Dec. 13, 2013 - Arcata, CA
(too old to reply)
2013-12-14 22:24:07 UTC
Hi all...

I don't post much here anymore, but since I attended last night's gig at Arcata's "The Jambalaya" I thought I'd give everyone a rundown.

First of all, the setlist:
Pitch Pipe
Your House --> scratched off the setlist
Frozen Beef
Cave Dweller
I'm Raining --> scratched off the setlist
Popes --> On setlist but not played
Encore: 'Cause of Breakfast

Pertinent information:

- Mike's voice was pretty beat up from the previous night's (reportedly) outstanding SF gig. This gig was a little...rough...vocally, but the instrumentals and the solos (particularly Hum, Skunk, Cave Dweller, Dolphins, and the last three songs of the show) were outstanding. Remarkably good sound at the venue as well, and the folks running the joint seemed nice (at least to us customers).

- This show was recorded to ProTools, as well as having a seven(!) camera shoot. All shows on the mini-California tour were documented on video, but Arcata apparently had the highest (no Humboldt pun intended) number of people shooting video.

- This was the final gig of the current MKB configuration for the forseable future. Rick has gotten a gig playig guitar with Cirque du Soleil in Vegas. His contract starts in January, so he's out of the MK orbit for a while. Congrats, Rick! In addition, MKB will be "atomized" for a while since Bryan's got a ton of excellent Aristocrats stuff going on and both he & MK have yet another Satriani tour next year.

It was a great gig. I had a blast and even though the drive up was a little tiresome (but really not that bad at 5 hours) it was great to see everyone and all that.

(Oh, and J wants AMMK's opinion on the cows/film burn at the end of the Madison DVD. I dug it, personally. Nice way to deal with tape running out, IMHO)

Ron Moses
2013-12-15 16:52:28 UTC
Post by .ben.
(Oh, and J wants AMMK's opinion on the cows/film burn at the end of the Madison DVD. I dug it, personally. Nice way to deal with tape running out, IMHO)
Ha, I hadn't even gotten that far, but it's pretty damn funny! I love little Easter eggs. You know, convenience store footage and Austrians with musical toys, stuff like that.

