Krispy Kremes...
(too old to reply)
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-17 14:36:14 UTC
Had a breakfast consisting of two Krispy Kreme doughnuts and half a
glass of raspberry lemonade, and now I feel like I'm gonna hurl.

Anybody wanna watch?

But seriously, folks... I looked on the Krispy Kreme site and found that
a serving is 52g. That's a hair under 2 ounces, give or take (~29g is
one ounce). Being without a scale I cannot determine the exact weight of
the offending pastries. Does anyone know? Why they can't say, "One
serving: 1 doughnut" is beyond me.

I think I'm gonna have to stop a McD's on the way to work to get
something nutritious. Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!

Ori Pessach
2004-08-17 15:12:48 UTC
Post by Bruce Anderson
Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
McDonald's food is nutritious. It might have things in it that are bad
for you if you consume too much of it, and it may not have ALL the
nutrients your body needs (but if that's what you want, there was a guy
here selling a bottle that could take care of that, but he only had one,
so you're out of luck, unless you can find the guy he sold it to and buy
it from him,) but the food itself is fairly safe to consume in
moderation as a part of a healthy, balanced diet. It won't kill you
instantly, at least.
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-17 17:43:56 UTC
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by Bruce Anderson
Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
McDonald's food is nutritious. It might have things in it that are bad
for you if you consume too much of it, and it may not have ALL the
nutrients your body needs (but if that's what you want, there was a guy
here selling a bottle that could take care of that, but he only had one,
so you're out of luck, unless you can find the guy he sold it to and buy
it from him,) but the food itself is fairly safe to consume in
moderation as a part of a healthy, balanced diet. It won't kill you
instantly, at least.
That's a matter of opinion and many will disagree. Many people's idea of
nutrition is based on the food pyramid that was put together by the USDA
decades ago. The Department of Agriculture's job is to sell food, not
determine what's good for you, and they came up with that idea without doing
any studies to see if it made any sense. In the ensuing decades, the nation
has gone from a rate of 25% overweight to over 50% overweight despite the
fact that we get more exercise, even though people think we don't.

There are things in McDonalds food that, under the right circumstances,
could result in death. Immediately following a meal high in saturated fats,
the endothelium is predisposed to constricting and clotting, and an
individual on the verge of a heart attack could get one as the result of
eating that meal. A meal low in saturated fats could literally save that
person's life.

Back in 1990, when McDonalds was attacked for their unhealthful French fries
that were cooked in saturated animal fat, they changed the recipe and led
people to believe that they were making them more healthful. What they did
instead is switched to a more dangerous trans fat. Many health experts have
said that there is no healthy amount that can be included in any diet. The
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences said that they are
not safe for human consumption at any level. Then in 2002, McDonalds said
they would change the recipe by 2003 to fix the problem with trans fats.
Not only didn't they change it, they tried to cover it up. Read the
following for more information:


I understand that there is some disagreement over this, but when the NAS
says no amount is safe, I'd like to see something a bit more concrete before
I decide that even a moderate amount is safe.
snow lizard
2004-08-17 20:21:59 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by Bruce Anderson
Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
McDonald's food is nutritious. It might have things in it that are bad
for you if you consume too much of it, and it may not have ALL the
nutrients your body needs (but if that's what you want, there was a guy
here selling a bottle that could take care of that, but he only had one,
so you're out of luck, unless you can find the guy he sold it to and buy
it from him,) but the food itself is fairly safe to consume in
moderation as a part of a healthy, balanced diet. It won't kill you
instantly, at least.
That's a matter of opinion and many will disagree. Many people's idea of
nutrition is based on the food pyramid that was put together by the USDA
decades ago. The Department of Agriculture's job is to sell food, not
determine what's good for you, and they came up with that idea without doing
any studies to see if it made any sense. In the ensuing decades, the nation
has gone from a rate of 25% overweight to over 50% overweight despite the
fact that we get more exercise, even though people think we don't.
There are things in McDonalds food that, under the right circumstances,
could result in death. Immediately following a meal high in saturated fats,
the endothelium is predisposed to constricting and clotting, and an
individual on the verge of a heart attack could get one as the result of
eating that meal. A meal low in saturated fats could literally save that
person's life.
Back in 1990, when McDonalds was attacked for their unhealthful French fries
that were cooked in saturated animal fat, they changed the recipe and led
people to believe that they were making them more healthful. What they did
instead is switched to a more dangerous trans fat. Many health experts have
said that there is no healthy amount that can be included in any diet. The
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences said that they are
not safe for human consumption at any level. Then in 2002, McDonalds said
they would change the recipe by 2003 to fix the problem with trans fats.
Not only didn't they change it, they tried to cover it up. Read the
I understand that there is some disagreement over this, but when the NAS
says no amount is safe, I'd like to see something a bit more concrete before
I decide that even a moderate amount is safe.
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but I've been told that
McDonalds hamburgers have an anti-nauseant ingredient. The only
research I've done into this is to eat a McDonalds meal when I was at
work, horribly hung over and completely nauseated.

Moderation may be a more effective remedy, but it helped tremendously.

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-17 20:49:17 UTC
Post by snow lizard
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but I've been told that
McDonalds hamburgers have an anti-nauseant ingredient. The only
research I've done into this is to eat a McDonalds meal when I was at
work, horribly hung over and completely nauseated.
If it were true, I think they would have to disclose it.
Tom Yost
2004-08-17 23:55:47 UTC
Post by snow lizard
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but I've been told that
McDonalds hamburgers have an anti-nauseant ingredient. The only
research I've done into this is to eat a McDonalds meal when I was at
work, horribly hung over and completely nauseated.
Moderation may be a more effective remedy, but it helped tremendously.
Izzat anything like SaltPeter ?

snow lizard
2004-08-18 00:17:16 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
Post by snow lizard
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but I've been told that
McDonalds hamburgers have an anti-nauseant ingredient. The only
research I've done into this is to eat a McDonalds meal when I was at
work, horribly hung over and completely nauseated.
Moderation may be a more effective remedy, but it helped tremendously.
Izzat anything like SaltPeter ?
I'm not sure. Anyone here get wood from eating McDonalds?

Doug Boucher
2004-08-18 00:42:08 UTC
Post by snow lizard
Post by Tom Yost
Izzat anything like SaltPeter ?
I'm not sure. Anyone here get wood from eating McDonalds?
No, and thanks to the picture of Ronald in my head that was just conjured
up, I don't think I'll ever get wood again.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
snow lizard
2004-08-18 02:19:53 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by snow lizard
Post by Tom Yost
Izzat anything like SaltPeter ?
I'm not sure. Anyone here get wood from eating McDonalds?
No, and thanks to the picture of Ronald in my head that was just conjured
up, I don't think I'll ever get wood again.
Then I guess we can't rule out a Saltpeter connection yet...

Tom Yost
2004-08-18 03:36:48 UTC
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 00:42:08 GMT, "Doug Boucher"
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by snow lizard
Post by Tom Yost
Izzat anything like SaltPeter ?
I'm not sure. Anyone here get wood from eating McDonalds?
No, and thanks to the picture of Ronald in my head that was just conjured
up, I don't think I'll ever get wood again.
<insert sesame seed buns joke here>

Doug Boucher
2004-08-18 16:49:06 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by snow lizard
I'm not sure. Anyone here get wood from eating McDonalds?
No, and thanks to the picture of Ronald in my head that was just conjured
up, I don't think I'll ever get wood again.
<insert sesame seed buns joke here>
Oh. My. God.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
2004-08-18 14:23:49 UTC
Post by snow lizard
Post by Tom Yost
Post by snow lizard
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but I've been told that
McDonalds hamburgers have an anti-nauseant ingredient. The only
research I've done into this is to eat a McDonalds meal when I was at
work, horribly hung over and completely nauseated.
Moderation may be a more effective remedy, but it helped tremendously.
Izzat anything like SaltPeter ?
I'm not sure. Anyone here get wood from eating McDonalds?
No, but I get an erection after killng a clown. Does that count?

Oh well.

I personally hate McDonald's, and will go to incredibly stupid lengths
to avoid it. However, I was *forced* (well, practically, anyway) to
eat a meal there last month. My wife and I were at LAX about to catch
a red-eye flight. Now, those of you who know LAX, know that the food
options there are terrible. MOST food options in airports are pretty
nasty, save for places like Newark, Sacramento, Amsterdam, Houston,
Atlanta...but most other airports are just plain BAD for eating. But
hey, we were hungry, so we went to the "bar" there in the
terminal...and find out that they JUST finished serving food. Only
booze for the rest of the night. Everything else was closed, so off
to the dreaded McDonald's we went. It was pretty much as I remember;
lukewarm food with a vague chemical aftertaste. The additional insult
was that I had to actually stand in line for this crap, like I thought
it was worth the wait. Hunger makes you do stupid stuff.

Now, I like me some burgers. After each MK Baked Potato show in
Hollywood I see, I stumble over to Fatburger right next door and get a
to-go bag of greasy goodness. I'm not a health-food fascist...but I
generally eat well and I bike almost every day, yet I love to eat
unhealthy stuff every once in a while. It's what I like to call

But McDonald's is just plain garbage. Even when held up to other fast
food places, it's a mystery that people still show up.

I really can't buy the "busy people must eat crap". Sure, it's more
convenient, but is it really worth it? And I find it insulting that
McDonalds is selling adult Happy Meals. Holy shit! Fruit salad and
water! We can't get that anywhere else for half the price! Sheesh...

The only thing McDonald's is good for is international stability. No
two countries that have had a McDonald's have ever gone to war with
each other.

Oh, and Krispy Kremes? They're ok. Kind of "meh" in my book.

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 15:24:12 UTC
Post by drumzspace
I really can't buy the "busy people must eat crap". Sure, it's more
convenient, but is it really worth it? And I find it insulting that
McDonalds is selling adult Happy Meals. Holy shit! Fruit salad and
water! We can't get that anywhere else for half the price! Sheesh...
Not only that, but their kids happy meals are no bargain either. I can go to
just about any family style restaurant, even the more upscale ones, and get
a kids meal for $3.99. It comes with a beverage, most likely refillable,
which is a way better deal than the small carton of milk from McDonalds. In
other words, a meal at a real restaurant with more food, more choices, some
options on the menu that are actually good for your kids, a clean table with
a real table cloth, a waiter to serve you, and the option to get a decent
adult meal too costs less for your kids than that happy meal at McDonalds.
2004-08-19 06:01:05 UTC
Post by drumzspace
Now, I like me some burgers. After each MK Baked Potato show in
Hollywood I see, I stumble over to Fatburger right next door and get a
to-go bag of greasy goodness. I'm not a health-food fascist...but I
generally eat well and I bike almost every day, yet I love to eat
unhealthy stuff every once in a while. It's what I like to call
I've been to some *phenomenal* Mom & Pop burger stands in Seattle (one of my
favorites is in a neighborhood called Midway, although it's technically part
of Kent) and Portland (NE 42nd & Killingsworth) run by Asian families. Go
figure. There's also a chain (5 locations) here in Seattle we call
(phoenetically) Lay Ree-SHARDS, aka Dick's (once again, Ellen knows what I'm
talkin' about) that makes a damn tasty burger & (*real*) milkshake. Be
forwarned, however; special orders DO upset 'em. In Portland, the local
alternative to McWendy's King is called Burgerville USA.

Wouldn't give you a plug nickle for any of the big 3, although McD is
clearly last place ('cept I kinda like the breakfast sandwiches)

FUCK Wal-Mart...
Alan Tignanelli
2004-08-19 10:26:24 UTC
Post by smeenus
I've been to some *phenomenal* Mom & Pop burger stands in Seattle (one of my
favorites is in a neighborhood called Midway, although it's technically part
of Kent) and Portland (NE 42nd & Killingsworth) run by Asian families. Go
Funny you should say that. One of the best burgers I ever had around
here was at a Chinese buffet. The burgers were about 2/3 pound, juicy
as all hell, and just damn delicious. The place went out of business -
actually, it started to go downhill when the INS deported some of the
workers there. They had big-ass steak hoagies, too.
Post by smeenus
FUCK Wal-Mart...
Not with Andy Dick's, uh, dick.

