about Mike Keneally
and his music. Doug fits in because of his long term relationship with this
group and somebody Mike knew personally. We obviously feel very strongly
about Doug.

Many of us have strong opinions on contentious political and social issues
including law enforcement that we may wish to discuss elsewhere. I
appreciate your sentiment and know that your post is meant truly out of love
for Doug and all he contributed to the world. But the anger and distain in
other areas might be better addressed in other forums. And out of respect
for Doug, we would prefer that you deal with the general issue and leave
Doug's name out of it.


If you are reading this ten or twenty years from now, please know that I am
not trying to hide anything. There are 39 years of your dad's life that were
full of things worth knowing about, and a few seconds that only he knew the
whole truth about. So accept that some things can never be found and go by
what's in your heart instead. Your father was the man you loved. Explore his
life. That's what's important.
Hagrinas Mivali
2009-12-22 02:24:11 UTC
Post by someguy
Post by Don'tCallMeShirley
From my discussions with the detectives, and first-hand experience of
what Doug really WAS capable of in the heat of the moment, I think it
is best - particularly for Katie's future - if the full details are
never disclosed.
Ok, let me rephrase my point here, and let me quote the aforementioned
Post by someguy
not a single speck of blame should be put on Dougie unless there's
some actual evidence first.
Agreed, but off topic. This is supposed to be a forum about Mike Keneally
and his music. Doug fits in because of his long term relationship with this
group and somebody Mike knew personally. We obviously feel very strongly
about Doug.

Many of us have strong opinions on contentious political and social issues
including law enforcement that we may wish to discuss elsewhere. I
appreciate your sentiment and know that your post is meant truly out of love
for Doug and all he contributed to the world. But the anger and distain in
other areas might be better addressed in other forums. And out of respect
for Doug, we would prefer that you deal with the general issue and leave
Doug's name out of it.


If you are reading this ten or twenty years from now, please know that I am
not trying to hide anything. There are 39 years of your dad's life that were
full of things worth knowing about, and a few seconds that only he knew the
whole truth about. So accept that some things can never be found and go by
what's in your heart instead. Your father was the man you loved. Explore his
life. That's what's important.
Hagrinas Mivali
2009-12-18 00:51:50 UTC
Post by someguy
The police have not released the security camera video (Suprise!).
I believe that what was not said is as important as what was said. I can't
go by wishful thinking, but I personally believe that Dougie is getting too
much of the blame. People can decide for themselves if my opinion matters,
but what happened is not something that can be fixed. So move along. There's
nothing to see here, folks.
2009-12-18 13:31:36 UTC
Post by Paul Smeenus
I haven't had time to read everything, or even anything, Dave Wilcher
just emailed me,  but I'm utterly shocked and blown away sad
Smeenus - I'm glad you're here.
J. D. Mack
2009-12-18 03:26:52 UTC
I have been trying to post something every night since I read about
this, and every night I have closed the screen unable to do so. I
only met Dougie once (NEARfest 2002), but through the years, I found
his writing to be very inspired and wish he had had the conviction to
pursue it professionally. All I can say is my heart goes out to
everyone who loved him and who misses him.

J. D.
Tommy Mc
2009-12-18 07:23:03 UTC
Love to you Sheryl, Katie, and you too Dougie.

Tommy Mc
2009-12-18 12:01:19 UTC
If I may interject some lighter memories...

On my way to the Lexington, KY gig in 2001, I stopped by the hospital
in Cinci the DAY AFTER Doug became a father.

Doug could not wipe the smile off of his own face.

I remember Doug changing Katie's diaper, and commenting that Katie
made some "motor oil" in her diaper.

I have become quite religious in the last few years, and so I shall
spend a lot of time with the big guy praying for Doug.

Wayne, thank you for finding me...

Scott Lurowist
Hagrinas Mivali
2009-12-18 17:53:41 UTC
Post by Gavno
If I may interject some lighter memories...
On my way to the Lexington, KY gig in 2001, I stopped by the hospital
in Cinci the DAY AFTER Doug became a father.
Doug could not wipe the smile off of his own face.
I remember Doug changing Katie's diaper, and commenting that Katie
made some "motor oil" in her diaper.
I have become quite religious in the last few years, and so I shall
spend a lot of time with the big guy praying for Doug.
Wayne, thank you for finding me...
Scott Lurowist
I'm glad to see you back and I'm glad to see that Wayne found you too. I
know he thinks as much as Doug as I do. He's pretty low key but he thinks
highly of you too, and he's good at finding people.
2009-12-19 15:50:08 UTC
I am numb right now. I was a regular reader of Doug's blog. Frankly,
it was difficult reading most of the time. Doug could be uproariously
funny, and there was so much passion there, so much plain honesty, so
much pain, guilt, sadness. But most of all there was blinding hot love
for his little girl, and pride and hope for her beyond measure. My
heart is broken for her.

