Post by JeffPost by Ron MosesIn the course of looking up what year Dog came out (I'm ripping the DVD audio and need to tag my mp3s), I ended up getting caught up on the MTTYs (or MT2Us, whatever). Mike, thanks for sharing. It would be odd to respond to any of it here, given that you're writing it there and not here for a reason, but I wanted you to know someone was reading it and appreciating it.
What Ron said.
Thank you gentlemen. No reason not to respond to it here, especially since there's no response mechanism at Other than speaking directly to the computer screen as you read it. But it doesn't talk back to you, and I'm sorry about that. Anyway, point is, this here can be a place to discuss anything MTTY-related (I'm not going to do the MT2U thing, I have decided. The post-post-modern-ironic-commentary thing is itself outdated I think) if you like. Or anything else, hell. Just as I'm hoping to make MTTY a more regular occurrence I'd be happy to make my own participation in ammk a more regular thing too. I've been going in that direction a bit lately but I could go further. Coming out of my shell a bit is a good thing. Not necessarily easy for me, but good.