Ellen Brenner
2004-08-19 23:30:37 UTC
Post by smeenus
Post by drumzspace
Now, I like me some burgers. After each MK Baked Potato show in
Hollywood I see, I stumble over to Fatburger right next door and get a
to-go bag of greasy goodness. I'm not a health-food fascist...but I
generally eat well and I bike almost every day, yet I love to eat
unhealthy stuff every once in a while. It's what I like to call
I've been to some *phenomenal* Mom & Pop burger stands in Seattle (one of my
favorites is in a neighborhood called Midway, although it's technically part
of Kent) and Portland (NE 42nd & Killingsworth) run by Asian families. Go
figure. There's also a chain (5 locations) here in Seattle we call
(phoenetically) Lay Ree-SHARDS, aka Dick's (once again, Ellen knows what I'm
talkin' about) that makes a damn tasty burger & (*real*) milkshake. Be
forwarned, however; special orders DO upset 'em. In Portland, the local
alternative to McWendy's King is called Burgerville USA.
Ah yesss ... getting a fistful of meat at Dick's, as another of my Seattle
associates so colorfully puts it, is a great good thing. Though I confess I
like Kidd Valley's burgers better, and Red Mill burgers best of all.

There's an Asian-run hamburger joint in the U District called Orange King,
whose burgers and fries are wunnerful for your mouth (though admittedly
disastrous for your cholesterol levels). There's another down in Des Moines
(yes, folks, there's a town in Seattle's suburbs by that name--the locals
tend to pronounce the s's at the ends), that's in an old A&W rootbeer
stand--the barrel cut-out's still on the roof, and the burgers inside are
great balls of greasy goodness.

Down here in SD, I have discovered the wonder that is Carl's Jr. Damn, those
are some fine big messy burgers.

/the duck
(now, alas, eating healthier, under duress)
Ellen "Miz Ducky" Brenner
mizducky "at" drizzle dot com
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-20 00:58:03 UTC
Post by Ellen Brenner
Down here in SD, I have discovered the wonder that is Carl's Jr. Damn, those
are some fine big messy burgers.
mmm...Carl's. In the midwest they're known as Hardees. Someone else
already did the Royale with Cheese joke, so I'll refrain.

Been to In and Out? Or do they have them in Sandy Eggo?

And did you know that west of the Rockies it's Best Foods but eastward
it's Hellmans? I'm still trying to figure out the logic there. Still the
best mayonnaise I've ever eaten (short of homemade, that is).

Ellen Brenner
2004-08-20 02:13:56 UTC
Post by Bruce Anderson
Post by Ellen Brenner
Down here in SD, I have discovered the wonder that is Carl's Jr. Damn, those
are some fine big messy burgers.
mmm...Carl's. In the midwest they're known as Hardees. Someone else
already did the Royale with Cheese joke, so I'll refrain.
Been to In and Out? Or do they have them in Sandy Eggo?
Darlin', I was doin' the ol' In and Out long before I hit San Diego ... oh
wait, you meant the fast-food place. Uh, yeah, I've been there. Real nice
burgers, excellent fries.
Post by Bruce Anderson
And did you know that west of the Rockies it's Best Foods but eastward
it's Hellmans? I'm still trying to figure out the logic there. Still the
best mayonnaise I've ever eaten (short of homemade, that is).
Yep, Noticed that. Whatever they call it, it's damn fine for a bottled mayo.
But I recently discovered Trader Joe's store brand mayo, and I confess it
has taken the place of Hellmans/Best Foods in my heart.

/the duck
(now trying to avoid the image of her heart all clogged up with
mayonnaise--that would certainly explain a few odd readings from her last
Ellen "Miz Ducky" Brenner
mizducky "at" drizzle dot com
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-20 06:33:28 UTC
Post by Ellen Brenner
Post by Bruce Anderson
Been to In and Out? Or do they have them in Sandy Eggo?
Darlin', I was doin' the ol' In and Out long before I hit San Diego ... oh
wait, you meant the fast-food place. Uh, yeah, I've been there. Real nice
burgers, excellent fries.
Tee hee!
Post by Ellen Brenner
Post by Bruce Anderson
And did you know that west of the Rockies it's Best Foods but eastward
it's Hellmans? I'm still trying to figure out the logic there. Still the
best mayonnaise I've ever eaten (short of homemade, that is).
Yep, Noticed that. Whatever they call it, it's damn fine for a bottled mayo.
But I recently discovered Trader Joe's store brand mayo, and I confess it
has taken the place of Hellmans/Best Foods in my heart.
Gonna have to give that a try. Been doing a lot of shopping there
lately. A lot of stuff is cheaper than at the chains, and most stuff is
better. I seriously dig their blueberry breakfast cereal, whatever it's
called. Blueberry Granola Almond Crunch or something like that. With
real itty-bitty dried blueberries. Turns the milk into blueberry milk. I
think they need to genetically engineer cows that produce this milk.
It's so good.

Where was I? Oh yeah, TJs. I've taken to buying their pistachioes and
tossing a handful in with my salads. Really tasty.


Tom Yost
2004-08-20 16:37:59 UTC
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 02:13:56 GMT, "Ellen Brenner"
Post by Ellen Brenner
Post by Bruce Anderson
Post by Ellen Brenner
Down here in SD, I have discovered the wonder that is Carl's Jr. Damn,
Post by Bruce Anderson
Post by Ellen Brenner
are some fine big messy burgers.
mmm...Carl's. In the midwest they're known as Hardees. Someone else
already did the Royale with Cheese joke, so I'll refrain.
Been to In and Out? Or do they have them in Sandy Eggo?
Darlin', I was doin' the ol' In and Out long before I hit San Diego ... oh
wait, you meant the fast-food place. Uh, yeah, I've been there. Real nice
burgers, excellent fries.
In-N-Out - yumm

No trip to SoCal was complete without a stop for a "double-double."

We now have them in Arizona - of course things aren't the same when
you can have one anytime.

Used to be the first In-N-Out on the drive to LA was in Indio (I-10
Ramon Road exit). We would always stop there. Man, that guy had a
goldmine - place was always packed with Zonies.

Their menu is a throwback: Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Double
Cheesburger, Fries, Shakes, softdrinks/tea/coffee. That's it. No
pussy chicken sandwiches or salads. You have to go to a health food
restaraunt like McDonalds to get one of those.

They also have a "Secret menu," which are just variations of the same.
My teenage son (garbage gut) announced he was ordering the "Four by
Four." (Four patties and four slices of cheese). I almost got sick
watching him eat the whole thing.

Now I'm hungry.


Doug Boucher
2004-08-20 02:17:32 UTC
Post by Ellen Brenner
Ah yesss ... getting a fistful of meat at Dick's, as another of my Seattle
associates so colorfully puts it, is a great good thing.
Getting a fistful of meat at Dick's. Wow, that's the best euphemism I've
heard since "waxing the dolphin" and "pulling an LAPD on your one-eyed

OK, I made that second one up and it's kinda stupid.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Ellen Brenner
2004-08-20 03:04:42 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Ellen Brenner
Ah yesss ... getting a fistful of meat at Dick's, as another of my Seattle
associates so colorfully puts it, is a great good thing.
Getting a fistful of meat at Dick's. Wow, that's the best euphemism I've
heard since "waxing the dolphin" and "pulling an LAPD on your one-eyed
By the way, did you know that dolphins have prehensile penises?

Well, now you do.

/the duck
(and you thought Flipper was just grinning that way because he had just
gotten some fish ... erm, let me rephrase that ... )
Ellen "Miz Ducky" Brenner
mizducky "at" drizzle dot com
Ori Pessach
2004-08-20 03:06:24 UTC
Post by smeenus
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Ellen Brenner
Ah yesss ... getting a fistful of meat at Dick's, as another of my
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Ellen Brenner
associates so colorfully puts it, is a great good thing.
Getting a fistful of meat at Dick's. Wow, that's the best euphemism I've
heard since "waxing the dolphin" and "pulling an LAPD on your one-eyed
By the way, did you know that dolphins have prehensile penises?
Learn all about it here:

2004-08-20 03:07:28 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Ellen Brenner
Ah yesss ... getting a fistful of meat at Dick's, as another of my Seattle
associates so colorfully puts it, is a great good thing.
Getting a fistful of meat at Dick's. Wow, that's the best euphemism I've
heard since "waxing the dolphin" and "pulling an LAPD on your one-eyed
OK, I made that second one up and it's kinda stupid.
I loved it!

Still fond of the term "Oklahoma Karate"...
Doug Boucher
2004-08-17 20:17:50 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
My favorite quote is this:

The restaurant chain had announced it planned to cut the trans fat levels in
its fried foods. But McDonald's has delayed the plan, citing concerns of
product quality and customer satisfaction

Product quality? I laughed my fucking ass off the first time I read that.
It's SHIT. It's always been shit. Some of us like it anyway, but it's still
SHIT. As for customer satisfaction, anyone who is going to have a major
shit-fit over a change in cooking oil is probably someone smart enough not
to eat at McDonalds that often in the first place.

The irony of this for me is that the one thing I genuinely like at that
place is their french fries, which as has been pointed out, will fucking
kill you. Probably why I usually try to avoid them and eat something healthy
instead. Like White Castles. Wanna eat right? Get yerself 8 or 9 White
Castle hamburgers and a six-pack of beer. It works, kids!

(Katie calls them "Old McDonalds", which I think is funny.)
A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-17 20:59:19 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
The restaurant chain had announced it planned to cut the trans fat levels in
its fried foods. But McDonald's has delayed the plan, citing concerns of
product quality and customer satisfaction
I think they meant quality in the attribute (noun) sense of the word. These
days, people use the word quality to mean high quality as if low quality
were not a quality. It would seem that the unqualified use of the word
should be a neutral term, but it's perfectly acceptable to use it that way.
Hence the confusion. Or obfuscation.

Customers might be dissatisfied if their fries were not so bad for them but
lost that taste. It's not that French fries could ever be a health food.
It's a starch. It's a simple carbohydrate that breaks down quickly, offers
little if anything in terms of nutritional value, and raises your blood
sugar rapidly. That will be followed by a surge in insulin levels, causing
a "crash" when your body catches up with the blood sugar. Then you will end
up with strong cravings for something to eat because of the glycemic see
saw. So you end up running back to McDonalds or eating a bag of Oreos

It's not a good snack or meal no matter what, it will not satisfy your
hunger very long, and in terms of weight control, it's a definite no no. But
it works like a drug by giving instant gratification, an instant boost in
blood sugar, and a crash and a craving for more later on.
Doug Boucher
2004-08-17 22:36:56 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Customers might be dissatisfied if their fries were not so bad for them but
lost that taste. It's not that French fries could ever be a health food.
It's a starch. It's a simple carbohydrate that breaks down quickly, offers
little if anything in terms of nutritional value, and raises your blood
sugar rapidly. That will be followed by a surge in insulin levels, causing
a "crash" when your body catches up with the blood sugar. Then you will end
up with strong cravings for something to eat because of the glycemic see
In other words, they're like half the shit I like to eat. It's fucking
annoying. I have crashes like that far too easily these days and have to be
far more careful of what I eat. This wasn't a problem for me until a few
years ago, but it is now and since I'm basically a selfish prick, I blame
God. The bastard made all the good food bad for me. Me. It's all about me,
you know. *I* don't get to eat what I want to as much I want to, and goddamn
it, that violates my constitutional rights as an American. I say we bomb God
and go get some fries.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 03:25:10 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Customers might be dissatisfied if their fries were not so bad for them
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
lost that taste. It's not that French fries could ever be a health food.
It's a starch. It's a simple carbohydrate that breaks down quickly,
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
little if anything in terms of nutritional value, and raises your blood
sugar rapidly. That will be followed by a surge in insulin levels,
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
a "crash" when your body catches up with the blood sugar. Then you will
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
up with strong cravings for something to eat because of the glycemic see
In other words, they're like half the shit I like to eat. It's fucking
annoying. I have crashes like that far too easily these days and have to be
far more careful of what I eat. This wasn't a problem for me until a few
years ago, but it is now and since I'm basically a selfish prick, I blame
God. The bastard made all the good food bad for me. Me. It's all about me,
you know. *I* don't get to eat what I want to as much I want to, and goddamn
it, that violates my constitutional rights as an American. I say we bomb God
and go get some fries.
It's because food companies go along for the ride. We were told decades ago
that fat was bad for us. It was true for some types of fat, but you can't
expect consumers to be smart enough to know one type from another. So we as
a nation moved away from food with fat to high carbohydrate foods made with
refined grains. In other words, all the nutrition gets removed and we get
the stuff pre-digested for us. They also add lots of sugar to make up for
things, and we were expected to believe that this was good for us.