Cory Tucker
2009-12-20 03:15:37 UTC
I read of Doug's passing via the Keneallist newslist. Haven't been an
active participant in ammk for years, but I still remember Doug,
especially from a particular period when the ammk denizens were trying
to figure out how to transcribe various MK tunes into tablature, which
can be witnessed here: http://home.arcor.de/ckuhnen/keneally/tabs/tab-index.htm

I didn't know him, but I did remember at least a certain impression of
him. I am very sorry to learn of his loss.

Antal Adriaanse
2009-12-20 11:46:07 UTC
"Cory Tucker" schreef ...
Post by Cory Tucker
MK tunes into tablature, which
Actually, as of last year the tab-o-rama moved back to:
the mike keneally band tour chronology
e: chronology(at)keneally.com
i: http://www.keneally.com/chronology
2009-12-22 17:28:49 UTC
I met Doug at a Keneally show at the Mad Frog I think it was, in
Cinci. I'd gone by myself, and before the show, I just stood around
feeling uncomfortable and in the way. He started a conversation,
walked me around and introduced me to several people whose names and
faces I no longer remember, and before I knew it I had a new friend.
I remember figuring out that my back would not deal well without
something to lean back on, and I found a post right in front of the
stage that I could lean on to give my back an occasional break. Doug
grabbed the other side, I think. Front row center, as I recall. That
was quite a great show.

This past year has been bad for me, I lost the person closest to me in
life, and during her long awful illness, Doug called me several times
to see how I was doing and just to lend a word of kindness, and that
was really a kind thing to do, and I really appreciated that.
2012-12-14 07:14:46 UTC
Observing the 3rd anniversary of the terrible event that led to this thread.
Ron Moses
2012-12-14 12:53:05 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Observing the 3rd anniversary of the terrible event that led to this thread.
I raise my morning coffee in your honor, Dougie. We laugh quite a bit less these days.

2012-12-14 16:30:31 UTC
On Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:14:46 -0800 (PST), Smeenus
Post by Smeenus
Observing the 3rd anniversary of the terrible event that led to this thread.
I was reading through some of Doug's old posts, feeling sad, but
laughing my ass off. Is there a word for that?
2012-12-14 17:14:52 UTC
Post by Dave
On Thu, 13 Dec 2012 23:14:46 -0800 (PST), Smeenus
Post by Smeenus
Observing the 3rd anniversary of the terrible event that led to
this thread.
I was reading through some of Doug's old posts, feeling sad, but
laughing my ass off. Is there a word for that?
Shitfucky, maybe?
2012-12-14 19:03:04 UTC
Post by Ori
Post by Dave
I was reading through some of Doug's old posts, feeling sad, but
laughing my ass off. Is there a word for that?
Shitfucky, maybe?
Spot on. Thanks Ori.
2012-12-14 19:53:03 UTC
Watching events unfold in Connecticut. Today is a day for tears.
2012-12-14 20:58:10 UTC
On Fri, 14 Dec 2012 11:53:03 -0800 (PST), Smeenus
Post by Smeenus
Watching events unfold in Connecticut. Today is a day for tears.
Horrific. We're living in a nightmare of our own design. So sad.
2012-12-15 05:42:52 UTC
This picture made me bawl

Loading Image...
2012-12-17 06:43:48 UTC
IMO, The Onion channeled Dougie on this commentary on the terrible day in Newtown

2012-12-20 01:37:38 UTC
Post by Smeenus
IMO, The Onion channeled Dougie on this commentary on the terrible day in Newtown
Kind of sad when a comedy site nails it better than the "legitimate" new
sources do. Kind of how I feel about the Daily Show sometimes.

2013-01-24 19:29:21 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by Smeenus
IMO, The Onion channeled Dougie on this commentary on the terrible day in Newtown
Kind of sad when a comedy site nails it better than the "legitimate" new
sources do. Kind of how I feel about the Daily Show sometimes.
The legitimate news channels are clueless. For those keeping score, this was the second worst school shooting in history. And for those keeping score, what kind of asshole keeps score? "I'm sorry your child was turned into a bullet-ridden mass of pulp, but think of it on the bright side...."

Do we really need to measure tragedy by body count? It's certainly relevant, but can it be used to say that a tragedy is less tragic? I propose a new formula. Take the square of the body count and divide it by the total weight of the victims in kilograms. Yes, I know that I'll be accused of bias, especially among the overweight. So one option is to cap the weight of any victim at 81 kg. But if you are afraid that people will complain that this creates a bias toward tragedies in the US, you can cap things at 62kg. If you are particularly patriotic or xenophobic, you can change the formula by multiplying the result by the square root of (20,000 minus the distance in km from your home). If it's far away, then it's less tragic. If it's just about completely around the world, it's imaginary.