When they want to fatten up cows, they give them a diet of pure
carbohydrates. Then they tell us that grain is not fattening.
Doug Boucher
2004-08-18 18:03:00 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
It's because food companies go along for the ride. We were told decades ago
that fat was bad for us.
Of course, they also told schoolchildren that in case of nuclear attack,
they should hide under their desks, but they were sorta right about fat.
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
It was true for some types of fat, but you can't
expect consumers to be smart enough to know one type from another.
It doesn't take too long to figure it out, either. I first started reading
up on fat a few years ago. How many people know what Omega 3 fatty acids
are? The shit is good for you. In fact, they refer to it as essential. My
favorite food for it is salmon, it's in other kinds of fish too. And since
we were talking about cooking oil earlier, I'll mention that I started using
canola oil a few years ago, which is higher in these unsaturated fats and
lower in the saturated. There's apparantly a ton of crap on the internet
about how canola oil is bad for you, but most of those claims seem to have
been proven to be bullshit, and it looks like a good alternative to me.
Olive oil too.

So we as
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
a nation moved away from food with fat to high carbohydrate foods made with
refined grains. In other words, all the nutrition gets removed and we get
the stuff pre-digested for us. They also add lots of sugar to make up for
things, and we were expected to believe that this was good for us.
You mean sugar is bad? Fuck!
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
When they want to fatten up cows, they give them a diet of pure
carbohydrates. Then they tell us that grain is not fattening.
Yeah, but I don't want to make a steak out of you.

What seems to help me (when I'm smart enough to do it) is to go low on sugar
and saturated fats, but eat plenty of fiber. Also, eating fruit itself is
better than drinking juice because you get the fiber to balance the sugars.
Of course, I'd drink a gallon of juice a day if I could, but that's not a
good idea

And lots of water. Shitloads of water. If you have a lot of fiber and not
enough water, you're fucked. I have to piss a lot more often, but if I ate
the amount of saturated fat I was eating even five years ago, I'd be
shitting blood every half an hour. I simply can't handle the same amounts of
either fat or sugar I used to be able to. Which is probably because I ate
too much of that crap in the first place. Not that I don't eat fat. Them
were some damn good pork chops I made a few days ago.

Trying not to think about Pepsi and Twizzlers,
A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 19:12:47 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
It's because food companies go along for the ride. We were told decades
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
that fat was bad for us.
Of course, they also told schoolchildren that in case of nuclear attack,
they should hide under their desks, but they were sorta right about fat.
Yes, and no. It's true that saturated fats are bad for us. But it's also
true that unsaturated fats are good for us. So categorizing things as good
or bad based on whether they are fatty or fat free is as sensible as
stepping into a room where half the people have guns and deciding who might
shoot by looking at eye color.
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
It was true for some types of fat, but you can't
expect consumers to be smart enough to know one type from another.
It doesn't take too long to figure it out, either. I first started reading
up on fat a few years ago. How many people know what Omega 3 fatty acids
are? The shit is good for you. In fact, they refer to it as essential. My
favorite food for it is salmon, it's in other kinds of fish too. And since
we were talking about cooking oil earlier, I'll mention that I started using
canola oil a few years ago, which is higher in these unsaturated fats and
lower in the saturated. There's apparantly a ton of crap on the internet
about how canola oil is bad for you, but most of those claims seem to have
been proven to be bullshit, and it looks like a good alternative to me.
Olive oil too.
There is nothing wrong with canola oil, and you are right about those oils
in general.

You can pour 8oz of olive oil on your salad at lunch time, and do the same
thing at breakfast and dinner, and your fat intake will be way beyond what
the USDA says is healthful. But it would be totally misleading information.

The government did the same thing with carbohydrates. They decided that
they are good for us, but it wasn't quite true. Then Dr. Atkins came along
and said that they were bad for us, which wasn't quite true either.
Research now shows that processed carbohydrates such as refined flour and
carbohydrates such as potatoes and other almost pure starches are bad for
us, but complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, that the body actually
has to digest in order to break down, are actually not so bad for us.
Indeed, the fiber is helpful. (I think the Atkins folks now say the same

The problem comes when you look at another part of the world, see that their
health is better than ours, that their diet is low or high in something, and
conclude that we should carve up our food groups the same way. They may be
low in fats because they stick to unsaturated fats, or high in carbs because
they eat lots of fruits and vegetables. You can't go strictly by whether
something is a protein or a carbohyrate or a fat. Things don't work that
way. There's a difference between fatty bacon and lean Canadian bacon, but
if you think of them as both being in the meat group, then you miss the
point. And there's a difference between whole milk and skim milk, the
latter being better for you (except for small children.) Likewise, something
like mayonnaise is 90-95% fat. But before you run away, it's mostly
unsaturated fat, and if you switch to the low fat mayo, you end up with more
carbohydrates. Since it's the ratio of unsaturated to saturated that is
important here, the regular mayo is actually better for you according to
some experts.

So don't avoid fats simply because you were told they are bad, or stick to
white bread because you were told it was harmless. Eating that bread with
some butter on it will actually slow down the intake of sugars as it is
digested, but you are still better off using olive oil instead as is done in
finer Italian restaurants. And switching to whole grain bread would be
better too.
Post by Doug Boucher
So we as
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
a nation moved away from food with fat to high carbohydrate foods made
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
refined grains. In other words, all the nutrition gets removed and we get
the stuff pre-digested for us. They also add lots of sugar to make up for
things, and we were expected to believe that this was good for us.
You mean sugar is bad? Fuck!
Sugar is the body's fuel. Your body sends sugar through the blood stream,
and makes insulin so that the body can make use of the sugar and get it into
our organs, or store its energy in our fat cells. The way the body has done
this for the past few million years or so (including our pre-modern-human
ansestors) was to digest food. It was a slow process, and it resulted in a
release of sugar over a period of time. The body responded with a gradual
release of insulin. If we ate something such as unrefined grain, the body
had to rip it to pieces during digestion, thus going through the same slow
digestion process. Something like refined white flower is a carbohydrate
that gets broken down into sugar almost instantly. Aside from the fact that
one can hurt your teeth more, eating a slice of white bread is not much
different from eating pure sugar.

The problem with eating pure sugar is that it enters your bloodstream almost
immediately. Your body has to respond with a large surge of insulin that it
must make immediately. As the body finally takes in the sugar, you are left
with that elevated insulin level and that's what causes the rebound and the
cravings. It can also result in reactive hypoglycemia, which means that
your blood sugar is now way too low because of this. Thus the cycle
continues as you get the munchies. If you are fat and your fat cells already
contain sufficient amounts of stored energy, they will not be able to take
in the sugar so rapidly and it and the fat will circulate in your blood
stream instead. And making more insulin won't really help. At least not
immediately. The insulin level will continue to rise, though, and
eventually the sugar will leave your blood stream rapidly. Boom!

With the traditional gradual intake of sugar, there is no resultant surge of
insulin and the slow absorbtion is followed by a slow decline of blood
sugar. Your body can handle that better and you are less hungry. So yes,
staying away from sugar and refined grains and simple carbohydrates can
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
When they want to fatten up cows, they give them a diet of pure
carbohydrates. Then they tell us that grain is not fattening.
Yeah, but I don't want to make a steak out of you.
I wouldn't be filling.
Post by Doug Boucher
What seems to help me (when I'm smart enough to do it) is to go low on sugar
and saturated fats, but eat plenty of fiber. Also, eating fruit itself is
better than drinking juice because you get the fiber to balance the sugars.
Of course, I'd drink a gallon of juice a day if I could, but that's not a
good idea
You are right about that. Fruit sugar is still sugar. That's why diets
such as Atkins will limit you or keep you away from fruit. Other diets such
as South Beach keep you away for the first two weeks until your blood sugar
is under control and then reintroduce it in moderation.

Drinking fruit juice is not the healthy choice that people used to think it
is. Rejecting it because it's carbs is not good reasoning since it does
have some nutrition, but you are better off eating an orange or two than
drinking that juice with no fiber. The intake of sugar is slower when eating
the whole fruit, and a piece or two a day is a good idea.
Post by Doug Boucher
And lots of water. Shitloads of water. If you have a lot of fiber and not
enough water, you're fucked. I have to piss a lot more often, but if I ate
the amount of saturated fat I was eating even five years ago, I'd be
shitting blood every half an hour. I simply can't handle the same amounts of
either fat or sugar I used to be able to. Which is probably because I ate
too much of that crap in the first place. Not that I don't eat fat. Them
were some damn good pork chops I made a few days ago.
Water will definitely help. So will fiber. Even a litle fiber before a meal
(or ideally 1/2 hour before a meal) will help a lot. If you trim the pork
chops first, they are not the worst thing for you. But leaner meat is
generally better, as long as it's not marinated with a sugary sauce to make
up for it.
Post by Doug Boucher
Trying not to think about Pepsi and Twizzlers,
Some people say to just switch to diet Pepsi. My feeling is that if you
stay away from diet soda and artificial sweeteners, you won't stay
accustomed to sweet tastes and you'll be better off. But I don't know if
there's enough science to show that that works for everybody. I did read of
a study that showed that diet drinks end up increasing people's consumption
of sweets overall, but I don't know if that's because they tend to be
consumed by people who like sweets more than folks who don't need diets, or
if it's a legitimate finding. But staying away from that stuff works for
2004-08-19 00:39:55 UTC
I'm of northern European descent (3/4 Irish; 1/4 Swedish) and believe
that because of the genes passed down that my body naturally thrives on
a diet consistly only of beer, potatoes and cabbage.

Todd Brooks
2004-08-19 07:29:00 UTC
Do you have a blog Hagrinas?
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
It's because food companies go along for the ride. We were told decades
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
that fat was bad for us.
Of course, they also told schoolchildren that in case of nuclear attack,
they should hide under their desks, but they were sorta right about fat.
Yes, and no. It's true that saturated fats are bad for us. But it's also
true that unsaturated fats are good for us. So categorizing things as good
or bad based on whether they are fatty or fat free is as sensible as
stepping into a room where half the people have guns and deciding who might
shoot by looking at eye color.
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
It was true for some types of fat, but you can't
expect consumers to be smart enough to know one type from another.
It doesn't take too long to figure it out, either. I first started reading
up on fat a few years ago. How many people know what Omega 3 fatty acids
are? The shit is good for you. In fact, they refer to it as essential. My
favorite food for it is salmon, it's in other kinds of fish too. And since
we were talking about cooking oil earlier, I'll mention that I started
Post by Doug Boucher
canola oil a few years ago, which is higher in these unsaturated fats and
lower in the saturated. There's apparantly a ton of crap on the internet
about how canola oil is bad for you, but most of those claims seem to have
been proven to be bullshit, and it looks like a good alternative to me.
Olive oil too.
There is nothing wrong with canola oil, and you are right about those oils
in general.
You can pour 8oz of olive oil on your salad at lunch time, and do the same
thing at breakfast and dinner, and your fat intake will be way beyond what
the USDA says is healthful. But it would be totally misleading information.
The government did the same thing with carbohydrates. They decided that
they are good for us, but it wasn't quite true. Then Dr. Atkins came along
and said that they were bad for us, which wasn't quite true either.
Research now shows that processed carbohydrates such as refined flour and
carbohydrates such as potatoes and other almost pure starches are bad for
us, but complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, that the body actually
has to digest in order to break down, are actually not so bad for us.
Indeed, the fiber is helpful. (I think the Atkins folks now say the same
The problem comes when you look at another part of the world, see that their
health is better than ours, that their diet is low or high in something, and
conclude that we should carve up our food groups the same way. They may be
low in fats because they stick to unsaturated fats, or high in carbs because
they eat lots of fruits and vegetables. You can't go strictly by whether
something is a protein or a carbohyrate or a fat. Things don't work that
way. There's a difference between fatty bacon and lean Canadian bacon, but
if you think of them as both being in the meat group, then you miss the
point. And there's a difference between whole milk and skim milk, the
latter being better for you (except for small children.) Likewise, something
like mayonnaise is 90-95% fat. But before you run away, it's mostly
unsaturated fat, and if you switch to the low fat mayo, you end up with more
carbohydrates. Since it's the ratio of unsaturated to saturated that is
important here, the regular mayo is actually better for you according to
some experts.
So don't avoid fats simply because you were told they are bad, or stick to
white bread because you were told it was harmless. Eating that bread with
some butter on it will actually slow down the intake of sugars as it is
digested, but you are still better off using olive oil instead as is done in
finer Italian restaurants. And switching to whole grain bread would be
better too.
Post by Doug Boucher
So we as
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
a nation moved away from food with fat to high carbohydrate foods made
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
refined grains. In other words, all the nutrition gets removed and we
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
the stuff pre-digested for us. They also add lots of sugar to make up
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
things, and we were expected to believe that this was good for us.
You mean sugar is bad? Fuck!
Sugar is the body's fuel. Your body sends sugar through the blood stream,
and makes insulin so that the body can make use of the sugar and get it into
our organs, or store its energy in our fat cells. The way the body has done
this for the past few million years or so (including our pre-modern-human
ansestors) was to digest food. It was a slow process, and it resulted in a
release of sugar over a period of time. The body responded with a gradual
release of insulin. If we ate something such as unrefined grain, the body
had to rip it to pieces during digestion, thus going through the same slow
digestion process. Something like refined white flower is a carbohydrate
that gets broken down into sugar almost instantly. Aside from the fact that
one can hurt your teeth more, eating a slice of white bread is not much
different from eating pure sugar.
The problem with eating pure sugar is that it enters your bloodstream almost
immediately. Your body has to respond with a large surge of insulin that it
must make immediately. As the body finally takes in the sugar, you are left
with that elevated insulin level and that's what causes the rebound and the
cravings. It can also result in reactive hypoglycemia, which means that
your blood sugar is now way too low because of this. Thus the cycle
continues as you get the munchies. If you are fat and your fat cells already
contain sufficient amounts of stored energy, they will not be able to take
in the sugar so rapidly and it and the fat will circulate in your blood
stream instead. And making more insulin won't really help. At least not
immediately. The insulin level will continue to rise, though, and
eventually the sugar will leave your blood stream rapidly. Boom!
With the traditional gradual intake of sugar, there is no resultant surge of
insulin and the slow absorbtion is followed by a slow decline of blood
sugar. Your body can handle that better and you are less hungry. So yes,
staying away from sugar and refined grains and simple carbohydrates can
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
When they want to fatten up cows, they give them a diet of pure
carbohydrates. Then they tell us that grain is not fattening.
Yeah, but I don't want to make a steak out of you.
I wouldn't be filling.
Post by Doug Boucher
What seems to help me (when I'm smart enough to do it) is to go low on
Post by Doug Boucher
and saturated fats, but eat plenty of fiber. Also, eating fruit itself is
better than drinking juice because you get the fiber to balance the
Post by Doug Boucher
Of course, I'd drink a gallon of juice a day if I could, but that's not a
good idea
You are right about that. Fruit sugar is still sugar. That's why diets
such as Atkins will limit you or keep you away from fruit. Other diets such
as South Beach keep you away for the first two weeks until your blood sugar
is under control and then reintroduce it in moderation.
Drinking fruit juice is not the healthy choice that people used to think it
is. Rejecting it because it's carbs is not good reasoning since it does
have some nutrition, but you are better off eating an orange or two than
drinking that juice with no fiber. The intake of sugar is slower when eating
the whole fruit, and a piece or two a day is a good idea.
Post by Doug Boucher
And lots of water. Shitloads of water. If you have a lot of fiber and not
enough water, you're fucked. I have to piss a lot more often, but if I ate
the amount of saturated fat I was eating even five years ago, I'd be
shitting blood every half an hour. I simply can't handle the same
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Doug Boucher
either fat or sugar I used to be able to. Which is probably because I ate
too much of that crap in the first place. Not that I don't eat fat. Them
were some damn good pork chops I made a few days ago.
Water will definitely help. So will fiber. Even a litle fiber before a meal
(or ideally 1/2 hour before a meal) will help a lot. If you trim the pork
chops first, they are not the worst thing for you. But leaner meat is
generally better, as long as it's not marinated with a sugary sauce to make
up for it.
Post by Doug Boucher
Trying not to think about Pepsi and Twizzlers,
Some people say to just switch to diet Pepsi. My feeling is that if you
stay away from diet soda and artificial sweeteners, you won't stay
accustomed to sweet tastes and you'll be better off. But I don't know if
there's enough science to show that that works for everybody. I did read of
a study that showed that diet drinks end up increasing people's consumption
of sweets overall, but I don't know if that's because they tend to be
consumed by people who like sweets more than folks who don't need diets, or
if it's a legitimate finding. But staying away from that stuff works for
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 14:57:41 UTC
Post by Todd Brooks
Do you have a blog Hagrinas?
Yes I do. But I rarely update it. I haven't posted anything in about five
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-19 13:36:49 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Some people say to just switch to diet Pepsi. My feeling is that if you
stay away from diet soda and artificial sweeteners, you won't stay
accustomed to sweet tastes and you'll be better off. But I don't know if
there's enough science to show that that works for everybody. I did read of
a study that showed that diet drinks end up increasing people's consumption
of sweets overall, but I don't know if that's because they tend to be
consumed by people who like sweets more than folks who don't need diets, or
if it's a legitimate finding. But staying away from that stuff works for
Without anything else to back me up on the facts but my friend's word,
consumption of artificial sweeteners - as I've understood it - can, in
certain cases, result in side effects (individual, of course) which may
include memory loss, possible brain damage and, guessing by the
aforementioned, damage to one's nervous system.

That said, it would take litres after litres (yes, I'm a European) of
diet drinks consumed each day. All I know is my friend *did* suffer from
some of these side effects and, after a diagnosis, was told to cut on the
artificial sweeteners.

As I wrote, no literature facts to show on my part (though, as I've been
told, they exist a-plenty in the internet) - couldn't agree with you more
on trying to stay moderate in consumption with just about anything.

Works ok-like for me,
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 15:22:28 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
That said, it would take litres after litres (yes, I'm a European) of
diet drinks consumed each day.
In the US, soft drinks are also sold by the liter when in bottles, but cans
are measured in ounces.

A lesser known fact is that the US is officially on the metric system. Many
people use the US customary system (derived from the British Imperial
system) but it was never officially recognized by our government. An 1866
law authorized the Metric system's use for trade and prohibited any court
from finding a contract invalid for using it. Our National Bureau of
Standards moved to the Metric system in 1964 for just about everything.

Just about anything you buy, including all foods in the US are labeled using
the metric system, but they generally have the US measurements also. But
since they are rounded to US increments, people tend to refer to them that
way. As long as candy bars and spices are sold in increments of ounces and
potatoes are sold by the pound, people are not likely to notice the metric
weight. But soft drinks switched from quarts to liters back in the 1980s or
so. The big problem is that a liter is slightly more than a quart. If it
were slightly less, there would be incentives for companies to switch so
they can make more profit. Maybe if they are paying attention, they will
make our candy bars 25 grams instead of an ounce.
Doug Boucher
2004-08-20 01:49:13 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Some people say to just switch to diet Pepsi.
Those people need therapy. I'd rather filter my own piss and drink that.
From a cup made of iguana shit, just pulled from the dumpster behind a
whorehouse. I'm not a fan of diet soda in general, but a few of them are OK.
Diet Pepsi is not one of them. If I see someone with a Diet Pepsi, I report
them to the local authorities. These people, who actually pay money for this
wretched swill extracted from the testicles of demons, cannot be trusted,
and it is my belief that they are part of a satanic terrorist plot againt
America. Everybody knows that God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden
because that damn snake gave them a 2-liter of Diet Pepsi and a low-carb
salad. Get thee behind me, Satan!

For more information on how these Satan-loving bastards are working against
us, read this:


And aliens kidnapped my anus!
A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-20 06:39:30 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Some people say to just switch to diet Pepsi.
Those people need therapy. I'd rather filter my own piss and drink that.
From a cup made of iguana shit, just pulled from the dumpster behind a
whorehouse. I'm not a fan of diet soda in general, but a few of them are OK.
Diet Pepsi is not one of them. If I see someone with a Diet Pepsi, I report
them to the local authorities. These people, who actually pay money for this
wretched swill extracted from the testicles of demons, cannot be trusted,
and it is my belief that they are part of a satanic terrorist plot againt
America. Everybody knows that God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden
because that damn snake gave them a 2-liter of Diet Pepsi and a low-carb
salad. Get thee behind me, Satan!
Thank you. Grace had to call the EMTs because I stopped breathing from
laughing so hard. My LUNGS fucking IMPLODED, thank you so *VERY* much
you fucking bastard.

Where the hell do you get off being so funny?
Post by Doug Boucher
For more information on how these Satan-loving bastards are working against
Where the hell do these people come from?
Post by Doug Boucher
And aliens kidnapped my anus!
Sure makes one hell of a fondue!

snow lizard
2004-08-18 19:16:28 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
What seems to help me (when I'm smart enough to do it) is to go low on sugar
and saturated fats, but eat plenty of fiber. Also, eating fruit itself is
better than drinking juice because you get the fiber to balance the sugars.
Of course, I'd drink a gallon of juice a day if I could, but that's not a
good idea
I think it depends on what kind of juice you're talking about. Natural
juices usually don't have extra sugar and preservatives added, cost a
lot, and are recommended to be diluted with 5 or 10 volumes of water
before drinking them. Vegetable juice made with a juice extractor will
probably give you a super dose of vitamins you can't get in any other
way. A lot of regular "juice" that you buy could be stoked up with
sugar & stuff.

It's probably been the subject of some argument in the past, but I
find it hard to belive that the natural sugar that you get from eating
fruit is the same as what you get from eating household cane sugar.
Same like I don't think you can get the vitamins from raw veggies out
of a bottle.

As with anything, moderation and balance are important, so's you get
the right balance of everything. My grade 10 english teacher claimed
that she overdosed on carrot juice at one time. Her skin turned
orange, and her doctor told her to lay off the carrot juice.
Post by Doug Boucher
And lots of water. Shitloads of water. If you have a lot of fiber and not
enough water, you're fucked. I have to piss a lot more often, but if I ate
the amount of saturated fat I was eating even five years ago, I'd be
shitting blood every half an hour. I simply can't handle the same amounts of
either fat or sugar I used to be able to. Which is probably because I ate
too much of that crap in the first place. Not that I don't eat fat. Them
were some damn good pork chops I made a few days ago.
I like eating pork or chicken. Mom used to make the best damn pork
chops I've ever had - they'd melt in your mouth, dude. As much as I
love a medium rare steak once in a while, I can't do it anymore.
What's a real bitch is that I can't eat fish either - it's supposed to
be one of the healthiest meats you can have. I find it hard to believe
that any of that stuff is bad for you, except maybe red meat, unless
you're getting either too much or not enough, or else you're allergic
to something.

Or something.

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 20:17:51 UTC
Post by snow lizard
Post by Doug Boucher
What seems to help me (when I'm smart enough to do it) is to go low on sugar
and saturated fats, but eat plenty of fiber. Also, eating fruit itself is
better than drinking juice because you get the fiber to balance the sugars.
Of course, I'd drink a gallon of juice a day if I could, but that's not a
good idea
I think it depends on what kind of juice you're talking about. Natural
juices usually don't have extra sugar and preservatives added, cost a
lot, and are recommended to be diluted with 5 or 10 volumes of water
before drinking them. Vegetable juice made with a juice extractor will
probably give you a super dose of vitamins you can't get in any other
way. A lot of regular "juice" that you buy could be stoked up with
sugar & stuff.
If you buy 100% juice, there should be no added sugar. That does not mean
that fruit is not high in sugar. Vegetable juice seems like a good idea.
too. I don't know how much more I'd get out of it if I made my own V8, but
I wouldn't personally go through the trouble. I have a juice extractor, and
as with most owners, mine goes unused. So I settle for canned vegetable
juice. Oh well.
Post by snow lizard
It's probably been the subject of some argument in the past, but I
find it hard to believe that the natural sugar that you get from eating
fruit is the same as what you get from eating household cane sugar.
Different sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose
are processed similarly by the body. They are all sugars, and how they are
absorbed depends on how they are consumed. If you eat whole fruit with all
the fiber, they are absorbed more slowly. Pure cane sugar is probably worse
for your teeth than eating an apple, and apple juice does have benefits
beyond what eating cane sugar will give you, but you are still probably
better off with the apple. Something like grape juice has been shown in
recent studies to have the same health benefits associated with red wine.
Perhaps raw grapes are even better, but I've never heard of such a study. I
suppose that a good compromise would be to dilute the grape juice 10:1, and
perhaps stir in a spoonful of Metamucil. But I'll have somebody else taste
it first.
Post by snow lizard
Same like I don't think you can get the vitamins from raw veggies out
of a bottle.
There is only one bottle in existence that can do that, but it might be gone
by now. The body takes in different vitamins in different ways, and there's
no reason to believe that a multivitamin can be as effective as using food
as a natural delivery mechanism. Despite the sugar, a moderate amount of
fruit and a liberal amount of vegetables is good for you.
Post by snow lizard
As with anything, moderation and balance are important, so's you get
the right balance of everything. My grade 10 English teacher claimed
that she overdosed on carrot juice at one time. Her skin turned
orange, and her doctor told her to lay off the carrot juice.
I've heard of that happening. My uncle once had a patient who had that
happen. When he asked him if he ate a lot of carrots, he said he never ate
them. It turned out to be carrot juice.