I hope this formula represents an improvement, and I sincerely expect that news directors will spend hours debating it. They can measure tragedies by Stein Factor, and then people will take them more seriously when they say "we're here live..." even though the victims aren't.
2013-01-29 22:20:09 UTC
Someday I hope to come to this newsgroup and find actual Mike Keneally
content. In the meantime, Phyllis, I don't know where you studied
physics or statistics, but weight is measured in Newtons, not kg.
Also, squaring the body count will effectively undo any normalization
you attempt to make by dividing by total mass/weight, assuming
Gaussian population distributions.
Do we really need to measure tragedy by body count? It's certainly relevant, but can it be used to say that a tragedy is less tragic?  I propose a new formula. Take the square of the body count and divide it by the total weight of the victims in kilograms.
Ron Moses
2013-02-01 12:16:19 UTC
Post by KevinDouglasPhD
Someday I hope to come to this newsgroup and find actual Mike Keneally
As you found this morning, that is best achieved by creating some. It's a community, not a well.

2013-02-01 16:22:05 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
Post by KevinDouglasPhD
Someday I hope to come to this newsgroup and find actual Mike Keneally
As you found this morning, that is best achieved by creating some. It's a community, not a well.
The community is not well.
2013-02-02 07:15:18 UTC
Post by Ron Moses
Post by KevinDouglasPhD
Someday I hope to come to this newsgroup and find actual Mike Keneally
As you found this morning, that is best achieved by creating some. It's a community, not a well.
I would like to add to what RON (correctly) posted here.

I love Mikey, I love his music. And I agree that there's a bit of a dearth of discussion on his topic, in fact even related topics, here. And doubtless I am the worst offender of off-topic threads. But I question the decision to make such a comment on THIS thread.

This thread was born on December of '09 when a dear friend of mine, and most of this board, was tragically lost. I can't imagine, Kevin, that you would consider those terrible days in mid-December just over 3 years ago to be even REMOTELY the times to discuss Mikey-Bryan tour dates or anything but the passing of out friend, and I assume you do not consider such.

I bumped this thread in observance of that awful event. Yes, there has been enough time since then for the community to heal and for life to resume, and should anyone have posted to the group at that time on MK news and such discussion, that would have been great, but no one did.

Then, very shortly thereafter, the unthinkable tragedy at Sandy Hook took place. Again, it's impossible to imagine that in those days it would occur to *anyone* to discuss WBF or anything else. Again I love Mikey but the horror of that day simply demanded soul-searching by everyone I know.

Then, a couple months later, Phyllis posted & bumped the thread. In retrospect I should've posted a separate thread for the Sandy Hook massacre. I wish I did. I do thank you for your MK discussion. There's a time and a place for everything.
2013-02-04 18:17:12 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Post by KevinDouglasPhD
Someday I hope to come to this newsgroup and find actual Mike Keneally
As you found this morning, that is best achieved by creating some.  It's a community, not a well.
I would like to add to what RON (correctly) posted here.
I love Mikey, I love his music. And I agree that there's a bit of a dearth of discussion on his topic, in fact even related topics, here. And doubtless I am the worst offender of off-topic threads. But I question the decision to make such a comment on THIS thread.
This thread was born on December of '09 when a dear friend of mine, and most of this board, was tragically lost. I can't imagine, Kevin, that you would consider those terrible days in mid-December just over 3 years ago to be even REMOTELY the times to discuss Mikey-Bryan tour dates or anything but the passing of out friend, and I assume you do not consider such.
I bumped this thread in observance of that awful event. Yes, there has been enough time since then for the community to heal and for life to resume, and should anyone have posted to the group at that time on MK news and such discussion, that would have been great, but no one did.
Then, very shortly thereafter, the unthinkable tragedy at Sandy Hook took place. Again, it's impossible to imagine that in those days it would occur to *anyone* to discuss WBF or anything else. Again I love Mikey but the horror of that day simply demanded soul-searching by everyone I know.
Then, a couple months later, Phyllis posted & bumped the thread. In retrospect I should've posted a separate thread for the Sandy Hook massacre. I wish I did. I do thank you for your MK discussion. There's a time and a place for everything.
To Smeenus et al,

I appreciate your comments, and I apologize if I came across as
uncaring about these tragic events which affect us all. Sadly I never
knew Dougie personally, and though I am not from the US the Sandy Hook
tragedy was definitely hard to digest. I was a bit perturbed by
Phyllis' rather glib post about the violence, and instead of calling
her on it directly, I chose to be flippant myself and I regret posting
that churlish response.

Since Sandy Hook I have listened to 'We'll Be Right Back' off of
Dancing quite a few times, and I often think about how much better
society would be if everyone could "tend [their] garden and give your
neighbour some peace." I know this makes me sound like a fucking
sycophantic teenage windbag, but I actually believe it.
2012-12-20 01:36:46 UTC
Post by Smeenus
This picture made me bawl
I saw where this picture that PBS posted has gone viral. A hopeful
message instead of one of despair.


2013-03-08 19:07:05 UTC
2013-03-22 21:12:07 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Yeah? well take THIS motherfuckers....


Fucking YAY!
2013-03-24 20:36:54 UTC
Post by Smeenus
Post by Smeenus
Yeah? well take THIS motherfuckers....
Fucking YAY!

(who doesn't visit, he doesn't write...)
2013-12-13 04:21:33 UTC
Observing the 4th anniversary of that sad day