Carrot juice also has a much higher glycemic index than most vegetables, so
it's not the best thing for you in juice form or in such high amounts. A
small amount of raw carrot is probably just fine, and the beta carotene is
probably good for you, but it is also what changes your skin color when you
have too much.
Post by snow lizard
Post by Doug Boucher
And lots of water. Shiploads of water. If you have a lot of fiber and not
enough water, you're fucked. I have to piss a lot more often, but if I ate
the amount of saturated fat I was eating even five years ago, I'd be
shitting blood every half an hour. I simply can't handle the same amounts of
either fat or sugar I used to be able to. Which is probably because I ate
too much of that crap in the first place. Not that I don't eat fat. Them
were some damn good pork chops I made a few days ago.
I like eating pork or chicken. Mom used to make the best damn pork
chops I've ever had - they'd melt in your mouth, dude. As much as I
love a medium rare steak once in a while, I can't do it anymore.
Why not?
Post by snow lizard
What's a real bitch is that I can't eat fish either - it's supposed to
be one of the healthiest meats you can have. I find it hard to believe
that any of that stuff is bad for you, except maybe red meat, unless
you're getting either too much or not enough, or else you're allergic
to something.
Red meat is not bad for you unless you eat cuts that are high in fat. Even
at that, there is debate. The folks in the Atkins camp will say that the
fat won't hurt you, and there are still some folks who condemn red meat
completely. But science is showing beneficial aspects of red meat,
especially when it comes to platelets. Just remember to cook it, at least
on the outside.

Sixty years ago, people ate a lot more red meat, more bacon and eggs, and
all sorts of other stuff that people later decided was bad. But back then,
we did not have the obesity problem we have today, and people got less
exercise on average.

So I would not be so quick to condemn red meat, especially as diets high in
red meat are becoming more popular and the scientists who oppose them are
not having luck showing that red meat is the problem. Of course, you still
have the option to eat cuts that are lower in fat.
snow lizard
2004-08-18 21:03:33 UTC
Post by snow lizard
As much as I
Post by snow lizard
love a medium rare steak once in a while, I can't do it anymore.
Why not?
I get the same reaction as with certain fish - there's something in
the meat that makes my throat swell shut. On occasion, I've been able
to eat frozen cod or fresh spring salmon and not have that reaction,
but these days, any beef I eat has to be well done. I do eat
hamburgers once in a while, but any red meat has to be well done. To
me, the whole point of eating a steak is all about medium rare - the
allergic reaction spoils it.
Post by snow lizard
Post by snow lizard
What's a real bitch is that I can't eat fish either - it's supposed to
be one of the healthiest meats you can have. I find it hard to believe
that any of that stuff is bad for you, except maybe red meat, unless
you're getting either too much or not enough, or else you're allergic
to something.
Red meat is not bad for you unless you eat cuts that are high in fat. Even
at that, there is debate. The folks in the Atkins camp will say that the
fat won't hurt you, and there are still some folks who condemn red meat
completely. But science is showing beneficial aspects of red meat,
especially when it comes to platelets. Just remember to cook it, at least
on the outside.
I've never looked at the Atkins diet closely, but it seems like one of
those "trend diet" things, where like eggs are good for you, but then
for a number of years, they're bad for you, but after that, they're
good for you again. Are these people guessing? I find it very hard to
belive that any one diet strategy can be healthy for everyone.

As for red meat, I've heard that it has a tendancy to stay in your
intestines for a very long time. The solution is probably more of an
RF2 kind of thing.
Post by snow lizard
Sixty years ago, people ate a lot more red meat, more bacon and eggs, and
all sorts of other stuff that people later decided was bad. But back then,
we did not have the obesity problem we have today, and people got less
exercise on average.
I've also heard comments that these meats didn't taste anything like
they do today. Chicken, for example. The chickens back then were much
smaller. There was no such thing as the grain-fed Chernoble Chicken.
Apparently, pre-1970-ish chicken actually tasted much better, whereas
the huge grain-fed stuff available now is bland. In some areas, I
think you can buy organic meats, where the animals are not forced to
eat what the growers decide will fatten them up, but are instead
allowed to eat what they naturally would on their own.
Post by snow lizard
So I would not be so quick to condemn red meat, especially as diets high in
red meat are becoming more popular and the scientists who oppose them are
not having luck showing that red meat is the problem. Of course, you still
have the option to eat cuts that are lower in fat.
I'm not condemning it, but it may not be the best choice for certain
people, and there are other choices. In my case, I'd love to eat a
medium rare steak once a week, but it would mean being ill once a

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 22:37:55 UTC
Post by snow lizard
I've never looked at the Atkins diet closely, but it seems like one of
those "trend diet" things, where like eggs are good for you, but then
for a number of years, they're bad for you, but after that, they're
good for you again. Are these people guessing? I find it very hard to
belive that any one diet strategy can be healthy for everyone.
If you go back a few decades, eggs were good for people. Then, scientists
found out that cholesterol in our blood is bad for us, and eggs have a lot
of cholesterol. So they concluded that eggs must be bad for us. Then they
found out about HDL and LDL and the difference between the two. It turns
out that eggs raise both the hdl and the ldl about equally, and don't
contain much saturated fat. That makes it a better choice than a lot of
things that have become more popular since then, such as a muffin with

As far as trend diets, I don't think I would classify Atkins that way. It's
been around since the early 70's or so, has been challenged scientifically,
and to a large extent has proven its critics wrong. I don't think I could
live on a diet such as that in the long run, and don't see a point of going
on a diet only to give it up. But Atkins has evolved and perhaps the rules
are different now.

There are other more recent diets that also allow eggs such as the Zone diet
and the South Beach diet. The latter is the least restrictive in terms of
not having you count things or measure how many carbs or calories you
consume. It's more like a guide to how to eat well and a way to learn what
sort of things are good for you and what things are not. It does have a
strict two week phase that is designed to break people's dependency on
certain foods and the resulting changes in blood chemistry, but after that
it gets a lot less strict. It's simply a matter of eating right and
sticking to some foods and avoiding others that are generally simple
carbohydrates and saturated and trans fats. But it does allow some of those
things in moderation as long as your overall diet is in line. So if you
must have that plate of spaghetti, have it as an appetizer before your meal
the way it would be eaten in a real Italian restaurant, and don't make it
your main course. Better yet would be whole wheat spaghetti, and so forth.

The word diet has a few different meanings. In the "I'm on a diet" sense,
all three that I mentioned are diets. But your diet is also what you eat.
Many people have a high carb, moderate fat diet that does not work, and have
that diet because of what has been sold over the decades. These are not
people who are "on a diet," but people who have been told that this is bad
or that is good, and merely decided to "eat right." Something like the
South Beach diet is more of an attempt to redefine what eating right really
is. But it does have a formal "I'm on a diet" diet to go along with it, at
least in the beginning before your diet (in the broader sense) changes.

As time goes on, we will learn more about benefits and problems with certain
foods, and our diets will change as we give up certain things or add certain
things based on these new factors. Some of these formal diets evolve, and I
know that Atkins has done that quite a bit over the years. I still don't
agree with them on fat, and I don't think I'd like to have to keep track of
my net carbs, or give up so many things, but some people can live with it.
I don't know the Zone diet well enough to comment, but I do know that the
South Beach website, has a list of things that have changed since the book
came out.

There does seem to be a convergence here in that there is a general
agreement that certain types of carbs are bad, but it's sometimes under the
umbrella of banning all carbs, or that certain fats are bad, but it's
sometimes under the umbrella of banning all fats.

Plus, there's the underlying theory that if you want to lose weight, you
must take in fewer calories than you expend. Some of the newer diets ignore
that, at least on paper. But if you eat meals that keep you satiated, have
snacks between meals that are planned and allowed, you will tend not to
overeat and fill up on junk that is also high in calories.

Plus, the calorie purists are missing something. The metabolism is a touchy
thing. It keeps changing. I probably need about 730,000 calories per year
to maintain my weight. For many people, it's well over a million. If you
lower your intake by about 9 calories a day, you will lose a pound a year,
all other things being equal. So if you cut down by a single teaspoon of
sugar a day, or a single pat of butter a day, you will lose 1.5-5 lbs a
year. Likewise, gaining 5 lbs a year should be equally easy. But try telling
that to the 85 lb weakling who can't gain no matter what.

The reality is that the body is too good at regulating itself to let you do
that. The metabolism changes, and the exact demand for calories will depend
on what you eat, how much exercise you get, and so forth. And the amount of
exercise you get will depend on what you eat too, since you are more likely
to sit around if you are hungry than if you are full.

So the advantage of some of the diets that don't stress calories per se is
that they do not give you an excessive number of calories but do not force
your metabolism to readjust because your body thinks it is starving. When
you go on a highly restrictive calorie diet that leaves you hungry, you
eventually get to the point that you can't take it any more and have to eat.
Your metabolism has slowed down by then and the same amount of food as
before gets you even fatter.

So if it comes to "fad" diets vs. "traditional" ones (where tradition dates
back as far as the 1950's?) I'd look at the fact that we as a nation have
gotten fatter despite those traditional diets and corresponding shift in the
typical American diet to fit in with our ideal of what a diet should be.

Any diet will fail if you can't stick with it, it leaves you hungry, or you
find the food choices too restrictive. If the idea of giving up white bread
or limiting it because you now think it's bad for you is something you can
live with, there are a number of diets that will work. But if the idea of
giving up white bread is beyond your comprehension or the thought of giving
up beer for your health is something you know you cannot do, then don't kid
snow lizard
2004-08-18 21:22:30 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Something like grape juice has been shown in
recent studies to have the same health benefits associated with red wine.
Ahh, but red wine is an excellent source of alcohol.

I have 35 pounds of blackberries in my freezer now, and I'll probably
go out & pick more in a short while. I've got a 10 kilogram bag of
sugar, potassium metabisulphate, pectic enzyme, acid blend additive,
wine yeast, and yeast nutrient. I should be ready to start a 5 gallon
primary ferment as soon as a.) the temperature drops a few degrees, or
b.) my freezer fills up.

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 22:40:49 UTC
Post by snow lizard
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Something like grape juice has been shown in
recent studies to have the same health benefits associated with red wine.
Ahh, but red wine is an excellent source of alcohol.
I have 35 pounds of blackberries in my freezer now, and I'll probably
go out & pick more in a short while. I've got a 10 kilogram bag of
sugar, potassium metabisulphate, pectic enzyme, acid blend additive,
wine yeast, and yeast nutrient. I should be ready to start a 5 gallon
primary ferment as soon as a.) the temperature drops a few degrees, or
b.) my freezer fills up.
Many doctors recommend red wine these days because of possible health
benefits. Even if grape juice were proven to have the same benefits, it's
still much higher in sugar. For those who can give up their nightly six
pack of beer for a nice glass of wine, and some ice water to wash the food
down, I'd say go for it.
Doug Boucher
2004-08-19 01:39:55 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Many doctors recommend red wine these days because of possible health
benefits. Even if grape juice were proven to have the same benefits, it's
still much higher in sugar. For those who can give up their nightly six
pack of beer for a nice glass of wine, and some ice water to wash the food
down, I'd say go for it.
But don't have the six pack of beer AND the wine, or you might lose a fight
with gravity. Fuckin' maltose.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Sam Rouse
2004-08-18 22:31:19 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Different sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose
are processed similarly by the body. They are all sugars, and how they are
absorbed depends on how they are consumed. If you eat whole fruit with all
the fiber, they are absorbed more slowly. Pure cane sugar is probably worse
for your teeth than eating an apple, and apple juice does have benefits
beyond what eating cane sugar will give you, but you are still probably
better off with the apple.
More factoids - all sugars end up as glucose in the bloodstream. Other sugars
are complex, i.e. 1 molecule of sucrose or fructose yields 2 molecules of
glucose. Now, glucose isn't very sweet - you'd probably need to put a half cup
of it on your cereal, and it'd go straight to your bloodstream and turn your
eyeballs purple or something. Sucrose is very sweet, so you don't need very
much, and so it sorta works out. Fructose is even sweeter yet, so you need less
of it to achieve the desired sweetness. All of which is ultimately irrelevant,
since manufacturers put enough high-fructose corn syrup in everything from pop
to pizza to - umm - well, do something really weird to something else.

All that needs to be said about maltose is "beer"!
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 01:13:03 UTC
Post by Sam Rouse
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Different sugars such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose
are processed similarly by the body. They are all sugars, and how they are
absorbed depends on how they are consumed. If you eat whole fruit with all
the fiber, they are absorbed more slowly. Pure cane sugar is probably worse
for your teeth than eating an apple, and apple juice does have benefits
beyond what eating cane sugar will give you, but you are still probably
better off with the apple.
More factoids - all sugars end up as glucose in the bloodstream. Other sugars
are complex, i.e. 1 molecule of sucrose or fructose yields 2 molecules of
glucose. Now, glucose isn't very sweet - you'd probably need to put a half cup
of it on your cereal, and it'd go straight to your bloodstream and turn your
eyeballs purple or something. Sucrose is very sweet, so you don't need very
much, and so it sorta works out. Fructose is even sweeter yet, so you need less
of it to achieve the desired sweetness. All of which is ultimately irrelevant,
since manufacturers put enough high-fructose corn syrup in everything from pop
to pizza to - umm - well, do something really weird to something else.
I agree but I'd call them facts instead of factoids.
Doug Boucher
2004-08-19 01:36:41 UTC
Post by Sam Rouse
All that needs to be said about maltose is "beer"!
The next time I describe the day I passed out and hit the kitchen table with
my face, I think I'll use the phrase "fuckin' maltose" somewhere.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Ori Pessach
2004-08-19 01:43:09 UTC
Sam Rouse wrote:
All of which is ultimately irrelevant,
Post by Sam Rouse
since manufacturers put enough high-fructose corn syrup in everything from pop
to pizza to - umm - well, do something really weird to something else.
I think I've seen it in some of the really nasty sliced turkey breast.
Tom Yost
2004-08-19 17:48:21 UTC
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:17:51 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
My uncle once had a patient who had that
happen. When he asked him if he ate a lot of carrots, he said he never ate
them. It turned out to be carrot juice.
As a provider of telephone technical support, I periodically encounter
people like these who make me want to scream and break things.

Conversation with my 14-year old:

"Do you have math after lunch?"

"No, I have English after lunch."

"When is math?"

"Math is after English."

" <pause> ... Uh, so then math IS after lunch."

"No, English is after lunch..."

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 18:25:11 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:17:51 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
My uncle once had a patient who had that
happen. When he asked him if he ate a lot of carrots, he said he never ate
them. It turned out to be carrot juice.
As a provider of telephone technical support, I periodically encounter
people like these who make me want to scream and break things.
"Do you have math after lunch?"
"No, I have English after lunch."
"When is math?"
"Math is after English."
" <pause> ... Uh, so then math IS after lunch."
"No, English is after lunch..."
Did you give up, or did you explain elementary logic?
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 18:43:23 UTC
More proof that McDonalds can kill you:

Tom Yost
2004-08-19 21:01:39 UTC
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:43:23 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Further proof:


Tom Yost
2004-08-19 21:02:59 UTC
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:25:11 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Tom Yost
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:17:51 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
My uncle once had a patient who had that
happen. When he asked him if he ate a lot of carrots, he said he never
Post by Tom Yost
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
them. It turned out to be carrot juice.
As a provider of telephone technical support, I periodically encounter
people like these who make me want to scream and break things.
"Do you have math after lunch?"
"No, I have English after lunch."
"When is math?"
"Math is after English."
" <pause> ... Uh, so then math IS after lunch."
"No, English is after lunch..."
Did you give up, or did you explain elementary logic?
Obviously, he's way ahead of me when it comes to logic.

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 22:09:57 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Did you give up, or did you explain elementary logic?
Obviously, he's way ahead of me when it comes to logic.
When I was a kid, I had math in the morning, just as my father did when he
was growing up. It was taught in the morning because it was math, and
that's when math is taught. How's that for logic?
Doug Boucher
2004-08-20 01:51:03 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
So I would not be so quick to condemn red meat, especially as diets high in
red meat are becoming more popular and the scientists who oppose them are
not having luck showing that red meat is the problem. Of course, you still
have the option to eat cuts that are lower in fat.
I don't worry too much about red meat. Now, *green* meat, you should stay
away from.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
2004-08-18 05:41:21 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
The restaurant chain had announced it planned to cut the trans fat
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Doug Boucher
its fried foods. But McDonald's has delayed the plan, citing concerns of
product quality and customer satisfaction
I think they meant quality in the attribute (noun) sense of the word. These
days, people use the word quality to mean high quality as if low quality
were not a quality. It would seem that the unqualified use of the word
should be a neutral term, but it's perfectly acceptable to use it that way.
Hence the confusion. Or obfuscation.
Customers might be dissatisfied if their fries were not so bad for them but
lost that taste. It's not that French fries could ever be a health food.
It's a starch. It's a simple carbohydrate that breaks down quickly, offers
little if anything in terms of nutritional value, and raises your blood
sugar rapidly. That will be followed by a surge in insulin levels, causing
a "crash" when your body catches up with the blood sugar. Then you will end
up with strong cravings for something to eat because of the glycemic see
saw. So you end up running back to McDonalds or eating a bag of Oreos
It's not a good snack or meal no matter what, it will not satisfy your
hunger very long, and in terms of weight control, it's a definite no no. But
it works like a drug by giving instant gratification, an instant boost in
blood sugar, and a crash and a craving for more later on.
Damn I'm hungry. I want a Kids Happy Meal (free bear inside!) and a dozen
Krispy Kreme donuts.
my bloggity blog - http://almsthvn.tblog.com
Free blog space at http://www.tblog.com
Ori Pessach
2004-08-18 06:23:52 UTC
Post by Sheryl
Damn I'm hungry. I want a Kids Happy Meal (free bear inside!) and a dozen
Krispy Kreme donuts.
For a second I thought you said "free beer". That made a lot more sense
to me, somehow.
Tom Yost
2004-08-18 16:11:17 UTC
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by Sheryl
Damn I'm hungry. I want a Kids Happy Meal (free bear inside!) and a dozen
Krispy Kreme donuts.
For a second I thought you said "free beer". That made a lot more sense
to me, somehow.
Did you know you can get a beer at McDonalds in Amsterdam ?

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 16:56:17 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by Sheryl
Damn I'm hungry. I want a Kids Happy Meal (free bear inside!) and a dozen
Krispy Kreme donuts.
For a second I thought you said "free beer". That made a lot more sense
to me, somehow.
Did you know you can get a beer at McDonalds in Amsterdam ?
Did you know that you can get a beer belly at McDonalds just about anywhere?
But beer helps.
Doug Boucher
2004-08-18 16:48:09 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
Did you know you can get a beer at McDonalds in Amsterdam ?
Cool! Of course, if you could buy a beer at a McDonald's in the US, it would
be one like what you buy at concerts. You know, watered-down piss that comes
in a plastic cup for $6.

I think fast food places should sell Jack Daniels. I mean, if you're going
to kill yourself, do it right, for fuck's sake.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Alan Tignanelli
2004-08-18 21:30:51 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
Did you know you can get a beer at McDonalds in Amsterdam ?
But they don't call it beer. They call it "royale with cheese".

Something about Mannix or something, I don't know.

2004-08-17 21:36:46 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by Bruce Anderson
Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
McDonald's food is nutritious. It might have things in it that are bad
for you if you consume too much of it, and it may not have ALL the
nutrients your body needs (but if that's what you want, there was a guy
here selling a bottle that could take care of that, but he only had one,
so you're out of luck, unless you can find the guy he sold it to and buy
it from him,) but the food itself is fairly safe to consume in
moderation as a part of a healthy, balanced diet. It won't kill you
instantly, at least.
That's a matter of opinion and many will disagree. Many people's idea of
nutrition is based on the food pyramid that was put together by the USDA
decades ago. The Department of Agriculture's job is to sell food, not
determine what's good for you, and they came up with that idea without doing
any studies to see if it made any sense. In the ensuing decades, the nation
has gone from a rate of 25% overweight to over 50% overweight despite the
fact that we get more exercise, even though people think we don't.
There are things in McDonalds food that, under the right circumstances,
could result in death. Immediately following a meal high in saturated fats,
the endothelium is predisposed to constricting and clotting, and an
individual on the verge of a heart attack could get one as the result of
eating that meal. A meal low in saturated fats could literally save that
person's life.
Back in 1990, when McDonalds was attacked for their unhealthful French fries
that were cooked in saturated animal fat, they changed the recipe and led
people to believe that they were making them more healthful. What they did
instead is switched to a more dangerous trans fat. Many health experts have
said that there is no healthy amount that can be included in any diet. The
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences said that they are
not safe for human consumption at any level. Then in 2002, McDonalds said
they would change the recipe by 2003 to fix the problem with trans fats.
Not only didn't they change it, they tried to cover it up. Read the
I understand that there is some disagreement over this, but when the NAS
says no amount is safe, I'd like to see something a bit more concrete before
I decide that even a moderate amount is safe.
McDonald's is more than safe and can be part of a healthy diet. They
now offer salads, water and fruit among other things -- so, if one has
a lifestyle that's really that busy, you can still get a salad and a
bottle of water and not feel as guilty as getting the burger and

Such being said, there's nothing wrong w/ indulging in some fries and
a burger every once in a while. PLENTY of people do it, but they
don't overstuff themselves, they get decent amounts of exercize.

I'll buy this "transfats will kill" argument as soon as someone dies
from a McDonald's overdose.
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 03:18:11 UTC
Post by alfee
McDonald's is more than safe and can be part of a healthy diet.
Hi, alfee, and welcome to the group. So what's your favorite Keneally
album? How long have you been a Mike Keneally fan? What do you think of
Oppy's latest CD? Did you get View yet? Which concerts have you been to
Post by alfee
now offer salads, water and fruit among other things -- so, if one has
a lifestyle that's really that busy, you can still get a salad and a
bottle of water and not feel as guilty as getting the burger and
I had a salad at McDonalds once. They called it a salad shaker. I could
not think of a more stupid idea for a salad. They served the thing in
plastic drinking cup. By the time I got the lid off, half of the salad went
flying all over the place. I had little left to eat, and was not about to
wait on that ridiculously long line to buy another overpriced salad. In a
normal restaurant, the waitress would have replaced it for me, but you don't
get that in McDonalds. Instead, I had to scrounge for a dirty table when I
first got in, and wait while others got the food for me. Back in the 1960's,
McDonalds used to advertise how clean they were. I guess they gave up on
that idea.

As for water, I'm not about to buy a bottle of water at McDonalds when I can
get a glass of ice water in any real restaurant for free. Besides, I'm tired
of McDonalds' outrageous prices.
Post by alfee
Such being said, there's nothing wrong w/ indulging in some fries and
a burger every once in a while. PLENTY of people do it, but they
don't overstuff themselves, they get decent amounts of exercize.
If you say so. But why is it that everybody else missed the fact McDonalds
customers don't overstuff themselves and get decent amounts of exercise? If
half the country is overweight and does not get decent amount of exercise,
then you are implying that the average person does not eat at McDonalds. I
don't buy that. From what I can tell, in real life the average McDonalds
customer is out of shape.
Post by alfee
I'll buy this "transfats will kill" argument as soon as someone dies
from a McDonald's overdose.
People who eat at McDonalds regularly die of heart attacks all the time.

As for trans fats, on the one hand I have what the National Academy of
Sciences said, and on the other hand, I have what somebody named alfee said.
Since they at least have studies to back their statements up and you haven't
provided any, I'll have to go with them for the time being.
Tom Yost
2004-08-18 03:57:33 UTC
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 20:18:11 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Back in the 1960's,
McDonalds used to advertise how clean they were. I guess they gave up on
that idea.
Sorry if I'm taking this to RF2 territory, but McD's has (typically)
clean restrooms which I HIGHLY recommend as a GREAT place to take a
SHIT when travel ling. I always seek out the golden arches whenever
I'm on the road and feel that lower intestinal twinge coming on. You
need not eat the trans-fatty french fries nor oddly packaged salads to
enjoy the comfort of their restrooms.

I must point out that there is definitely something unnatural about
the McD's "shakes." (I don't think they can call them "milkshakes").
I live in Arizona, where it gets pretty hot in the summer. On a long
ago visit to McDonalds, I saw in the parking lot, a chocolate shake
that someone had dropped, the contents had spilled onto the hot
asphalt. Must have just happened I thought to myself, because it
appeared to still be frozen. Following my meal, I returned to my car
and observed this chocolate shake, lying in the desert-baked blacktop
parking lot, for at least 30 minutes from when I first saw it, still a
solid lump of chocolate goo. That thing would not melt! Weird.

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 15:10:06 UTC
Post by Tom Yost
On Tue, 17 Aug 2004 20:18:11 -0700, "Hagrinas Mivali"
I must point out that there is definitely something unnatural about
the McD's "shakes." (I don't think they can call them "milkshakes").
They don't call them milkshakes and some think it's because they are not.
But they are real milkshakes and the ingredients are not appreciably
different from other milk shakes and ice cream products.

It's not the best thing for you, but certainly not the worst. It has milk
and cream and sugar, and some thickeners that are not bad for you, and some
artificial flavors and colors that are found in many competing products. I
think there's an urban legend that they don't call them milk shakes because
they are not. But it's not true.

If you're not on a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet, then an occasional
milkshake from McDonalds is probably no worse than what you eat every day,
although it probably contains more fat. A small vanilla shake is 570
calories, and has 11 grams of saturated fat, which is quite a bit. But it
is a milkshake. I think it makes sense to compare a hamburger meal to
Caesar salad since they are both viable choices for an entree, but you'd
have to compare a milkshake to similar desserts and it's already a given
that you're having something that's not the best thing for you if you have a
milkshake. I don't think McDonalds is trying to pull anything over on
anybody with their milkshakes.

Shake Mix: Whole milk, sucrose, cream, nonfat milk solids, corn syrup
solids, mono and diglycerides, guar gum, imitation vanilla flavor,
carrageenan, cellulose gum, vitamin A palmitate. Vanilla Syrup: Corn syrup,
water, vanilla, caramel color, vanilla bean fiber, pectin, citric acid,
sodium benzoate (a preservative), calcium chloride, FD&C Yellow #5 and FD&C
Yellow #6. May contain small amounts of other shake flavors served at the
restaurant, including egg ingredients when Egg Nog Shakes are available
Ori Pessach
2004-08-18 04:07:53 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
As for trans fats, on the one hand I have what the National Academy of
Sciences said, and on the other hand, I have what somebody named alfee said.
Since they at least have studies to back their statements up and you haven't
provided any, I'll have to go with them for the time being.
2004-08-18 18:45:51 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by alfee
McDonald's is more than safe and can be part of a healthy diet.
Hi, alfee, and welcome to the group. So what's your favorite Keneally
album? How long have you been a Mike Keneally fan? What do you think of
Oppy's latest CD? Did you get View yet? Which concerts have you been to
I haven't been a Keneally fan for that long -- I have a bunch of
friends that are really into Beer for Dolphins, which is how I got
into Keneally. My favorite album is Half Dead in Hollywood -- I
particularly like that tune Open Up. When you talk about Oppy, are
you refering to Chris Opperman?? (like I said, I'm a new fan). I
haven't had the chance to go to any concerts yet, but would like to as
soon as life slows down a little bit. Thanks for the welcome, btw!!
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by alfee
now offer salads, water and fruit among other things -- so, if one has
a lifestyle that's really that busy, you can still get a salad and a
bottle of water and not feel as guilty as getting the burger and
I had a salad at McDonalds once. They called it a salad shaker. I could
not think of a more stupid idea for a salad. They served the thing in
plastic drinking cup. By the time I got the lid off, half of the salad went
flying all over the place. I had little left to eat, and was not about to
wait on that ridiculously long line to buy another overpriced salad. In a
normal restaurant, the waitress would have replaced it for me, but you don't
get that in McDonalds. Instead, I had to scrounge for a dirty table when I
first got in, and wait while others got the food for me. Back in the 1960's,
McDonalds used to advertise how clean they were. I guess they gave up on
that idea.
As for water, I'm not about to buy a bottle of water at McDonalds when I can
get a glass of ice water in any real restaurant for free. Besides, I'm tired
of McDonalds' outrageous prices.
You don't have to buy the water if you don't want to -- the point that
i was trying to make is at least its being offered. I had a grilled
chix salad from there the other day for lunch -- better than the salad
shakers IMHO. But that's just me.
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by alfee
Such being said, there's nothing wrong w/ indulging in some fries and
a burger every once in a while. PLENTY of people do it, but they
don't overstuff themselves, they get decent amounts of exercize.
If you say so. But why is it that everybody else missed the fact McDonalds
customers don't overstuff themselves and get decent amounts of exercise? If
half the country is overweight and does not get decent amount of exercise,
then you are implying that the average person does not eat at McDonalds. I
don't buy that. From what I can tell, in real life the average McDonalds
customer is out of shape.
Post by alfee
I'll buy this "transfats will kill" argument as soon as someone dies
from a McDonald's overdose.
People who eat at McDonalds regularly die of heart attacks all the time.
As for trans fats, on the one hand I have what the National Academy of
Sciences said, and on the other hand, I have what somebody named alfee said.
Since they at least have studies to back their statements up and you haven't
provided any, I'll have to go with them for the time being.
No need to get snippy, I didn't mean to offend. I just have a hard
time buying all the hype, that's all. Of course anything in excess
will be damaging to your health, whether its transfats or something
else. I don't deny this -- its obvious that too much McDonald's (or
too much anything) isn't good for you. However, the media makes it
seem like as soon as you eat anything with trans fats in it, you're
going to die. Maybe i should have been a bit more specific.
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 19:25:16 UTC
Post by alfee
I haven't been a Keneally fan for that long -- I have a bunch of
friends that are really into Beer for Dolphins, which is how I got
into Keneally. My favorite album is Half Dead in Hollywood -- I
particularly like that tune Open Up. When you talk about Oppy, are
you refering to Chris Opperman?? (like I said, I'm a new fan). I
haven't had the chance to go to any concerts yet, but would like to as
soon as life slows down a little bit. Thanks for the welcome, btw!!
If you are more into the older material, you might like Chris Opperman's
first CD. It's a good introduction, and has lots of material that covers
the musical spectrum. It also has some notable performances by Mike
Post by alfee
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
As for trans fats, on the one hand I have what the National Academy of
Sciences said, and on the other hand, I have what somebody named alfee said.
Since they at least have studies to back their statements up and you haven't
provided any, I'll have to go with them for the time being.
No need to get snippy, I didn't mean to offend. I just have a hard
time buying all the hype, that's all. Of course anything in excess
will be damaging to your health, whether its transfats or something
else. I don't deny this -- its obvious that too much McDonald's (or
too much anything) isn't good for you. However, the media makes it
seem like as soon as you eat anything with trans fats in it, you're
going to die. Maybe i should have been a bit more specific.
My idea of moderation would be to have the occasional burger, but from a
place that uses a good cut of meat that's lower in fat, and preferably on a
whole grain bun. Or leave the bun out completely and serve it on a bed of
lettuce. Having a lowfat cheese on top won't hurt you, and using toppings
such as whole tomato slices is much better for you than ketchup and special
sauce. Having a side dish of beans or spinach would be a much better choice
than those fries too, but McDonalds does not give those types of choices.

I can't see going there for a salad, but if I'm with people who insist on
eating there, I might have to do that. But trying to eat better does not
mean nothing but salads. I'd still prefer a more upscale burger place that
can give me what I want, and ironically the prices are not much different
when you consider the quantity of food.
snow lizard
2004-08-18 19:35:47 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by alfee
I haven't been a Keneally fan for that long -- I have a bunch of
friends that are really into Beer for Dolphins, which is how I got
into Keneally. My favorite album is Half Dead in Hollywood -- I
particularly like that tune Open Up. When you talk about Oppy, are
you refering to Chris Opperman?? (like I said, I'm a new fan). I
haven't had the chance to go to any concerts yet, but would like to as
soon as life slows down a little bit. Thanks for the welcome, btw!!
If you are more into the older material, you might like Chris Opperman's
first CD. It's a good introduction, and has lots of material that covers
the musical spectrum. It also has some notable performances by Mike
I'll second the recomendation for "Purple, Crayon". It's brilliant.

Which reminds me, I need to purchase Concepts soon-like.

Welcome to here, alfee.

Ori Pessach
2004-08-19 01:56:47 UTC
Post by snow lizard
I'll second the recomendation for "Purple, Crayon". It's brilliant.
I'll third that. The Park Bench Canal made me lough out loud when I
first heard it, and it's the main reason I got this album. It's still my
favorite Oppy album.
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-19 13:54:20 UTC
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by snow lizard
I'll second the recomendation for "Purple, Crayon". It's brilliant.
I'll third that.
Let me be the fourth to second that notion.

Welcome alfee!

snow lizard
2004-08-19 23:01:33 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
fourth to second
25 or 6 to 4?

Doug Boucher
2004-08-18 19:32:18 UTC
Post by alfee
No need to get snippy, I didn't mean to offend. I just have a hard
time buying all the hype, that's all. Of course anything in excess
will be damaging to your health, whether its transfats or something
else. I don't deny this -- its obvious that too much McDonald's (or
too much anything) isn't good for you. However, the media makes it
seem like as soon as you eat anything with trans fats in it, you're
going to die. Maybe i should have been a bit more specific.
Possibly, but as much as I too get sick of hearing some prick on CNN tell me
about what I should be eating, I bet there's a lot more commericals from
McDonalds then there is anyone talking about trans fats. You want hype?
There's fuckin' McDonalds commercials on every day, and McDonalds signs on
many a street. And you know what? McDonalds doesn't need to advertise so
much. We get the point. You're the guys who make those hamburgers. I don't
wake up in the morning and turn on the TV and think "Fuck! Where did the
McDonalds commercials go? Are they out of business?" Maybe if they saved
some of that advertising money and paid their help a little better, and
stopped lying about what they put in their food, people might not mind them
so much. The bottom line for me with this trans fat bullshit is that they
agreed to take them out, and then they didn't. And made up a bullshit excuse
for it. You'd think they were the president.

The main reason I don't eat much fast food anymore is that I don't trust a
company that pays their employees shit, especially when compared to their
profits, to assure me that I'm not gonna eat something that wasn't prepared
or handled properly. Forget trans-fats. Ever try hepatitis? Somebody in my
hometown got it from Wendy's recently. It doesn't have to be hepatitis, and
it's not like I live in fear of it. Hey, I eat food I dropped ON THE GROUND,
something no sane American ever does in this paranoid culture. But I've
eaten at greasy shitholes that I've trusted more than fast food places,
probably because I've been sick to the point of it coming out both ends like
a tidal wave from eating Taco Bell or McDonalds, but I've never got sick
from most of the smaller places. The statement "I'm more scared of fast food
than I am terrorists" might seem ridiculous, but I've never once been killed
by a terrorist, yet I've been violently ill from fast food perhaps a dozen
times. I live in Ohio. I'm far more likely to be killed by food than an
airplane. When you have something come out of your ass that you could put in
your gas tank and get 57 miles per gallon from, you just might want to go
home and fry your own dead cow yourself.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-19 13:52:50 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
I'm far more likely to be killed by food than an
Post by Doug Boucher
When you have something come out of your ass that you could put in
your gas tank and get 57 miles per gallon from, you just might want to go
home and fry your own dead cow yourself.
Wait a minute, now... 57 miles per gallon? That's poo-poo for airplanes,
isn't it?

So if my calculation's correct, taking a dump like the one you just
mentioned, you could actually fuel up an airplane *and* get killed by it?

I don't get it,
Dave Wilcher
2004-08-19 19:57:31 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
So if my calculation's correct, taking a dump like the one you just
mentioned, you could actually fuel up an airplane *and* get killed by it?
I don't get it,
Dougie's ass is part of the axis of evil.

"Don't vote for Nader. I know him. He's an asshole." - Bob Weir
Doug Boucher
2004-08-20 01:59:13 UTC
Post by Dave Wilcher
Dougie's ass is part of the axis of evil.
Yeah, and I keep telling everyone that I've got nukes, and am planning on
making more, but nobody's bombed me yet. Go figure.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Alenda C
2004-08-20 13:17:03 UTC
Post by Dave Wilcher
Dougie's ass is part of the axis of evil.
Asses of evil?
Doug Boucher
2004-08-20 02:09:13 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
Post by Doug Boucher
I'm far more likely to be killed by food than an
Good band. I hear they're better live right now than they've been in years.
Post by Jaan Wessman
Post by Doug Boucher
When you have something come out of your ass that you could put in
your gas tank and get 57 miles per gallon from, you just might want to go
home and fry your own dead cow yourself.
Wait a minute, now... 57 miles per gallon? That's poo-poo for airplanes,
isn't it?
Well, the poo-poo keeps coming out while they're in flight (usually landing
on the heads of people waiting in line for the metal detector at the
airport) but I was referring to cows. Few people know this, but if you can
stuff a cow into your gas tank (granted, you might need a couple extra
people and some large sticks) you get excellent mileage. Remember of course
that your car needs a balanced diet, and you should give it some veggies
too. Pouring sugar into your gas tank is definitely not a good idea, and the
Atkins people might steal your tires if you do that. But the cow's OK.
Post by Jaan Wessman
So if my calculation's correct, taking a dump like the one you just
mentioned, you could actually fuel up an airplane *and* get killed by it?
Only if you waste your security efforts on frisking 80-year old women in
wheelchairs instead of people who might actually have a box-cutter or two.
Post by Jaan Wessman
I don't get it,
I don't either. But I'm a good citizen and never question these things.

A Blog: http://eraserhead667.tblog.com
A Fucking Page: www.geocities.com/eraserhead667/obscenityday.html
A Quote:" Why does listening to John Ashcroft make me feel like the
world's already ended? If we're going to be warned about terrorism
can't we be warned by someone who makes you want to survive?
- Jon Stewart
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-20 11:25:15 UTC
Post by Doug Boucher
Few people know this, but if you can
stuff a cow into your gas tank (granted, you might need a couple extra
people and some large sticks) you get excellent mileage.
At first, I read 'you get excellent milkage'. Go figure.
Post by Doug Boucher
Post by Jaan Wessman
So if my calculation's correct, taking a dump like the one you just
mentioned, you could actually fuel up an airplane *and* get killed by it?
Only if you waste your security efforts on frisking 80-year old women in
wheelchairs instead of people who might actually have a box-cutter or two.
Thanks for my today's first good laugh.
Ori Pessach
2004-08-19 01:50:42 UTC
Post by alfee
I haven't been a Keneally fan for that long -- I have a bunch of
friends that are really into Beer for Dolphins, which is how I got
into Keneally. My favorite album is Half Dead in Hollywood -- I
particularly like that tune Open Up.
Open Up is my favorite Keneally song EVER. Must be the heaviest, loudest
song ever written by a human being not named Devin - I especially like
the riff that comes right after the second guitar solo, with the double
bass drums doing 160 bpm and trying to rip a whole through reality.
Intense stuff! Ta da da DA da da DA ta da DA DA!
Wai Doan Hsu
2004-08-19 17:59:50 UTC
Post by Ori Pessach
Open Up is my favorite Keneally song EVER. Must be the heaviest, loudest
song ever written by a human being not named Devin - I especially like
the riff that comes right after the second guitar solo, with the double
bass drums doing 160 bpm and trying to rip a whole through reality.
Intense stuff! Ta da da DA da da DA ta da DA DA!
Me too. Mike wrote it about me.
Alenda C
2004-08-19 14:43:47 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by alfee
McDonald's is more than safe and can be part of a healthy diet.
Hi, alfee, and welcome to the group. So what's your favorite Keneally
album? How long have you been a Mike Keneally fan? What do you think of
Oppy's latest CD? Did you get View yet? Which concerts have you been to
Post by alfee
now offer salads, water and fruit among other things -- so, if one has
a lifestyle that's really that busy, you can still get a salad and a
bottle of water and not feel as guilty as getting the burger and
I had a salad at McDonalds once. They called it a salad shaker. I could
not think of a more stupid idea for a salad. They served the thing in
plastic drinking cup. By the time I got the lid off, half of the salad went
flying all over the place. I had little left to eat, and was not about to
wait on that ridiculously long line to buy another overpriced salad.
A plain salad at McDonalds may be a healthy alternative, but once you add
the croutons and dressing, you may as well have ordered the Big Mac. Check
out the nutrition info of the fully loaded salad:


Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-19 17:45:23 UTC
Post by Alenda C
A plain salad at McDonalds may be a healthy alternative, but once you add
the croutons and dressing, you may as well have ordered the Big Mac. Check
That's a problem at a lot of restaurants and salad bars too. I keep
forgetting to tell them to hold the croutons. I don't eat them anyway, but
maybe they'll fill the bowl more without them. Or maybe not.
2004-08-17 21:40:50 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Ori Pessach
Post by Bruce Anderson
Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
McDonald's food is nutritious. It might have things in it that are bad
for you if you consume too much of it, and it may not have ALL the
nutrients your body needs (but if that's what you want, there was a guy
here selling a bottle that could take care of that, but he only had one,
so you're out of luck, unless you can find the guy he sold it to and buy
it from him,) but the food itself is fairly safe to consume in
moderation as a part of a healthy, balanced diet. It won't kill you
instantly, at least.
That's a matter of opinion and many will disagree. Many people's idea of
nutrition is based on the food pyramid that was put together by the USDA
decades ago. The Department of Agriculture's job is to sell food, not
determine what's good for you, and they came up with that idea without doing
any studies to see if it made any sense. In the ensuing decades, the nation
has gone from a rate of 25% overweight to over 50% overweight despite the
fact that we get more exercise, even though people think we don't.
There are things in McDonalds food that, under the right circumstances,
could result in death. Immediately following a meal high in saturated fats,
the endothelium is predisposed to constricting and clotting, and an
individual on the verge of a heart attack could get one as the result of
eating that meal. A meal low in saturated fats could literally save that
person's life.
Back in 1990, when McDonalds was attacked for their unhealthful French fries
that were cooked in saturated animal fat, they changed the recipe and led
people to believe that they were making them more healthful. What they did
instead is switched to a more dangerous trans fat. Many health experts have
said that there is no healthy amount that can be included in any diet. The
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences said that they are
not safe for human consumption at any level. Then in 2002, McDonalds said
they would change the recipe by 2003 to fix the problem with trans fats.
Not only didn't they change it, they tried to cover it up. Read the
I understand that there is some disagreement over this, but when the NAS
says no amount is safe, I'd like to see something a bit more concrete before
I decide that even a moderate amount is safe.
I agree -- McDonald's can be part of a perfectly healthy, balanced
diet -- the key is regular exercize and portion control. Not to
mention that McDonald's (among other fast food restaraunts) have begun
offering salads, water, and fruit. So, at this point, it's YOUR
decision to get the burger and fries rather than the salad. People
have no one else to blame but themselves. It's not like the healthier
alternatives aren't being offered.

Such being said, people can also get the burger and fries and live a
healthy lifestyle as well. People do it all the time.

I'll believe this "trans fats will kill you" argument when i see
someone die of a fast food overdose.
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-18 00:58:41 UTC
It won't kill you instantly, at least.
And in the end, that's all I ask of my food.

Tom Yost
2004-08-18 04:01:30 UTC
Post by Bruce Anderson
It won't kill you instantly, at least.
And in the end, that's all I ask of my food.
Nice fugu content.

J. D. Mack
2004-08-17 22:33:39 UTC
Post by Bruce Anderson
I think I'm gonna have to stop a McD's on the way to work to get
something nutritious. Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
Say what you want, but the McDonalds salad with grilled chicken is
darn tasty, and if you get the right kind of dressing, not too high in
the calories/fat dept. And it's nice to eat a fast food salad that
does not consist of 99% iceberg lettuce.

Also, the new Apple Dippers are wonderful. Consistantly crisp and
tasty. How cool is it thaadding Vitamin C will keep apples from
turning brown? And the caramel dipping suace only adds 100 calories,
though I usually discard it.

J. D.
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 03:20:31 UTC
Post by J. D. Mack
Post by Bruce Anderson
I think I'm gonna have to stop a McD's on the way to work to get
something nutritious. Holy cellulite, Batman! Did I just call something
of McDonald's NUTRITIOUS? Send help!
Say what you want, but the McDonalds salad with grilled chicken is
darn tasty, and if you get the right kind of dressing, not too high in
the calories/fat dept. And it's nice to eat a fast food salad that
does not consist of 99% iceberg lettuce.
That sounds decent, especially with the right kind of dressing.
2004-08-18 04:35:27 UTC
Classic a.m.m-k; an extended thread, with "Krispy Kremes" as it's subject,
in which every single reply is about McDonalds.

Explain this, I *never* eat at "Mac's Lounge", yet I'm at or near the most
overweight people in this group...

(Don't bother, Hags, I'm perfectly aware of the explanation behind this

Hi, Bruce! :-)
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-18 10:46:49 UTC
Post by smeenus
Classic a.m.m-k; an extended thread, with "Krispy Kremes" as it's subject,
in which every single reply is about McDonalds.
We weren't ever here to help, were we now?

Taking it slightly off McDonalds... I was killing time this morning,
listening very casually to the sportscast from the Olympics on TV while
reading this very thread. All of a sudden my girl bursts into laughter,
telling me one of the athletes (can't remember where from) is named

How weird is that, I ask you?
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 15:17:03 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
Taking it slightly off McDonalds... I was killing time this morning,
listening very casually to the sportscast from the Olympics on TV while
reading this very thread. All of a sudden my girl bursts into laughter,
telling me one of the athletes (can't remember where from) is named
How weird is that, I ask you?
It's not an uncommon name. It's more wierd that a hamburger no longer
resembles what came from Hamburg and we have shortened it so that it could
have come from any burg. It's even weirder that where I live, my kids
didn't know that hot dog is a slang term or what the real name for them is,
and their friends don't know either.
Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 15:31:34 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
Taking it slightly off McDonalds... I was killing time this morning,
listening very casually to the sportscast from the Olympics on TV while
reading this very thread. All of a sudden my girl bursts into laughter,
telling me one of the athletes (can't remember where from) is named
How weird is that, I ask you?
It's not an uncommon name. It's more weird that a hamburger no longer
resembles what came from Hamburg and we have shortened it so that it could
have come from any burg. It's even weirder that where I live, my kids
didn't know that hot dog is a slang term or what the real name for them is,
and their friends don't know either.
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-19 14:03:31 UTC
Post by Hagrinas Mivali
Post by Jaan Wessman
Taking it slightly off McDonalds... I was killing time this morning,
listening very casually to the sportscast from the Olympics on TV while
reading this very thread. All of a sudden my girl bursts into laughter,
telling me one of the athletes (can't remember where from) is named
How weird is that, I ask you?
It's not an uncommon name. It's more weird that a hamburger no longer
resembles what came from Hamburg and we have shortened it so that it could
have come from any burg. It's even weirder that where I live, my kids
didn't know that hot dog is a slang term or what the real name for them is,
and their friends don't know either.
Just trying to bring some levity into program, that's all. :-)

(who's in the know of 'Burger' not being an uncommon name)
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-19 14:07:02 UTC
Post by Jaan Wessman
(who's in the know of 'Burger' not being an uncommon name)
...and hoping no Burger takes offense upon reading my poorly constructed

Andrew Jones
2004-08-19 20:49:44 UTC

Will burger for DVDs?

Buy "None For the Money, Two For The Show" by Jaan Wessman: out 2004
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-20 11:37:32 UTC
Post by Andrew Jones
Will burger for DVDs?
I have absolutely no friggin' clue as to what it is you might be hinting
here but, yes, will burger for DVD's.

Speaking of which, the Floyd DVD's you so graciously lent us have now
been watched and are soon ready to be sent back to you.

And, but also, Olli Virtaperko of Ensemble Ambrosius rang me up a couple
of days ago to ask if you've progressed with the Umea footage. I told him
I'd be sending a joint e-mail for the two of you in a few days so that you
guys could get your addies and communicate directly. As you may have
noticed, I've yet to write that e-mail but...
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-18 14:02:49 UTC
Post by smeenus
Classic a.m.m-k; an extended thread, with "Krispy Kremes" as it's subject,
in which every single reply is about McDonalds.
I sure wasn't expecting the ensuing debate, to be certain.
Post by smeenus
Explain this, I *never* eat at "Mac's Lounge", yet I'm at or near the most
overweight people in this group...
You're not fat; you're big-boned.
Post by smeenus
(Don't bother, Hags, I'm perfectly aware of the explanation behind this
Post by smeenus
Hi, Bruce! :-)
Hiya Fear! Howzithangin?

Hagrinas Mivali
2004-08-18 15:11:53 UTC
Post by smeenus
Classic a.m.m-k; an extended thread, with "Krispy Kremes" as it's subject,
in which every single reply is about McDonalds.
Explain this, I *never* eat at "Mac's Lounge", yet I'm at or near the most
overweight people in this group...
(Don't bother, Hags, I'm perfectly aware of the explanation behind this
Did you ever hear the old saying, you are what you eat? Well it's not true.
Jaan Wessman
2004-08-19 14:17:09 UTC
I'm hungry.
Bruce Anderson
2004-08-19 14:23:40 UTC
Post by Sheryl
I'm hungry.
I go out for burgers.

McDonalds OK with everyone?
